Hi, Atom Republic have put out a new trailer for Atom Universe, that they have been showing to people at E3 that gives a fresh new look at the work in progress of Atom Universe, be sure to watch the trailer below and give your comments.
That was the main problem with that Kickstarter "demo" most don't get it was more just a tech preview of an idea and not even a real demo. But because it was called demo people think that was a demo of the final game, I feel it had a more bad impact on the project than a good one.
Lost all interest in this project as soon as they said there was going to be no customisable avatars when it's released. The information is they, are looking to bring customisable avatars later but currently it doesn't even look like they have decided what to do with customisable avatars as you can still vote on they tellos site as to what format you want for customisation.
Yeah not being able to edit your avatar at launch was a big put off for me also, I don't want to be a preset and look the same as loads of other users and I fail to see how it helps other company's like Jam Games who will be supporting them that made clothing, surely it cuts off one way to make an income, that will be highly needed to get past the launch stage and to a stable long term community.
because of the way they have marketed as the next home, there users that don't realise there's no customisable avatars. I can imagine the blood bath now. Users logging on And expecting to create an avatar. Then realising you can't. Should of marketed it as its own thing. Look at its kickstarter 250 backers 25000k raised. Games that the ps4 community have backed on kickstarter have got 20000 backers and gone into the hundreds of thousands raised. Not including shemue 3 that did have some help off e3 of course.