Some of you might have read or heard about this, but apparently Sony is currently under attack by an elite group of hackers known as "Anonymous". These people are linked to Geohot, most of which you all remember for breaching Sony's system, and who are now retaliating against Sony for their actions against those who share that kind of information about Sony's software and such. The sudden emergency maintenances and PS forum sign in issues are a direct result of this infamous group and what they are currently doing. Here's a link and article that give more information about the situation between Sony and Anonymous. Bon courage Sony…
This is just my personal view...... The way I see it is that this is just an entertainment device. There's nothing about a playstation that is worth JAILTIME. And I think it's stupid as stupid can be to commit an act that might put you in jail for anything related to a Playstation. Sony may not have the best ethics to say the least. Corporations can be bastards. And while I don't see any signs that the kids hacking are "evil". ...I think this is just plain out stupid. Criminally stupid. Sony, Geohot, you, me and everyone else have the perfect right to use our legal system to correct an injustice or to prove our innocence. One day the court shall make a decision. Hopefully, it will be a good one. But what bothers me is those few individuals are doing a cyber-jihad. They have abandoned OUR laws and legal system and see themselves as the sole judge of right and wrong. Which is stupid and arrogant. They believe their cause justifies attacks on an institution, even though they are breaking the law and harming the innocent. But harming the innocent is NEVER justified. It's cyber-terrorism. And we're the innocent bystanders who suffering from the attacks. This is blatantly against the law.This must stop. there is no justification for what they are doing to US. And I have no doubt that those few nuts will eventually pay for crossing the line. Anyways, sorry for the preaching rant. ^^
Its either 2012 judgement day coming for corporate greed or there exist "Online Robinhood" that seeking out the wrong and correct them.
There's no such thing as freedom of information... its a pipedream... one that should've been realized 20 years ago. I find their cause is not worthy of even this thread.
Other than hearing this, have any of you experienced this problem? I myself have not (knock on wood) ... but a few friends yesterday PM'ed me saying the opposite. I too think this is pretty pathetic as they're really hurting us, the users, while pretending to uphold some kind of hacker justice.
Everybody knows the ending of this ridiculous tragicomedy "Sony online gaming became a paid service at the end" and that just blows. I know is a console, but i support the use of the law to punish the stupid hackers. I pay for my games, and i dont want any mediocre pirate guy who steals games and make backups to everybody, when u pay for something, u have the right to make a accusation. Or u guys think is just a bunch of angry geeks/nerds have the rights to steal ur credit card info or digital content??? thats not right. Those are my 2 cents.
I think the hacker is at it again with the PS Network this morning or so continue the whole day. Can't sign-in at the moment and reporting live on April 6th, 2011 @ 9:25am EST.
I was having problems accessing the store (was already signed in before the problems began today) I managed to get in finally just a few moments ago and download the plus content, shame they haven't added 1 of the discounts yet as advertised on the storefront (EU) but these kids are getting on my nerve now (assuming it's them again) they know what they claim to be fighting for is BS and just want attention, simple as that, and if they truly believe in what they're fighting for they're even dumber for attacking psn and the customers they claim to be fighting for...
had no problem to reach Japan home today but had to wait maybe 45 mins to get access with my US after ... hope Sony'll fix this soon
yep there aiming at the web based servers, there easier to find and target for them. PSN did have a few probs logging into but that's hit and miss for people.
Sadly, we had to pull about half of our items from this weeks update due to the attacks by Anonymous. Given the situation, we can't rightfully appear to be supporting the enemies of the platform we do business on. We went ahead with the #WINNING shirt, because while the Warlock's catchphrase is obviously an internet Meme, the artwork is an original creation.
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope that won't cause your company too much difficulties. You guys deserved to get paid for your hard work. And your company should profit for it too. We are all getting frustrated at Anonymous.
those people are relly getting impopular among PSN users, took me ages and attempts yesterday to log on PSN and reach NA Home
Anonymous suspends PlayStation Network attacks Hackctivist group Anonymous has "temporarily" suspended its attacks on the PlayStation Network. The collective said on its website that it's revising its strategy in a bid to make sure its assault on Sony doesn't draw consumers into the firing line. "During the last few days, Anonymous has been targeting Sony for their outrageous treatment of not only PS3 users and jailbreakers, but also of the general public," it said. "Anonymous is not attacking the PSN at this time. Sony's official position is that the PSN is undergoing maintenance. We realise that targeting the PSN is not a good idea. We have therefore temporarily suspended our action, until a method is found that will not severely impact Sony customers. "Anonymous is on your side, standing up for your rights," the group added. "We are not aiming to attack customers of Sony. This attack is aimed solely at Sony, and we will try our best to not affect the gamers, as this would defeat the purpose of our actions. If we did inconvenience users, please know that this was not our goal. "That being said, our campaign against Sony and others that would trample on the idea of free information will continue, until we are satisfied with the outcome." Anonymous has warned Sony that the worst is yet to come, describing its recent attacks on the platform holder in support of infamous PS3 cracker George 'Geohot' Hotz as mere "poking and prodding".
Thanks Karen! Glad to hear there will be some let up in this. These acts of terrorism over a videogame machine is stupid as you can get. ... And I'm glad at least we won't have to deal with them...
This whole entire jailbreak thing has gone too far, IMO. Every system has been modded for homebrew and such before... JUST LOOK AT THE FREAKING PSP. But the PS3? Oh no. With that its been essentially this... Sony: "PS3 is unhackable!" Hackers: "lol we hacked it. :3" Sony: "HTIF$% JFC)DS SURRENDER THE KEYS NAO" Anonymous: "You dare to attack the hackers? YOU. MUST. PAY." Innocent Gamers (aka us): "@_@."
According to Playstation Blog............. Settlement in George Hotz Case + Posted by Patrick Seybold // Sr. Director, Corporate Communications & Social Media Joint Statement Sony Computer Entertainment America (“SCEA”) and George Hotz (“Hotz”) today announced the settlement of the lawsuit filed by SCEA against Hotz in federal court in San Francisco, California. The parties reached an agreement in principle on March 31, 2011. As part of the settlement, Hotz consented to a permanent injunction. Both parties expressed satisfaction that litigation had been quickly resolved. “Sony is glad to put this litigation behind us,” said Riley Russell, General Counsel for SCEA. “Our motivation for bringing this litigation was to protect our intellectual property and our consumers. We believe this settlement and the permanent injunction achieve this goal.” “It was never my intention to cause any users trouble or to make piracy easier,” said Hotz, “I’m happy to have the litigation behind me.” Hotz was not involved in the recent attacks on Sony’s internet services and websites. In the action, SCEA accused Hotz of violating federal law by posting online information about the security system in the PlayStation 3 videogame console and software that SCEA claimed could be used to circumvent the security system in the console and allow the playing of pirated videogames. Hotz denies any wrongdoing on his part. Hotz’s motion to dismiss for lack of personal jurisdiction was still pending before the federal court in San Francisco but a preliminary injunction was issued requiring Hotz to take down the postings challenged by SCEA. “We want our consumers to be able to enjoy our devices and products in a safe and fun environment and we want to protect the hard work of the talented engineers, artists, musicians and game designers who make PlayStation games and support the PlayStation Network,” added Russell. “We appreciate Mr. Hotz’s willingness to address the legal issues involved in this case and work with us to quickly bring this matter to an early resolution.”