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Featured Nebula Realms Nebula Realms Beta delayed, New WIP Video & Name change

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by C.Birch, Aug 22, 2015.

  1. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Today Kovok has announced that the closed beta of Nebula Realms will now be delayed to the first quarter of 2016, with the reasons for this delay being.
    • We couldn't go as fast as we wanted because we had to re-adapt quite a bit of work from Unity 4.5 to Unity 5.
    • We are moving the company to Spain so that will take some time off work.
    But to make up for the delay, Kovok have made a 40 min long video, showing the WIP of the character editor and some public and personal spaces. Please note only Male avatar is shown, with Kovok saying it's due to the fact they can only do one at a time, what i guess means the female avatar is still in it's early stages and not yet ready to be shown, but they have said the Female avatar will be in the next video.

    As always a WIP video means that its not the final graphics render & character movements and Kovok have confirmed that the character movements is not final and will be changed.

    Lastly, you might have spotted i was calling it "Nebula Realms" & not "Project Nebula", this is because Kovok have now picked to change the name of the game from today to "Nebula Realms", you can check the new logo below.

    Nebula Realms Beta delayed, New WIP Video & Name change, C.Birch, Aug 22, 2015, 6:46 AM,, jpg, 11896292_1473049456325299_7526851438975399280_o.jpg

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    • ReccaWolf

      ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

      Jan 16, 2011
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      #2 ReccaWolf, Aug 22, 2015
      Last edited: Aug 22, 2015
      This is looking really good. The atmosphere is more inviting and the avatars are getting a lot better at creativity, especially changing the color of the clothes than buying one color at a time like PS Home had done (or possibly only for a certain type of solid color clothing piece). I also like the way you can make different kinds of colored skins and styles to be your own comic book superhero/supervillian, or any type of fantasy character like an Orc or an Elf. I also hope in the future they'll make furry variations for us to play with, i.e. werewolf or kitty. The environmental public and personal spaces itself has very good lightning effects and more space to run around in.
    • Oce

      Oce Member

      May 8, 2011
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      It's good to see progress on a possible Home replacement, it looks promising. :)

      I see they like the same royalty-free music that I do! lol
    • StarrNight

      StarrNight Member

      Sep 24, 2013
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      Did Kovok ask people what they wanted? I would have preferred a November beta to infinite ways to change my avatar's eyebrows. Bye, Nebula Whatever; hello Atom universe.
    • C.Birch

      C.Birch Site Owner
      Staff Member Administrator

      Mar 21, 2012
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      I really dont see Atom Universe being out on PS4 this year also, plus my biggest problem is they dont plan on letting you edit your avatars looks at launch, even know its one of the biggest parts of a good social platform.

      I dont wish to be limited to picking from a list of presets only.

      Right now I'm personally sticking with Four Kings Casino, its up and running for months on steam with a PS4 beta well on track for this year. I just wish they will grow it to be more than just a casino, but new content takes time as you have to get a strong base of code made first and thats what they are doing.
    • Im_s0_fly_u_mad

      Im_s0_fly_u_mad BTTM Da Bo$$.taken ova

      Jun 8, 2011
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      thats good to know and thank you for the information c. birch cant wait to see this finished project of nebula realms.
    • SILVIA242

      SILVIA242 Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      1. Nebula Realms will be free to play
      2. Nebula Realms will be for ages 17 and up (as per Q&A)
      3. Server, salaries, expansions and expenses will be paid by income generated through sales and Blessing of Nebula subscription
      4. It will be for available PS4 1st followed by PC and Mac.
      5. Clubs will be free and will host 64 persons.
      6. There will be in-game moderation and a report system.
      7. There will be chat profanity filters you can turn on an off.
      8. There will be a dual invisibility ignore feature.
      9. If you do get banned, it will from the game not PSN.
      10. One account will work on all devices (PS4, PC and Mac).
      11. Apartments will have 500 slots for decorating and will host 32 persons (dependant upon system stability)
      12. There will be 1 default and 1 Blessing of Nebula apartment upon release
      13. The in game currency will be Nebula Crystals.
      14. There will be a way to send gifts.
      15. You will be able to delete an item, but also see a list of items deleted.
      16. There will be technical support to resolve issues that may arise.
      17. We will provide a better and more extensive inventory system.
      18. You will be able to take pictures with LMO’s, as well as, full body pictures and close ups.
      19. Over time weather, seasons and time of day will be available for personal spaces and public spaces
      20. Kovok Ltd will be moving its headquarters to Spain.
      21. There will be tools available for 3rd party development.
      22. Nebula Realms "Beta" is scheduled to release 1st quarter of 2016 due to having to re-adapt quite a bit of already created work for Unity 4.5 to Unity 5.
      23. Items from PlayStation Home are non-transferable.
      24. We changed the name of the game to “Nebula Realms”.
      25. Public spaces will host 128 or more players (dependant upon resources and stability).
      26. Your FL will be separate from the one on PSN and it won’t have a limit.
      27. Nebula Realms will support Project Morpheus, but this will be added over time.
      28. There will be personal, club and group chat available (update)
      29. KickStarter campaign will not be relaunched, we want to focus on the development and KS takes a lot of time and resources.
      30. Technically speaking we can incorporate music players or YouTube, it’s just a matter of licensing and copyrights.
      31. Special characters and actual emotes will be added in an update.
      32. We will be incorporating as many camera views as we possibly can.
      33. Harmless and non-disruptive glitching will be allowed.
      34. We are fully funded via private investor.
      35. Closed beta invites have not yet been determined. Make sure to join our mailing list for any up to date news on the beta and or any future updates for Nebula Realms.
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