Not a lot of additional information but interesting nonetheless. PlayStation Home v1.5 Patch Detailed NGP Connectivity? What is that exactly? Are they talking about Next Generation Portable (PSP) connectivity? __ PlayStation Home v1.5 Patch Detailed Wed, Mar 16, 2011 In the latest issue of Famitsu magazine, Sony revealed details on the upcoming patch that will totally revolutionize the PlayStation Home. According to Sony, they are considering a direct NGP connectivity with the PlayStation Home. Below are the full list that Sony revealed in the latest issue of the magazine. There is currently no date as to when the new 1.5 update will go live. - Players will be able to play both competitive and cooperative FPS games. - Accessing the Hub will be more smoother and faster - More co-op games will be made for PS Home - Sony is looking into working with a lot of publishers on a certain project.
Yep, NGP is the new PSP that is coming out later this year. Interesting how HOME is going to have NGP integration. Looking forward to it.
What I'm thinking they mean by NGP connectivity is 1 of 3 things, maybe even all 3: 1)Direct control using the NGP in the same way we use the PS3 controller 2)The NGP can replace our pda allowing us to change settings using the NGP itself, maybe even being able to change clothes whilst still seeing whats happening around you on your tv 3) Home rewards unlocked through NGP game saves Also It's good to see there's going to be more focus on co-op and multiplayer games, It could possibly make it feel more like a game will be worth the cost when it's pay to play.
I'm confused about one thing. What is a "hub"? They say accessing it will be much smoother and faster. Is that the PDA? Or the name of the new core CP space? Thanks Jo for the excellent news! btw, this version has new physics engine so I guess I should get as much glitching done as possible tonight!
I'm guessing they just mean home's loading times will be faster and smoother as is the case with every core update I believe they're just referring to home itself as the hub... maybe the navigator is being renamed 'the hub'?