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Featured Four Kings Casino & Slots Four Kings Casino updated to Unity 5 & Stress Test

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by C.Birch, May 7, 2015.

  1. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    #1 C.Birch, May 7, 2015
    Last edited: May 9, 2015
    The Four Kings Casino & Slots, has now been updated from Unity 4 to Unity 5, this really makes the Casino spaces pop and look better, it will also let DL to do more with the Casino.

    To give you a idea of how the update makes the Casino look better, check out the images below :)



    Patch Notes v0.9028

    Unity 5 Update
    Its been a while since our latest update – we’ve recently upgraded to Unity 5 have and have been working hard to bring The Four Kings back up to speed. We’ve sorted out a lot of issues, but there are still some outstanding problems. Please continue to report bugs, your feedback will be invaluable in helping us find as many bugs as possible.

    New Features
    • Unity 5! Everything is new and shiny!
    • New and improved lighting. Things should look more vibrant now.
    • Reduced RP requirement to earn VIP1 from 25,000 RP to 20,000 RP.
    • VIP bonuses have been partially implemented. VIP1/2/3 users will recieve a 5/10/15% bonus to chip purchases. More bonuses to be implemented in the future.
    • New more legible font
    • Fixed several errors with the profile menu
    • Chat window will be darker and easier to read now.
    • Avatars will animate now when you chat, based on what you’re saying!
    • Bet roller has new animations, so it should look smoother now.
    • Billboards above games are better animated and will not interfere with camera collision.
    • Nameplates above player’s heads should track more smoothly now.
    • Tier-up display has received some polish and animations
    More keyboard controls:
    • Page Up/Page Down zooms in and out.
    • Home/End tilts up and down
    • Insert/Delete Rotates left and right.
    • Tab centers the camera behind you
    Known Issues
    • Framerate in some rooms will be lower than before. We’re working to optimize the new lights. Bingo the Club and Hotel Room may be particularly bad on low-end machines.
    • Lighting in the wardrobe has problems in all scenes, except for the lobby.
    • Not all make-up options work properly – sorry ladies.
    • Various clipping issues with the map.
    • Some objects will be too shiny, or have weird reflections.
    • Some strange looking shadows throughout.
    Last up, DL Invite you to a server stress test, full details are below.

    Hey Everyone
    First off I'd like to say thanks to all of you for being a part of our Early Access!

    We're gearing up to fully release this summer and continue to need your help to make sure the games launch is a successful one. Tomorrow - Friday May 8th at 2:00 PM EDT (19:00 BST, 20:00 CEST) - we want to load up the servers with as many people as possible and stress test the game.

    We're starting at 2:00 PM EDT to ensure as many people worldwide can all come together. This will also be a great chance to meet other users and perhaps even make some appointment gaming for a poker game or two. The entire dev team will also be on hand to answer questions you might still have.

    TL;DR - Come online tomorrow at 2:00 PM EDT (19:00 BST / 20:00 CEST) to help stress out our game servers.

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    • C.Birch

      C.Birch Site Owner
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      Mar 21, 2012
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