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Conspiracy Reward Suggestions

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Braddicus, Mar 17, 2011.

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  1. Braddicus

    Braddicus There is no Conspiracy.<br><img src="http://www.yo

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Hey guys! I wanted to get some feedback from Conspiracy players on what rewards you'd like to see in future updates.

    As designers, we tend to want to make t-shirts, because they're like little billboards. It seems though that many players are flooded with shirts. I've tried to make sure that the shirts we release have though put into them so they don't just sit in the back of your closets!

    So give me some feedback. What Conspiracy-related reward items are you dying to see?
  2. Shaundi

    Shaundi Third Street Saints
    Valued Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Some jeans, skirts, shorts or dresses would be nice, I think the animated tshirts from the arcade cabinets are nice and to see similar designs on other types of clothing such as those previously stated would be good.

    Also great to see you request and consider our ideas on what we would like for reward items :)
  3. hyperkane

    hyperkane mm (©_©) mm

    Jan 14, 2011
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    Uncharted had some awesome cargo pants with "UNCHARTED" all the way down the leg. I wore them forever and still wear them a lot. I understand that some rewards may take too much time developing but if it's stylish clothing it may be worn more than other clothing rewards. Just thinking out loud. :O Maybe a cool Fedora or pith helmet with your Logo on it. Trying to make it sort of simple. :p

    :cool: Conspiracy Community Thread :rolleyes:
  4. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    Really cool that you are asking the community for ideas Braddicus. I really like all of the previous suggestions and would like to add the ideas of a Conspiracy trench coat, some dark glasses and a thief's hat so I can make my raids undercover. :cool: Also maybe a lamp item that would shed red light like the alarm signal lights and a big rug with the "Conspiracy eye" on it or the corporation logos. about a new wallpaper for Harbor Studio?? If you could pull that off, I bet it would sell real well because we havent seen a new one since Home came online! :)
  5. KCChad

    KCChad Trophy Junkie

    Dec 31, 2010
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    Jeans perhaps? Maybe something along these lines? ;D

    Conspiracy Reward Suggestions, Mar 17, 2011, 3:45 AM,, 2065

    Conspiracy Reward Suggestions, Mar 17, 2011, 3:45 AM,, 2065

    Conspiracy Reward Suggestions, Mar 17, 2011, 3:45 AM,, 2065
  6. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    good one Chad! Got another one--a lamp that would cast a Conspiracy image on the wall of a personal space like the LOOT ones.

    @ Braddicus--How about you just hire me and I'll give you all sorts of good ideas! Maybe making it to level 5 for both corporations would be good for my list of qualifications? LOL
  7. v_Trillian_v

    v_Trillian_v Fun Lover

    Feb 1, 2011
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    It's gotta be very, very difficult to come up with some non-tee item(s) that people will actually wear on their avatar. Cargo pants probably works for a lot of guys so good one there and the trench coat seems like it might catch on since there's an almost endless supply of pervy types ;D

    Personally I usually prefer to not walk around like a living billboard, even as an avatar. So a subtle touch seems preferable. The tees you gave out seem artistically well done and that's a good thing. Kane's absolutley right or course, you make it stylish enough, people will wear it.

    I tend to like Rachel's skirt idea most of all, done tastefully of course. You know, instead of trying to emblazon it with "Conspiracy," just use some of the symbols from the game, the eye, those game symbols, etc. Make it so it's not obvious. Maybe the symbols are small if many or somewhat transparent if large and few. But subtle, always subtle. Maybe a person has to look closely to make it out, to study it, to ask the person wearing it "Where's that from?"

    Above all, good luck! Anyone who's ever watched Project Runway knows it ain't easy.
  8. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    How about an attache case that handcuffs onto your wrist? LOL

    Maybe a Vial containing biowarfare contagious viruses? Or a nuclear football. Maybe a suitcase nuke?

    How about an old bundled of dynamite with a timer attached? Basically spy stuff?

  9. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    For the girls you could make a hand bang that as a print of the mini games icons all over it and maybe the eye in the mid of it.

    You dont need the name on things, just making it stand out in Home gets people asking where its from.

    The boys would likely like to be albe to hold the gun from the game anywhere in Home.

    Sticking this thread also.
  10. Scotish-Heritage

    Dec 14, 2010
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    id love to see more Furniture Rewards. Seems to me every mini-game and 'promo' code is a shirt. i dont mind the shirts once in awhile but not for every game. a lot of the aforementioned ideas i agree with, clothing other than shirts, furniture, Harbor Studio wallpaper, even a theme for the PS3 would be a great idea.
  11. flutterby83

    flutterby83 Active Member

    Jan 9, 2011
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    I would like to get behind those doors in the front of the space! Even better I'd like to find a scotty's sub shop behind it. Lol. Seriously that's what I'm hoping for... Maybe a REUS computer or posters or I like the lamp idea of Hoppers too. Furniture is better then clothing these days.
  12. GT900

    GT900 Gentle Touch

    Mar 17, 2011
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    i made some suggestions here but it didnt register my post.. >.<
  13. GT900

    GT900 Gentle Touch

    Mar 17, 2011
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    was just saying.. more tees.. o_O.. there was already a recent space that already gave away 11 boring tees.. the games were quite decent, but the shirts were quite mediocre.. :/

    anyway, from the hundreds of tees i have, the only memorable ones id wear again were no doubt the animated & 3D shirts.. except the bundle of coloured tees with scrolling text at the back which i bought from threads.. the slogans were so lame i didnt end up wearing any. now if you guys could make one where it lets us put our own phrases on it, then that would be a sure hit. it would be too much fun to take off.. considering it came in a universal standard colour (like black) that matched with other clothing pieces. you could just have bits and pieces of related masonic symbols & icons in hologram on it or something. another awesome but rare types are the SHINY attire like the gold crown, feva boots, gold boxing gloves from ea and another shiny tee i saw somewhere which again wasnt available at eu.. booo.. unavailability only encourages hacking.
    the briefcase with the cuffs is a good idea btw.. the other popular types are the tees with added tattoos on the arms or those that come with accessories like jewelry.. now those have some serious longevity.

    so to round it off..
    animated tees
    tees with 3D parts
    shiny tees
    tees with tattooed arms
    tees with accessories
    and/or tees that have some seriously smart slogans
    those would be your best bet.

    otherwise you shirts will only be worn for a few days or worn only by people no one really interacts with.. this is a sad but true as i see it everyday every week. the cliché is too cliché. :/ please release this space also in eu.. good luck.

    p.s. hello trills.. xD
  14. RedMoonSheWolf

    RedMoonSheWolf *Dream_Big_Think_Bigger*

    Nov 27, 2010
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    i agree with scottish heritage. Furniture would be a guarantee of the publics satisfactions of course leading as the last prize. An active item would be a tremendous effect! Green lights inside that could possibly be used in your home or Red Lights if you are around an area selected (sneak attack or just lights). A robot w/ a button and once you press it, this robot says conspiracy and shoots lol or this would be grand, a mini game for two players but all you receive is a shirt or a statue but you can show off your shooting skills w/ a friend because i can't recall a 2 player game besides chess. i know soon conspiracy will be but the price of playing more games is high but for a reward like that would create following interests. Shirts, if it could match outfits such as bullet holes would be awesome because midway and the gathering/ museum people tend to wear. They keep it creative or simple to where new ppl and ppl who are not new can make something new Good Luck! I enjoy playing Conspiracy
  15. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    Nooooooooo not more tshirts more cool furniture is the way to go, the rewards I remember getting are the cat clock from midway and the golf cart from midway and the audi apartment the rest tend to be a blur so more furniture or even an apartment
  16. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    Thinking about apartment id take a safe room where I can dump all the tshirts I dont wear and all the female clothes rewards I got that Ill never wear unless I get drunk
  17. v_Trillian_v

    v_Trillian_v Fun Lover

    Feb 1, 2011
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    Goods news! After an ad hoc meeting with elements from the Collective, we've managed to procure some extra briefcases for those that would like one. Simply go to the Conspiracy space, get through the #3 tutorial and a briefcase will be immediately sent to you. ;)

    Some really interesting ideas here :cool:

    As far as furniture goes I'd recommend making whatever the object is light up. Maybe just parts of it, the legs of a chair, that eye design centered on the seat or back of a couch. Colored objects like the earth light or sun light really look sweet. Just about any furniture-type object that has some lighted color going for it is a bonus.

    Or maybe a glowing handbag ;)


    ps Great to see ya here GT! Man of a thousand outfits. You'll still interact with me if I wear my tees, right? :p
  18. Braddicus

    Braddicus There is no Conspiracy.<br><img src="http://www.yo

    Feb 14, 2011
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    [MENTION=900]hyperkane[/MENTION] - It depends, really. Something like making Male and Female versions of a tshirt, texturing them, rigging them to the home avatars, and exporting them to the game take a day or so. Something like the Robot suit can take upwards of a week of several people's time.

    [MENTION=624]HOPPER_34[/MENTION] - From the start, Conspiricy is designed to be a community centric game, so it seems appropriate.

    [MENTION=1006]v_Trillian_v[/MENTION] - Yes, subtlety goes a long way... Someone noted right after we launched the breifcase item that if there was no logo on it it would encourage people to talk about it...

    [MENTION=661]Firefly[/MENTION] - That first idea is Genius! heh... Were you thinking of dynamite as a handheld item, or something to 'decorate' your appartment?

    [MENTION=1]C.Birch[/MENTION] - I was originally told 'no guns in public spaces' but doesn't Lockwood have a ray gun? hmm... I'll have to poke around into this...

    [MENTION=773]Scotish-Heritage[/MENTION] - a PS3 theme is a cool unique idea... has anyone given one of those away in home before?

    [MENTION=876]flutterby83[/MENTION] - You should enjoy the items in our content update after next...

    [MENTION=1235]GT900[/MENTION] - Heh. He have a 'Technical term' for anything that glows/animates/lights up... "Blinky Tech." We'll see an item in development and say, "Need more Blinky Tech."

    [MENTION=722]RedMoonSheWolf[/MENTION] - What do you mean by "An appliance?"
  19. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    @Braddicus In Home you can find a number of Gun items, Lockwood do infact have a RayGun you hold in your hand and you can find a few items with guns up your back like a AK47 from the Socom space.

    Checking the rewards database on this site here: Your PlayStation Home - SCEA Rewards might give you a few items also :)

    Has for a PS3 Theme i don't think anyone has given one away in Home, so that would be something new and they are not that hard to make, i have some made to download on this site that i did :)
  20. Braddicus

    Braddicus There is no Conspiracy.<br><img src="http://www.yo

    Feb 14, 2011
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    [MENTION=1]C.Birch[/MENTION] - I should clarify, I was under the impression that holstered guns were ok, but there were issues with holding guns...

    I'm not sure if a theme is something we can gift... Making one isn't an issue, but granting it to the player through home may be... in the meantime we've got some wallpapers and phone backgrounds on our flickr feed...
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