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Jul 21, 2012 at 11:42 PM
Jul 25, 2010
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Portland, Or.
Wholesale pluming store, And Distribution warehous

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Member, from Portland, Or.

Hey every one, I'm back. Took forever to remember my password. Jul 21, 2012

oldcatsrock was last seen:
Jul 21, 2012
    1. oldcatsrock
      Hey every one, I'm back. Took forever to remember my password.
      1. Mika40
        Hey Oldcat there's not alot to do until Home comes back:( guess i'll setup a flicker account start a fashion album and tweet myself to death lol ooh yeah continue to work on my profile page congrats on your new place also.
        1. Mika40
          ooh nice pic in japan I want fairy wings you think lockwood will have ones come out that are animated? let's pray hun see ya soon:)
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        4. About

          Portland, Or.
          Wholesale pluming store, And Distribution warehous
          Well for starters I'm 40 yrs. old. Iv'e been playing games since I was 10 give or take a yr. I love my PS3 " has to be the best platform Iv'e ever used." What else, hmm. Oh. Friendship is a ++. As I have friends that I'v'e known for 30 yrs, My best friend Iv'e known for 27 yrs, And we still party and hang out.
          Oh yeah 1 more thing.. Some were in the back of my mind, I think gamers are the future of world peace!! :)
          One more thing I am oldcatsrock, Not only on here, But PSN
          And every were else!!
          Happy Gaming!! :)

          Games, Skiing, Kayaking, Camping in the snow, Seeiing the stars on a clear summer night.
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