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JP Japan Home Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, Jan 8, 2011.

  1. KCChad

    KCChad Trophy Junkie

    Dec 31, 2010
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    Nice to see the reward bug is gone and rid of Angel, good work :p

    I still despise the JP devs for removing those items, if anything they've done, that is the first thing I disprove of them doing. Not only was it pointless to remove a few harmless items, but it led to this atrocious rewards bug that has been hitting everyone hard especially as of late. The worst part is, there are most likely several users out there that are getting these notices now and have no idea what the hell to do. Also to reward collectors who have been around since Open beta began, and literally have everything and can't make the 21 item requirement. They should have just left things as is :/
  2. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Yes, it was their blunder using Winter Wonderland in their Home region to be made public. But they had to think of lawsuits from Sony's other regions if word gets out.
  3. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    I don't think it's that guys.

    Somebody created that artwork with their hard work. The lounge, and the rewards and the event games. And they should get paid when it's used. And if Home Japan uses it, there are people that need to get paid. People make a living off of art. And if corporations take art without paying for it, then some artist can't make money. that's a job that don't exist no more.

    I guess if Japan Home had to chose to suddenly fork over more money they would have to cancel something coming up. And they chose not to.

    The one thing that Sony Japan seriously deserves criticism for is they didn't FIX the database error. That's the real problem. If they fixed it, we could live without the WW items. We'll miss it, but it's understandable.

    This error should have been fixed by now.
  4. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    I agree with FF, but not sure about the database error thing though. Sony EU probably has control of how the database was programmed, and Sony Japan only has access to it, but has no control on reprogramming it. Sony Japan did announce the error here, PlayStation®Home ƒIƒtƒBƒVƒƒƒ‹ƒTƒCƒg, and states the only way to fix it is to collect as many rewards that was taken away. They haven't stated anything on a fix coming from them.

    We could blame them for not giving ways of filling those rewards, but then WWL was hacked by someone in the first place and then spread to users. Most people probably knew it wasn't legit and was taking some kind of risk, and the outcome was this.
  5. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    It's also worth noting that April 1 in Home Japan usually comes with a flood of rewards. And had the April 1 event not been cancelled, most of us would probably have gotten enough rewards to overcome that problem. So the problem was going to be solved soon.

    But then the earthquake hit. And everything became a mess....

    Personally, I was waiting for the Irem event to fix my account. But when it was cancelled I had to find other means. So I used some psn store games to get a few more rewards. But that was a mistake. That caused an error which eliminated a dozen rewards. So i had to use invites to NA private spaces to earn rewards.

    21 is alot of items. But it goes fast. There are 4 headbands from Macross supporters event. The VF25 if you earned that. 2 shirts from the new Disgaea 4 lounge. So that's 6 or 7 everyone should be able to get easily. Then there are Darla's Den, Aurora apt, Villian's Lair, and the conspiracy machines for more rewards.

    Hopefully that will be enough...
  6. strider367

    strider367 Active Member

    Nov 13, 2010
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    There was more to this winter wonderland issue than artist's not getting paid. Licensing and copyrights was at the forefront of this problem. Even though they did not install that space in question. Never the less it was on their site. Japan Home took a long look at this issue and realize they had a major copyright infringement problem on their hands. Even if they paid for the license after the fact. They still would have been liable for copyright infringement for that time WW was on without the proper license. That would of turned into a very long and costly legal battle. One they couldn't possibly win and that would have hurt Japan Home dearly in the end. In turn it would have cost us too.

    My point being the removal of these rewards was not a unilateral decision. It was an agreement Japan Home worked out with the developer of WW and all the other parties involved. It may have seem draconian to the people who still have the missing item problem. But it was the only solution Japan Home could of made at that time. Remember as I said before. They could of banned everyone who had these items in their inventory. So I still believe this was the best solution for everyone involved...
  7. hyperkane

    hyperkane mm (©_©) mm

    Jan 14, 2011
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    Yay Angel. I finally got brave enough to check my inventory and I'm missing both Macross rewards and other stuff too I'm sure. I'm too sick about it to care right now. If I feel different about it tomorrow I might ask for help. Add Hjackman if you want to help me get Personal Space rewards, I'm still receiving NEW ITEM notices. I may try to go recover a few or just wait until the items are returned. At this point I really don't care. :mad: :( :p ;D

    EDIT: I got shoes and pants (M/F) from Dragon's Green and a few missing rewards still available in JP and I think my error is fixed. Here's hoping my missing Macross reward returns by itself. :)
  8. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    if you need me, I would be happy to help. I never unlocked big bang but you are welcome to use my Darla Den. I have the 3 conspiracy machines too.
  9. hyperkane

    hyperkane mm (©_©) mm

    Jan 14, 2011
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    Thanks FF. Trillian offered a Den invite tomorrow. However, I got the shoes and pants from Dragon's Green, plus the last Conpiracy shirt(s) I needed in JP then revisited Macross kiosk and Disagae space, so I think my error is now fixed. I'm not in any rush for more rewards at this point. Thank you both for the offer and I may take y'all up on it at some point.
  10. angelxsniperwolf

    Jan 6, 2011
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    hey kane if you need any more rewards i have villians lair , toy story and lbp spaces if you or anyone needs help geting rid of their bug...toy story u get 5 items total m/f shirts for bed game and darts game and a flashlight for the block game. let me know i'll be glad to help all i can.
  11. hyperkane

    hyperkane mm (©_©) mm

    Jan 14, 2011
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    After having filled my missing inventory error slots in JP last night, I just now went to Theater 1 (now showing GAMEDIGGIN' trailer) and was immediately re-awarded with my missing Macross SDF-1 reward!. Yay! Me! Victory! ;D
  12. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    YAY!!! I'm glad you got the SDF1 back!!! That's a probably one of the coolest rewards IMHO that Home has ever released! :D
  13. KCChad

    KCChad Trophy Junkie

    Dec 31, 2010
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    I finally got some more yen and picked up a few things from the sale yesterday. I have to say, the sale items in Japan are much more desirable and better than the ones in US. I really don't see why Japan offers goods from third party creators like Lockwood and nDreams at discounted prices, while NA can't do the same and instead put up crappy miscellaneous items that nobody wants to buy. To be honest its almost an insult, especially to those who have been around much longer and have been pouring several dollars into the service, and we're finally offered a sale and this is what we get.

    On a better note, I picked up the room partition, one of the Uncharted waters online outfits, and Lars outfit from Tekken. I'm especially loving the Uncharted waters outfit, made a sort of Steampunk type avatar with that outfit plus Aurora bronze goggles and Sevens top hat ;D
  14. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I really ought to kick myself for this but - I didn't realize I needed to check the bubbles in the water (I kinda thought it was a "clue" to go searching) at the Bonk space. One of them presented me with twin stone axes monument after I hit X. Wow... I wonder how many I missed during the trips coming in and out, thinking they were time-released items. :p

    EDIT: There's 3 PS Move trailers in Theater 4, but there's no reward for watching them. However, there's some nice games coming out with them - one is the PS Move Heroes that's out already here. But, the Ape Escape one is funny, because there's a mascot of Seru-san that beats you over the head with the shojo hammer over some people playing it for the first time. Also, the PS Move Heroes trailer also features the Ratchet mascot. ;)

    Also, since this is the week for Hanami ("Flower watching") in Japan, here's a look on what it's about and how they celebrate it: Hanami Festival
  15. Art_of_Ronin

    Art_of_Ronin Active Member

    Feb 17, 2011
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    Ahh yes, the Hanami Festival or the Sakura viewing during beginning of Spring. My sis is heading to Japan in April and so she might catch that event. It would be nice to sit down with your friends or Japanese friends under the Cherry blossom tree and have a great snack and beer fest and seeing the beautiful Cherry blossom pedals fall in the light breeze. :eek:
  16. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I wished I was there right now... :p I love sakura trees.
  17. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    I got it too. Room Partition is still costly at 250 yen, even though that's half off. But it's really nice. Campfire is definitely a steal at 50 yen. It's animated too.
  18. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I bought the Room Partition too, but before the sale - which was alright, since it was near the time to grab some more yen anyways. I have that in my Harbor Studio in JP Home, and it's very nice.

    Last night, I did went back to the sale and bought some more outfits - I bought a nice blue Chinese guard uniform and the white Uncharted Waters classy uniform for myself, then I bought for the ladies' side the sexy femme fatale dress from Dynasty Warriors Online that Joanna Dark made a movie of on the forum here, and Lightning from FF13. I had 50 yen left over, so to round it off to the hundreds, I bought the Techno animated Black shirt from Lockwood.

    The blue Chinese guard uniform is awesome, and it didn't show skin than the Zheng He purple outfit I gotten - which was totally gay. lol
  19. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    Ouch! Even on sale the room partition was expensive for what it is. :D
  20. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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