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[FAQ] Moderation in Home

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by EDTHRAWN, Feb 28, 2011.

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    EDTHRAWN Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    [FAQ] Moderation in Home | PlayStation® Community Forums

    Dec 29, 2010 3:24 PM
    [FAQ] Moderation in Home

    Hello, everyone! For those of you who haven't met me yet, I'm the Lead Moderator for PlayStation Home. We often see many of the same questions about moderation in Home, so I was thinking it might be good to post some basic (updated) info about it.

    “Moderation? What’s that?”

    What is a moderator?

    Moderators (or "mods" for short) are members of PlayStation Home staff whose main role is to make sure everyone is abiding by the rules and playing well with others. In addition to roaming through spaces in Home, these employees of Sony Computer Entertainment are also responsible for processing all of the grief reports submitted by users and handling other related duties. Mods work to create a safe environment where people can play games, socialize, watch videos, and so on.

    How do I recognize moderators in Home?

    When moderators say something, their words show up in flashing white text, with a tag in front of each line that looks like this: ![MOD]

    [FAQ] Moderation in Home, Feb 28, 2011, 6:47 PM,, 1941

    Sometimes you'll see the white text of a moderator speaking, but you won't see the actual moderator anywhere nearby. This is normal. Moderators are often invisible so that they can do their jobs more effectively.

    When visible, moderators can be identified by their signature Staff Jackets. These jackets are bright red, and have “STAFF” written across the back in black letters. They also have a black Home logo on the front left chest. Sometimes other Sony officials will also use Home, wearing the staff jacket and using the flashing white text.

    [FAQ] Moderation in Home, Feb 28, 2011, 6:47 PM,, 1941 [FAQ] Moderation in Home, Feb 28, 2011, 6:47 PM,, 1941

    What about Locust_Star and GlassWalls? Are they moderators?

    No, they are not. Locust_Star and GlassWalls are members of the PlayStation Home Community team, which is responsible for a wide range of community-related activities, such as running community programs, planning holiday events, and ensuring that developers make content that meets the desires of the community.

    What about MercuryValentine and the other mods I’ve seen on these forums?

    Yes, I help moderate both the forums and Home itself, and a couple of the Home mods will be helping me with this as well. But there are some mods (such as Mohawktown) who only moderates the forums but not Home itself.

    What are the rules I must follow in PlayStation Home?

    There’s a basic summary of the rules posted in the Listen@Home area in Central Plaza.

    Keep in mind that people in Home come from a wide range of ages, interests, and personal backgrounds, so you must practice respect for one another at all times. You are expected to refrain from profanity, cultural abuse, and sexual harassment, among other things.

    As GlassWalls would say: “Just be cool!”

    You can review the complete PlayStation®Home End User License Agreement (EULA) and the PlayStation®Network Terms of Service and User Agreement (PSN TOSUA) here:

    Do the rules still apply in private areas, such as Clubhouses or Apartments?

    Yes. If someone harasses you in a private space, you can still Submit a Report against them.

    “Help! Someone is harassing me or breaking the rules!”

    What do I do if someone is harassing me or breaking the rules, but there's no moderator nearby?

    Moderators are only human (it's true!) and can't be everywhere at once. If you are being harassed or see someone breaking the rules when there is no moderator nearby, please Submit a Report.

    We review all of the reports we receive, and take action if there's enough evidence of wrongdoing.

    How do I report someone?

    To report someone in Home: Press the Select button on your PS3 controller and choose Submit a Report. (You may notice a slight pause when you press the Select button – this is your PS3 taking a screenshot to send with the report.) Follow the instructions onscreen to complete the process.

    To report a Private Message sent to you through the XMB: Choose the message and press the triangle button on your PS3 controller. Scroll down the list of options and choose "Grief Report". (Note: You need to be logged out of Home in order to use this option.)

    Note: Please submit only ONE report per incident. Even if more than one person is acting up in an incident, there is no need to report each person individually, since we review the entire chatlog for ALL offenders. Submitting duplicate reports just gives us more work and slows down the overall process. (Plus, you can get in trouble for abusing the grief report system.)

    What happens after I report someone?

    Your report is sent to a central location where it will be processed by the Moderation team. We review all reports by hand, and take appropriate action as needed. In the meantime, you may want to Mute or Block the person you reported, so that they can no longer communicate with you.

    How do I mute or block someone?

    To Mute or Block someone, highlight a line of their text from the chatlog, or click on their avatar and choose the Mute or Block option.

    Does reporting really work?

    It certainly does! Keep in mind that each report must be opened and reviewed individually by a moderator before any action can be taken, so sometimes there is a delay as we get through all the reports we receive.

    “Help! I was suspended or banned!”

    I don’t know why my account was suspended or banned. Can I talk to a moderator about it?

    If you signed up for Home with a legitimate email address, you will get an email explaining what happened. (That means if you signed up with a fake email address, you might want to change it!)

    The moderators you meet in Home will not answer specific account questions. If you have a question about your account, you should contact Consumer Services to discuss it.

    I got the email about my suspension or ban, but I don’t understand the reason given. Where can I find out more about it?

    This page has a list of the explanations of the different PSN violations. (Note that some of the grief types on that page don’t apply to PlayStation Home.) If you still have questions after reviewing that page, contact Consumer Services.

    What are the consequences for breaking the rules in PlayStation®Home?

    The consequences vary depending on the offense and the account’s history of prior offenses (if any). The most minor punishment is a warning and a note on your PSN account that this has been issued. For more serious or repeated offenses, your account may be suspended for a certain amount of time or even permanently banned.

    My account has been suspended. What do I do?

    Wait it out. When the suspension is over, be more careful about what you do and say in Home moving forward.

    What if someone files a false report against me?

    Don’t worry, we verify all incoming reports for accuracy before taking any action. That means if someone submits a false report against you, you would be safe.

    “How can I help?”

    Can I become a moderator?

    We appreciate your enthusiasm, but you would need to get a job with Sony in order to become a moderator for PlayStation Home. You can check the Sony website to see if there are any openings right now.

    That being said, there are still ways that you can help out as a Home user…

    How can I help as a Home user?

    Here are some examples of ways that you can help:

    Set a good example

    As a community, we all help set the tone for Home, whether we realize it or not. When new users see people around them acting friendly and respectful, most will do the same to fit in. (Sure, there will always be some griefers and trolls, but the optimist in me would like to think they are the exception, not the norm. [FAQ] Moderation in Home, Feb 28, 2011, 6:47 PM,, 1941)

    Report others

    If you see someone being offensive or otherwise acting in an inappropriate manner, hit the Select button and Submit a Report. The more (legitimate) reports we receive from you, the users of Home, the more quickly we can take care of problems as they arise.

    I have a suggestion about improving the moderation process. How can I share it?

    You are welcome to make suggestions in the forums, or send them directly to me. I receive many PMs, however, so I may not always respond to every single one, but I do read them all.

    Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay in Home!

    - MercuryValentine, Lead Moderator of Home

    (Thanks to Sophronia and Tempest_Fire for providing some of the images!)

    // Questions about Moderation in Home? Please read my Moderation FAQ first ~ MercuryV. //
  2. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Do we really need this copying and pasteing here?

    EDTHRAWN Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    I do think so...
    Just read some posts of my CLOSED thread "BE A PLAYSTATION HOME SUPERHEROE" and you'll notice a lack of information from some member and moderators.
  4. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    But the copy and paste gives off the wrong view and people can then mistake this site for the official one, what some people already do.

    EDTHRAWN Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    Can you post those informations in my closed thread (Be a Playstation Home Superheroe)?
    And then you can delete this one...
    What do you think about it?
  6. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    we all pretty much know all this....

    and it doesn't change our opinions on your thread. Almost everyone here already know the stuff you posted above. We are not in disagreement of the official rules of the moderators. But from what I read in your thread, most disagree with your idea and think it is a bad idea. Well intentioned, but a bad idea...
  7. hyperkane

    hyperkane mm (©_©) mm

    Jan 14, 2011
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    I wasn't going to comment on the other thread. Your heart is in the right place. Many of us have been on Home and Home forums for more than two years. Attempting to start a Superhero or Mod Jr. Group has been tried many, many times before and has never worked. Any group that tries to enforce Sony rules needs to have a Sony official that can be held responsible for the actions of the group. Do a search if you want to read more about the groups that tried to form and never succeeded. Your idea is not new or unique, therefore you are not alone in feeling the way you do and wanting to start a "vigilante" group. It's best to be helpful on your own. Best of luck. ~Kane
  8. Kitty_Pyra

    Kitty_Pyra Active Member

    Dec 31, 2010
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    Wow I thought I might get the special secret answer to why the Forum Moderators banned me finally...

    Personally I like the thread as I didnt see the original one.

    But, a sup police group with no powers.. isnt that useful.

    I mean unless you gave them some sort of special direct reporting feature.. but then again even the best of police will only be human and prone to mistakes.
  9. Aeternitas33

    Aeternitas33 Riskbreaker

    Dec 24, 2010
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    Well, it seems you’re determined to prove that my initial assessment of you was 100% accurate.

    You’re displaying an appalling lack of knowledge for someone who wants to moderate Home. Many of the people here at YPSH, are some of the most active and knowledgeable people on the official forums and in Home. Carla is a former MVP from the European Home. Chad is a former HCV from the North American Home who’s already been asked to return to the program for a second time. As for myself, I don’t have any title I can point to, but I can assure you that I do know the TOS about as well as anyone who doesn’t use it on a day-to-day basis.

    Does any of this give you any indication of how foolish you’re being?

    Now normally I would be a lot nicer to someone who wants to improve Home, were it not for the fact that you’re claiming to have approval for your actions, which I know is utterly impossible. That type of dishonesty will alienate anyone with a legitimate connection to PlayStation Home because you’re falsely claiming authority you don’t have. I have zero tolerance for things like this, and if you were to repeat that statement within PlayStation Home itself I could use it as the basis of a report on impersonating a Sony official – which is one of the most serious violations of the TOS which a user can commit.

    And yet you think you’re qualified to run around Home (in a superhero costume no less) telling others how to behave? And it doesn’t occur to you that this would also be a violation of the TOS? In one instance you’re verbally claiming authority which you don’t have; and in the other you want to run around Home behaving as if you have authority which you don’t have.

    The only people who are allowed to moderate Home are Sony employees – which you are not.
  10. Kitty_Pyra

    Kitty_Pyra Active Member

    Dec 31, 2010
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    Enhance your Calm Aeternitas!!!

    o_O; This is why I love seeing Aeternitas talk he's very honest in his views!!

    I see a future lawyer in the making here :D
  11. oldcatsrock

    Jul 25, 2010
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    Oh BTW did you read that impersonating a MOD will result in a BAN as well?
  12. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
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    Nov 29, 2009
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    Please keep in mind that flaming won't be tolerated here. I closed the last thread for that. Free speech is more than welcome here, much unlike the Official Forums. A lot of us are here to escape the drivel and the nonsense that take place there. YPSH is a friendly site and will stay that way. In other words, I don't agree with everyone on every topic, but I politely disagree and I would expect everyone else to do the same. Doing otherwise sets a bad tone and isn't good for the site. If anyone feels a post is too far out of line, please feel free to send a PM to any of the staff here. Thanks!
  13. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Morning all (yawns its 7am).

    Can we please keep replys to a grown up manner? I dont want to have to warn anyone for going to far.

    Anyway, i feel this is a subject better fitted for the Sony forums, where mods can add to it.

    Groups set up to just uphold the rules is a bad idea, this is why users where given the powers to be albe to report and block.

    Many will see yourself as trying to pass as a mod, what can get you banned. Others will setup groups to fight back at you, what then adds to the problem you where first trying to fix.

    Its best to let users pick if they want to report someone, than to force it up on them or take it into your own hands, by all rights point out to the user facing abuse that there is a report system, but keep it to that and try and have fun within Home.

    Many thanks and thread locked.
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