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I have some many question First one : when it's done are you going to release the buyable item at once or once a week like homes used to? Second question : will the same stores on homes be in nebula or something really similar for us to re-buy? Third question : are the places going to look the same or look similar like the (playground, hub, konami penthouse and etc)? Last question : could you make a club on nebula and buy a clubhouse? Sent from my LGLK430 using Tapatalk
1) They have yet to confirm the rate that new content will come out, Nebula is made by one small company where Home had Sony's support and about 8-10 companies all making content for it, so updates will likely be smaller and slower. 2) At a guess personal spaces made by KovoK (As they were called in Home) will make it into Nebula, other spaces will not due to being made by other companies. 3) Very unlikely because they were made by other companies. 4) I think they plan to have club houses but as of yet we don't have much info about what will come when they launch the beta.
Thanks for the quick reply is there anyway I can suggest things to nebula company Sent from my LGLK430 using Tapatalk