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Four Kings Casino & Slots News About Digital Leisure's Four Kings Casino

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Patch Notes v0.9025
    Hey guys! Based on feedback from our users, we’ve improved our block-user functionality.
    • When you block a user you will no longer be able to see them.
    • This is in addition to the basic functionality of not seeing their chat, friend requests and blocking their Go-To requests.
    • Blocked players will still appear at tables when they are playing a game, but as stated, they will not be able to talk to you.
    Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed a bug where shuffling the deck would sometimes stall nearby games.
    • Fixed some issues with inactivity timeouts
    We’ve also started translating in Swedish and Japanese
    If you would like to help us translate the game and get your name in the credits, please contact us at We have particular need of German and Spanish translators.

    We changed RP payouts for our games, so most games will pay out a little bit more RP. We will continue to tune these values based on your stats, so keep playng. We could use some extra data on Keno in particular.
  2. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    +261 /59
    Patch Notes v0.9026
    The day the numbers changed.
    We’ve made a change to all the limits within the Casino. Everything will be 10x the value it was before. From a balance perspective, this doesn’t really affect things – games will cost 10x as much, but you also have 10x as many chips. We’re making this change because based on some feedback we’ve received, users didn’t feel like the limits were high enough. Originally when designing the game, we thought that going into a casino and dropping $200 a hand was a lot, we felt each chip was pretty valuable and even winning 100-200 chips was rewarding. While that may be the case in real life, we want to make this feel a bit more like a game. So now anyone can walk in and start betting thousands of chips/hand, with the limits in VIP reaching up to 10,000. Functionally everything should be the same, but we feel this is more fun and rewarding.

    This change does affect a lot of areas throughout the casino though, so it’s possible we missed something. If you notice something hasn’t been properly scaled, please report a bug or post in the discussion area of our community hub. We’d also love to hear your feedback on the new system.
    Some things to look out for:
    • Chip models have updated to reflect the new chip values, so make sure the chips you bet correspond to the chips on the table
    • RP will still be earned at the same rate for each game (i.e. not multiplied by 10).
    • Make sure you’re being awarded the appropriate chip values from things like gifts, daily slot spins and free chips.
    • Make sure you’re being paid out correctly on bets.
    • Make sure your holdings are correct
    • Purchasing chips should also be multiplied by 10x.
    Other changes this patch:
    • Users with new accounts should be randomly assigned a UI color
    • The game should adjust resolutions a little more cleanly now
    • Fixed a bug where you sometimes could not add a friend by name until you selected someone on your friends list
    • Fixed an issue where settings were not sticking. If you find settings changing randomly changing, please take note and file a bug report.
    • Fixed some issues around gifting a guest pass. You can send a VIP guest pass to your friends via the cash terminal
    • Fixed some issues loading categories in the store.
    • Fixed some issues around block-list logic
    • Fixed an issue where the message of the day would not always be the most recent MOTD
    • Fixed a number of issues regarding tournaments
    Known Issues:
    • X/Y Inversion may not be set correctly when you first start the game.
    • Task Tracker does not properly scroll to read the whole task.
    • We’ve started localizing in Greek!
  3. jake_nightly

    jake_nightly Home refugee
    Valued Member

    Jun 6, 2014
    Likes Received:
    +0 /0
    I think this change will make it much harder for new users to level up because of the lowered RP. Didn't they just raise RP on the lasdt patch? Did they lower RP because users were complaining it was too high?

    I thought that higher RP for VIP games was a good incentive for players to try and get VIP access in order to get greater rewards, but with the lower RP that incentive is now gone.

    The raised betting limits are fine, but RP should be restored or raised to reflect the higher risk with the new limits.
    • Like Like x 1
    • DL_Adam

      DL_Adam Developer

      Mar 16, 2015
      Likes Received:
      +4 /0
      Hi Jake,

      Do not worry. The rate at which you earn RP will remain the same. The "higher risk" is only perceived, as chip packages have also increased how many chips/$ you get. You'll also get more free chips per 15 minutes, and higher payouts at the free daily slots.
    • C.Birch

      C.Birch Site Owner
      Staff Member Administrator

      Mar 21, 2012
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      +261 /59
      Patch Notes v0.9027

      Bug Fix
      • Fixes problems with network disconnections.
    • C.Birch

      C.Birch Site Owner
      Staff Member Administrator

      Mar 21, 2012
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      +261 /59
      Patch 0.9034
      Welcome to all our new users! We’re glad to have you onboard with the Four Kings. We have posted an FAQ in the forums which should answer some of your questions. We’re working on getting the tutorial in, but in the mean time here are some useful hotkeys:
      • M – opens the map, which allows you to fast-travel
      • C – open character customization
      • Z – opens the emote menu
      • P – opens your profile screen to see your game breakdown
      • ESC – opens the Game Hub, where you can access all of the above features and more.
      We’re releasing a minor patch today which fixes some issues:
      • Guest Passes should be being sent properly now
      • Adjusted the colors for chat channels to be more distinguishable
      • Fixed some text issues like leftover “\” slashes
      • Music volume for machine games should now be affected by the music slider in Audio Settings
      • Changed “Settings” to “Options”
      • Fixed some issues with poker stalling. Please continue to report these as they occur, with the time and users at the table.
      • Fixed war betting limits. The total of your Tie and Ante bet cannot exceed 2000 now.
      • Added Turkish localization
    • DL_Adam

      DL_Adam Developer

      Mar 16, 2015
      Likes Received:
      +4 /0
      Thanks, and I just notice your nice new avatar pic there :)
    • C.Birch

      C.Birch Site Owner
      Staff Member Administrator

      Mar 21, 2012
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      Patch 0.9036
      • Optimized the lights, should run better again on lower end computers.
      • Still some known lighting issues in Bingo and the hotel room
      • Fixed an issue where a guest pass would report a user as VIP even though they were not.
      • Task tracker will no longer show up when the main menu is open.
      • Clicking on “map” “home” or “options” in the main menu will always take you to the top of that menu.
      • We have reset the tutorial for all users to better test our new tutorial.
      • Made some fixes for Macbook Pros. Cautiously optimistic.
    • C.Birch

      C.Birch Site Owner
      Staff Member Administrator

      Mar 21, 2012
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      +261 /59
      Patch 0.9037
      3 updates in 3 days?!
      • We’ve reworked the graphics settings. Vsync should no longer destroy your computer.
      • Preset settings should work (dynamic lights might not set properly on fastest).
      • Custom settings might not be saving or setting properly. (dynamic lights, bloom, shadows).
      • By popular request: We have capped poker blinds. for games with 4 or less players, blinds will top out at 16k/32k. For games with 5 or 6 people, blinds will cap at 32k/64k.
      • Added a tutorial to the wardrobe (to see this, reset your tutorials in options → Settings → other)
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