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JP Japan Home Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, Jan 8, 2011.

  1. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Whew! Finally got my Smile chibi! I thank Mizu for helping me at the last minute.

    The space was deserted since it was early morning in Japan, I had 3 females with crowns on, and I invited Mizu to help out before the change of day began (which was 7pm EST). Just in time too! We lost the first round to one question due to no quick response, but we played again and won the game and the Smile companion with ease.
  2. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
    Valued Member

    Jan 22, 2011
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    My deepest apologies if I insulted you in any way… or anyone else for that matter… I assure you that wasn't my intention. As I stated quite clearly, I was only discussing my dissatisfaction with Home's current state.

    I've been a Home user (in four regions) since I was invited to participate in the summer 2008 Beta, and for the first two years I was among the few who actively provided in-depth information & translations of Japanese events. Home had an incredible amount of potential, I had a wonderful time exploring the various lands with my friends, and I helped out in areas I could. Sony promised many things with Home, and they indeed delivered on much of it.

    However, Home has drastically changed focus in recent months, and not necessary for the better… and I'm not the only one who feels that way. So many friends & acquaintances have said they've become weary of Home this year (for various reasons), that they hardly come in now. If only Home could be run on good intentions alone, eh?

    What I wrote was merely one viewpoint out of many, and it is neither "right" nor "wrong" — it is just an opinion, and everyone is entitled to have one. But the one thing we should all have is respect for one another — for example, I may not necessarily agree with someone else's opinion, but I will always respect their position & personal decisions… especially if they can state their case in a rational manner.

    Just think how boring this world would be if everyone was exactly the same, shared the same thoughts, and liked all the exact same things… :eek:

    Strider explained many of my own Midway thoughts quite well, so there's no need to reiterate that. But there are a few things I'd still like to add…

    First, it really isn't fair to me to pick a single sentence out of context and take exception to it. My apprehension of the Midway games was based only on my own observations and participation; what I wrote was based solely on my own perspective of that situation.

    I know several people who've spent US$20 - $40 in Midway. I also know someone who dropped just under US$200 trying desperately to get all the rewards. Whatever the amount, I just happen to find it distasteful for Sony to push this type of addictive gameplay on the community. But they can only take advantage of you if you let them.

    I'm 47 and well-versed with real carnival games of "chance" and "skill". Just like Vegas, the odds are in favor of the house. Those odds are skewed because the majority of games exploit various optical illusions or other tricks to make it difficult (if not impossible) to win by sheer skill. If you take a close look, you'll notice that the Midway games emulate these exact same tricks — like "Spilt Milk", which utilizes a concave (curved inward) base to keep the milk bottles from rolling off after being hit.

    I have indeed tried all the Midway games… but I certainly don't have to play all these games "through" to the end to know I don't want to finish some… or that I'm clearly being taken advantage of. I cleared "High Roller" with about 15 tickets (I had a "winning streak" of 4 in a row). Yet on the free "Miz Fortune", it took maybe three weeks of attempts to pass Level 6 — that's far worse odds than if I tried to win through pure random chance with my eyes closed. In the end, I obtained the (very) few items I wanted from that space; I saw no reason to waste my time or money on collecting 180+ items I didn't want, especially from games I found neither fun nor (legitimately) challenging.

    Again, sorry you decided to take offense where none was clearly intended.

    'Nuff said.
  3. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
    Valued Member

    Jan 22, 2011
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    Obviously there was a language barrier problem here — I was not being serious, I was joking.

    Sorry for your misunderstandings…

  4. K-rolyne72

    K-rolyne72 Active Member

    Sep 21, 2010
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    Hi all, i tried the capcom quizz this morning, it's back to 1st chibi i won, so i guess it's finished for me
    anyway, for those who want to play, i'm available to help in capcom's garden mornings (7.00 AM French time) and evenings (around 7.30 PM)
  5. v_Trillian_v

    v_Trillian_v Fun Lover

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Baron I'm not sure how else I would take you saying "none of the games relied on skill or intelligence, just pure dumb luck" other than clearly as an insult to me or anyone else who finished all Midway games, and there's no need for you to be sorry I "decided to take offense where none was clearly intended." Thanks for your opening apology though.

    Stryder and yourself are the only ones who have met people who spent 100s of dollars on Midway that I've known. Of all the people I've ever met who finished Midway, not a single one has spent over 25 dollars. You've apparently found the exception(s) to the rule.

    I may be addicted to Home a bit at times, but like the majority of others here I don't find addictive gameplay such a negative thing. If something is fun and we receive enjoyment from it are we to feel bad about that? Does paying $5, $25 or $60 for any addictive game mean we're being taken advantage of because there's some type of challenge to it? Whether you feel it's a "legitimate" challenge or not, it is still a challenge.

    So a milk container is concaved, to make the game more difficult. Why isn't it skillful when a practiced carny knocks them over? Or when an individual fairgoer locates the point where the bottles are most easily knocked over and wins a big teddy for me by doing that? To me that shows both intelligence in finding that point and skill when executing the knockdown throw.

    You site Miz Fortune as particular trouble for yourself. But you needn't have closed your eyes to have had a better chance but rather kept them open and read the forums as others had posted the pattern to follow for a quicker completion of that particular game. A friend of mine named RayBlade alongside other people posted many helpful ways to more easily complete the games of Midway one and two.

    I'm happy you didn't waste too much of your money or time on things you found neither fun nor in your estimation legitmately challenging. You chose wisely, for yourself, and I'll choose whether or not I think I'm being taken advantage of, for myself.

    You know, even at 20 dollars for 100 items, that's like 20 cents per item. How about 200 items for 20 dollars? I suppose for some the items would all have to be of great personal value to make that a steal of a deal, but it still seems like I'm the one who's taking advantage of things nevertheless.

    Indeed our perceptions aren't the same. Home will always have potential, that's an idea that simply will never be in the past tense.

    'Nuff said myself.

    Happy gaming!
  6. strider367

    strider367 Active Member

    Nov 13, 2010
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    Thank you Trillian your response is a very good example how discussions should be on the forums. Very well written and thought out bravo. You too Herr Baron my friend lol...

    When midway first came out I notice then something was not right. That's when I took a real close look at these programs. I spent a great deal of time watching. But more importantly asking other gamers their thoughts on those games. Several of my friends were doing this also. As well as reading everything on the forums. So I was able to developed a bigger picture of what they were doing there. A clear picture also emerged of what people were spending on these games. I was astounded by those numbers as I said before. Also that lag everyone had a problem with may have been artificially introduced into that site. For obvious reasons more lag more money for them.

    I don't say things like scam or fraud lightly. That is a serious charge I was making. But once I had enough evidence. I made my opinion very clear on the other forum and directly to Sony. Funny how many people don't believe anyone would spend that kind of money. As I said before they are preying on people who have addictive personalties. My French friends spend a several hundred Euros. Because they were competing who would get the gold than later purple jacket first.

    I know most people don't like hanging around there. That place does have more than it's share of perv's and loons. I know I spent way too much time there lol. I still don't like the idea that Sony would get into bed with these people. Allowing this scam to be perpetrated on the Home community at large...
  7. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    Trill, when I don't see how Baron's post is an insult to anyone. He was just complaining about a game he didnt like. It's like someone saying " I think Professional wrestling is stupid", then some fan takes that as "He called me STUPID! HOW DARE HE!"

    I think Baron is entitled to express his opinion that some game in Home is bad. Even if someone else likes it. but...Trill... I also think it's kinda bad to lash at him in public too.....Can't we just say, "Hey, I disagree. Because ____" instead?

    BTW Personally, I also think $25 is a huge amount for Midway. But then, I'm still kinda stunned by the mansion.

    It's all in the eye of the beholder I guess...
  8. Braddicus

    Braddicus There is no Conspiracy.<br><img src="http://www.yo

    Feb 14, 2011
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    So, is there anything special I should know about developing content for Home Japan? You know, hypothetically speaking ;)
    Customs, Consumer trends etc...
  9. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Cute Customs for sure when it comes to Japan. Anything anime and cosplay also.
  10. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    ditto on what Carla mentioned. Japanese LOVE ubber cute.

    They LOOOOVE Nendroid characters. That's ubber short, childlike versions of a character. For example, you can make a nendroid with a blue Home shirt.
  11. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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  12. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Faga, when will Japan Home be releasing the Egg game from Lockwood? Or will it not come out at all?

    Nice of them to come out with Midway! ^^
  13. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    Have no idea on the Egg game. It seems localized so I believe it's coming. Probably next week? When is Easter by the way?
    Can try asking Lockwood on twitter if they can answer on that.
  14. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Easter is on the 24th of April. Hence, the day what Chad said about unlocking the Gooslings companions from his post.
  15. Yoshikawa

    Yoshikawa Active Member

    Feb 4, 2011
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    anyone know the rewards for PachiPara 17 ^^;;
  16. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    All I know is that they're rewards for the female outfits from the intro - the singing idol ones from both girls. The other rewards, I'm not too sure since I don't have the game myself.
  17. KCChad

    KCChad Trophy Junkie

    Dec 31, 2010
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    I'll go out on a limb here and say the Eggcellent Plan will come to JP next week. With the Lockwood Cauldron it came to NA, EU, and HK all in the same week, then JP the following week. The game was localized for JP accounts so its definitely coming.
  18. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    it's possible that it was scheduled to debut either this week or next but because of the earthquake, it may have not been completely finished for JP. The tragedy doesn't directly effect a cyber world, but the japanese are like anyone else, might have been had lower productivity following something so deeply emotional....

    We don't know what's going on. But we can hope...
  19. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    @ KCChad: That's like almost the same as cosplaying maids. XD
  20. hyperkane

    hyperkane mm (©_©) mm

    Jan 14, 2011
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    I just collected 2 stamps from this weeks issue of Toro Station while getting ready for work. I don't know if it might result in a 'In-Home' reward or an 'In-game' reward because I have to go to work. Looks like it might be puzzle cubes for Home. IDK? I have to go to work. (^^)//~~~byez

    Edit: I took an In-game pic of the stamp screen. I can post it after work if anyone would like to see it? :p
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