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Conspiracy Clubhouse / Personal Space Brainstorming

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Braddicus, Mar 30, 2011.

  1. Braddicus

    Braddicus There is no Conspiracy.<br><img src="http://www.yo

    Feb 14, 2011
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    We started a lively discussion about clubhouses/apartments, I wanted to start a thread for people to make a list of their favorite features for me to steal, er, I mean, Consider for a possible future space.

    Pros and Cons of Clubhouses vs. Apartments?

    Features Wishlist?
  2. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    In other words, [MENTION=1072]Braddicus[/MENTION] could not keep up with the chatbox and got is hands covered in pen ;)

    Anyway, I would really like to see more use of hard coded lighting in spaces that you can turn off and on to swap the mood of the space, from a light setting to more a dark one, this helps when it comes to having a party, drop the lighting and light items stand out much better and give a far greater feeling.
  3. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    lol Carla! Nice idea with the mood lighting too!

    Great idea for a thread Brad, considering the brainstrom that was happening earlier in the chatbox. I personally, love the idea of a themed clubhouse....that would be a Home game changer for sure!

    Imo, the biggest benefit to the clubhouse over any personal space, as was mentioned in chatbox, is the number of people that you can invite. Unfortunately, it seems as though updating of any kind to the clubhouse space has not been a priority, so if you can make it happen Braddicus, we will have to have one big party at the Conspiracy clubhouse with you as the Guest of Honor! XD
  4. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    I like that idea too. I noticed that alot of spaces I buy look MUCH better when I add lights to add some variation in a mostly evenly lit space. But the maximum of 6 lights don't go very far. Especialy since all the lights you can buy are very limited in brightness. Some you turn on and can barely see a difference!

    I really wish I had some more powerful lights for my apt.
  5. Kimilicious

    Kimilicious Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    Hi :p

    I Do Love How Developers Ask For Users Input :D

    The Idea Of Having A Conspiracy Clubhouse/Apartment Sounds So Cool.

    I Know We Were Discussing It In The Chatbox BUT Like Carla Said You Might Have Not Caught It All .. Heee Heee :p

    I Liked Diamond's Idea Of Having The Space Double Story! Sony Promised So Many Things For The People That Owned Clubhouses BUT Never Actually Did Anything Aside From A Bug Fix. Its Been The Same, Old Space For A Long Time. Now That Conspiracy Has Brought Up The Idea Of A Possible Themed Clubhouse Or Apartment, I Am All For It. The Clubhouse We Currently Have Doesn't Have Much Features To It, I Wish It Did :) ..

    Some Of The Ideas That Were Mentioned In The Chatbox :

    - Variety Of Wallpapers (i know you did mention wallpaper is not a priority) .. Customizable Wallpapers Too
    - Lights On/Off (not the little dimming like in Harbour studio in specific corners, im talking the entire space)
    - Flooring ? (a variety of flooring would be cool; hardwood, linoleum ect.)
    - Picture Frame Support (if possible)
    - Built-In TVs (maybe show videos of Conspiracy ?)
    - Double Story with Pool (Diamond's idea and i must admit that would be awesome to have :p)
    - The # Of People
    - Day/Night Cycle (if possible; it can follow a 24 minute cycle like it does in Burnout Paradise)
    - Possible Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Dens To Resemble What A Real Apartment/House Look Like With Yards And Balconys
    - Breathtaking View ? :p .. Perhaps Something Never In Other Apartments .. Alps ? Hee Hee, My Friend Wants Neverland As The View ;D

    If Anyone Has More Ideas .. Pile On .. Im Sure Brad Would Love More Input From Other Users As Well :)

    The Only Issue That I See If It Becomes A Clubhouse Is For People Who Already Own A Club Since You Can Only Have One Club BUT You Can Be Apart Of 5 Clubs. If It Becomes An Apartment, The Limit To 11 People Is Applied :( .. Damn Limitations!

    I Do Hope The Idea Goes Through, I Personally Would Love A New Exciting Place To Hangout In Whether Its Clubhouse Or Apartment. The Features Is What Will Set It Apart From Other Apartments And Clubhouses :)


    This Maybe Off-Topic .. Is There Possibility For Medieval Castles, Enchanted Cottage, Haunted Houses, Motels And Possible Weather Effects ? :p

    Gosh There Is So Much Ideas .. LoL
  6. Shaundi

    Shaundi Third Street Saints
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    Jan 16, 2011
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    Well in the clubhouse settings for any specific club there is a section that lets you select the clubhouse, so it's possible you can change clubhouse without disbanding the club and, this I'm not 100% sure about, maybe keep the layout for each clubhouse saved.

    I think all the ideas shared so far are great, especially love the idea of a nightclub type space or at least the option to dim the lights or switch them off altogether, a swimming pool would be great (with the ability to swim and dive into if possible) some built in music or videos would be great (as long as we have the ability to switch them on/off).

    Now in terms of a conspiracy themed space, having it look similar to the conspiracy main lounge would work best, with it being dark and having the lava streams, security doors (maybe with a hidden room behind it or even just teleports you to conspiracy), some kind of new mini game. On a separate note but not entirely unrelated would be nice if you had a bundle with the clubhouse and all conspiracy related furniture at a reduced price or a full conspiracy bundle containing everything released yet (minus the gold companion :p), maybe even a few different bundles for those interested in only certain content (conspiracy game bundle with every item for use in the game, clubhouse bundle containing clubhouse and furniture, clothing bundle... well that one you can work out yourself ;D)
  7. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    I like it when the creators of the space realize that there's no need to limit us to a small area. Virtual acreage is cheap. I like exploring my own space. To walk in a large area.

    Course it's always good to have a space that grows. So that it slowly unlocks more and more. that way you enjoy it longer.

    I always thought Locoroco island is one of the best designs for a appt. First it's a great artistic design with plenty of character. But the greatest feature is that you can slowly earn points that unlock new additions to the apartment. So it's continually amazing you. Continually growing. Even adding music to the lounge. Music really adds alot to an apt. And Earning songs is really fun.

  8. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    I have a design in my head, might draw it up tonight and scan it
  9. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Can tell i have not done any drawings for ages, so i'm going put it into words and them maybe a real artist could do a fast drawing.

    Anyway i see the club house as in a cave. You have the main area that's nice and open but down one side you have some seats/sofas and tables that are inset into the waves with lighting in each.

    At one end of the room you have a 2nd floor with a set of stairs each side (might be cool to see lave flowing down the inside of the outer stairs what come from the lave flow i take about below and meets back up with it) and its set into the cave face with just a small open front part sticking out that's supported by two pillars.

    Inside that area you have a bar made from rock with a big glass wall behind it that you can see lave flowing down behind the glass, this then runs under the floor (in view, covered with glass & mesh) and down the inside of the two support pillars and then in two thin channels it runs away under the main floor (in view, covered with glass & mesh) and out of the space.

    In one the back corners of the space there if like a small 2nd cave that as the club systems message board in it (kinda a meeting/planning area).

    Hope @Braddicus gets what i mean and is able to put my words into images.
  10. the_fps

    the_fps Active Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    The clubhouses are not interesting to me. It seems disconnected when you have to go from the PC forums to check any info out on the club, but thats something I wish Home in general had a better solution for.

    I like the expandability of Darlas and locoroco as well as the Dolphy apts' interactivity with public spaces. Having a game that is half played in your personal space and then in the public space is tops.
  11. flutterby83

    flutterby83 Active Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    Yes interaction with the conspiracy public space would be great for an apartment. And the slow discovery of new things. Otherwise its just another place without much purpose. As far as clubhouses go I would like to see an up-to-date version. Clubhouses dont allow posters either. It would be nice to be able to do so. there are equally good advantages to both spaces.
  12. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Don't think clubs can support photo frames due to legal matters, because for them to work in a club house Sony would need to host the images and that opens a lot of legal problems, where personal space the user hosts them from there ps3, that's why they have to be in the space for others to be there.
  13. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    This is one reason why I want something like pictureframes as ornaments. they can be posters from various games in Sony or 3rd party posters like Conspiracy. But most of us know how to float objects. And that would work great in Home's clubs. There are a few items like that. But not all that many.

    Provided that Home 1.5 don't wipe out that glitch. But that really could happen. I'm guessing it will.
  14. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    When you watch back to the 2007/2008 videos, you could hang photo frames anywhere, it's a shame they removed that and made it preset slots.

    I would really like to see some 'wall lights' that you can place in the slots and turn off and on.
  15. Braddicus

    Braddicus There is no Conspiracy.<br><img src="http://www.yo

    Feb 14, 2011
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    I'm taking note off all these ideas. I still have some time before the design is solidified. Right now our priorities are 1) Making virtual items that people actually want to buy and keeping the doors of our studio open, 2) The crazy-huge task of converting everything for EU, and 3) Making an amazing new space that is your go-to spot in home. Be that an apartment, clubhouse, or new conspiracy-related space.
  16. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Many thanks Brad. Im sure 2 is a real big task, but they will like it.
  17. the_fps

    the_fps Active Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    I could care less about number 2, Im in the US, just make more stuff for us!

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