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Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
    Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 29, 2009
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    This Wednesday (Nov. 12th) is the final update for PlayStation Home. It marks the beginning of the end, which will be the end of March 2015. For us at YPSH, it's been a grand journey. Good times and yes a few not so good ones.

    Share Your Memories of Home, kwoman32, Nov 10, 2014, 4:54 PM,, jpg, Playstation-home-logo (1).jpg

    Above all else, YPSH remained independent. We tried hard to bring you everything you needed to know about PS Home. We ran contests, posted updates, had some great parties, did a bunch of interviews with every Home developer, showed you what a personal space looked like before you bought it thanks to Carla's videos and generally supported Home as best we could. The list of fun things we did is too long to list.

    It is with mixed emotions that we watch Home come to an end. On one hand, we are sad that it never achieved the level of greatness we thought it could. On the other, we have high hopes that a third party developer will step in and start to make a new home for us that is even better.

    At any rate, the most important part of our Home experience was making friends and helping out where we could. We want to hear your fond memories of Home. That's why we are creating this thread. Tell us your fondest memories of Home. We are sure you have more than one :) Post away!

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    • Alrocks

      Alrocks Member

      Aug 4, 2011
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      I brought my PlayStation in 2010 and found about Home and got on and fell in love with, watch how it grew and being single and get lonely at times coming on here was the best thing I could get from being with people. I met friends. Love playing games and shopping for my places, things I never get afford in real life. I'm mad and sad and happy about this. I lost lots of money and I wish I can get my stuff out of my apartments or sell it lol. I took lots of pictures so I can remember. Its like a old friend dying.
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      • Ariane Chavasse

        Ariane Chavasse Arianne is here

        Mar 14, 2011
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        I joined YPSH on 2011. Until that time I placed my pics on Flicker. So you've never seen my old photos before 2011. Here is My photos on Fliker 2010.
        Flickr: Arianne Chavasse's Photostream
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        • therob21

          therob21 Giantess of Glamour President, Roberta
          Valued Member

          Aug 15, 2010
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          I first joined ps home back on April 1st , 2010. One of the best memories I had of home was it got my creative juices flowing. I was a guy that had a female avi and used her for creative purposes, such as ladies fashion and filming and such. I got picked on a lot while using it, I did not let the haters get to me. As a surprise, I did gain friends from it, even though I couldn't keep them, I was happy of the memories I shared with them. Home to me was the first mmo-type world I delved into. I am grateful for all that I've done there. I loved all the games home had, so much I spent there. So thank you all for all the memories, YPSH, as well as the Home devs whose content brought me great happiness, especially JAM, KOVOK, and LKWD! :)
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          • VirtuallyInsane

            VirtuallyInsane New Member

            Nov 10, 2014
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            #5 VirtuallyInsane, Nov 10, 2014
            Last edited: Nov 15, 2014
            When I first joined Playstation Home I didn't know what it was. I had just gotten my internet and I didn't have any games but Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. I joined back in 2011 in February. For me, playstation home was an escape. Probably the best escape ever. After the hack happened I was sooo happy it was back on. I was at Central Plaza and I was always on the bench glitch. I was on late one night around 4:30am and the CP servers were closing down for the night. I remember I was in a very empty server when I met the love of my life. He had come up to me while I was wearing a "Save the Tata's" top. That's when we first spoke. We spent our first year getting to know each other, on Playstation Home. Without it we would have never met. We barely played the same video games, he's into sport games, and I'm picky with video games. We have been together now for almost 4 years. In May 2015 it'll be 4 years we've been together, and we've been living together for 2 years.

            This was how I always dressed and what I would always do in Central Plaza
            Share Your Memories of Home, VirtuallyInsane, Nov 10, 2014, 11:38 PM,, jpg, 10628487_695149783905059_7382045588635763079_n.jpg

            This is me and my boyfriend. This is a year after we met in person. (sorry the only one I have)
            Share Your Memories of Home, VirtuallyInsane, Nov 10, 2014, 11:38 PM,, jpg, 539957_401889589897748_516885359_n.jpg
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            • windblossom

              windblossom Active Member

              Apr 19, 2013
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              I bought my 1st ps3 in October 2009 in order to play Oblivion. I had been playing on my pc and didn't like that platform. I instantly fell in love with the PS3. Soon after I decided to try that little home tab. I was in for quite a surprise the first time I loaded home. I was very introverted and shy and when I left my Harbor studio for the first time I was shocked at the world I had discovered. In fact I was so shy that the first couple of times someone said hello I would actually turn off the Playstation. (Kinda chuckling right now.) Well it took a couple of months and I slowly overcame my shyness. I met some great people and friends. They helped me come out of my shell. I am grateful for all the experiences I have had, some good and some not so good. I would do it all over again without hesitation.

              Of course I am sad that home as we know it is closing but looking forward to a future filled with new experiences and friends. Take care dear friends and fellow homies :)
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              • MichaelBoyd

                MichaelBoyd New Member

                Nov 11, 2014
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                I started to join PSH in 2010, I had my 60GB PS3 back in 2008, but no internet though. But in 2009 I finally had internet; so from '10 i signed up and joined; made friends online. I was enthralled by PSH as i got really cool with it. Really like seeing new things and new stuff being promoted like j0ining the Fifa '10 in South Africa, Midways 1 and 2, the home spaces and public ones too. I have made some good friends and shared great memories.
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                • Torag

                  Torag Active Member

                  Sep 4, 2012
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                  #8 Torag, Nov 11, 2014
                  Last edited: Nov 11, 2014
                  It is sad to read this thread, thinking that after four years of using Home, I am no longer going to see it.

                  If I will have to list all my fondest memories from PlayStation Home, I will probably not finish writing until tomorrow.

                  So in short, PlayStation Home was a fond experience for me, sure I had fights and sad moments. I was certainly not the best user, but I feel that in general I have made a positive contribution to the entire Home community, while using the service.

                  I met amazing people, top elite gamers, who contribute 110 percent of themselves to the community, and I have studied a lot about myself, about gamers, about an internet community and about developers.

                  While I am devastated to see all of this goes, I am happy I have been part of it.

                  My work in PlayStation Home, is not done yet, now it is time to make sure people will remember PlayStation Home, will know what it was, and how amazing platform it was.

                  Resources like YourPSHome and AlphaZone4, are going to be precious resources in the effort to preserve our memories, after the closure, and to these who actually want to preserve their memories from PlayStation Home in a form of a video, I have created a dedicated YouTube channel.

                  Most importantly, I wish to turn the final four months and a half into a pure fun, and I am suggesting everyone else, to do so as well. Play Home like there is no tomorrow, meet friends, share your pain with others (It can cheer you up, since everyone is in the same boat), and capture as much as you can, because this is all that will be left for you from Home.
                  • Like Like x 4
                  • mitsos

                    mitsos Active Member

                    Jan 11, 2013
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                    I joined psh on march 2011, there have been both many good times and bad times, but i stick with the good ones and that's what we all do, it's kinda sad 4 a homie like me or to all of you guys to know that psh is gonna disappear. Anyway i'll still be taking pictures till the last day of psh, and when psh is gone im gonna share them with you people xD . Cheers guys hope you enjoy psh while it still exists and i'll be waiting to see your psh memories too ;)))xx
                  • avilesc

                    avilesc 8Bit Gamer

                    May 23, 2011
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                    +3 /1
                    #10 avilesc, Nov 12, 2014
                    Last edited: Nov 13, 2014
                    Its been so long now I dont remember when I first entered PS Home. But I never forget certain key events for me in PS Home. I loved helping all the new players when PSH was fresh and had a good flow of players coming in. I used to help people with figuring out what games give awards, how to play them, and how to unlock rewards. Those were good times. I remember my first E3 event and how it was so awesome to be able to watch the event and get rewards AND free game downloads. I remember the first Killzone event and how excited I was to wear Helghast armor.

                    My favorite space AND event of all time has to be the Original Xi event space. The way the community came together to solve the complex riddles was just epic. I could go on and on about so many amazing things including CB and some other members and mods on this forum who I had fun with but ill let these final pictures do all the talking.

                    Visiting the Original Hub before its all gone forever...
                    Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 09-50-27.jpg

                    Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 09-52-35.jpg
                    Oh how I miss this place...
                    Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 10-19-26.jpg

                    They are scarier then Zombies!
                    Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 11-02-22.jpg The most antisocial social club ever...
                    Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 11-06-50.jpg Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 11-08-57.jpg Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 11-17-39.jpg Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 11-19-16.jpg Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 11-27-43.jpg Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 11-28-45.jpg Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 11-36-02.jpg Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 11-41-38.jpg Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 11-44-12.jpg Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 11-45-12.jpg Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 12-04-00.jpg Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 12-06-18.jpg Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 12-10-45.jpg Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 12-18-44.jpg Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 12-22-20.jpg Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 12-23-18.jpg
                    Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 13-11-32.jpg

                    Lets not forget all that PS Home Randomness!!!
                    Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 13-49-45.jpg Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 13-52-49.jpg Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 14-01-28.jpg Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 13-57-37.jpg Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 14-00-28.jpg Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 14-05-57.jpg Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 14-09-05.jpg My favorate personal space!

                    Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 14-43-09.jpg Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 14-44-23.jpg

                    Here is to a better tomorrow....what new worlds will we visit? Share Your Memories of Home, avilesc, Nov 12, 2014, 10:17 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 11-12-2014 14-45-31.jpg
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                    • Kid_Fleetfoot

                      Jan 26, 2011
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                      Bought PS3 on promo sale for $249 (I think) Jan 2009. Bought a few games and even played MLB The Show 10 and Madden 10. Most of my time was on Home however. Didn't know what to make of it and while people come first my best fun was decorating apartments. And Dolphin races. Never did decorate all my spaces, Diesel Island ended up being one of my faves maybe two years after I bought it. Lots of problems on Home but the positive far outweighed the negative. Home is going to go away and there are no plans to bring it to the PS4.
                      :looney-toons-1: But still it's been a good 6+ years and a hoot:toot:
                    • chezvii

                      chezvii New Member

                      Oct 23, 2014
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                      Wow... Reading all of these posts kinda kicks a person in the stomach. Big ups to you all! I started around 2010, but my internet was laggy and kicked me out whenever I visited Home Square. In 2012, I returned with a --dum, dum, dumm! A router, FINALLY! Kick-started and visited my old avatar and finally explored what Home had to offer. Enjoyed everything from creating my avatar, earning rewards and making lifetime friends. I'm a very socially open-minded person, so I was sitting in Serenity Plaza one day and stumbled across this one couple. Who would've though two years from now I would be Skyping with Norwegian and Finnish people all the way from South Africa! All in all, it's sad and yes, it sucks. But from now until it closes, I'm gonna explore more and meet as many people as I can, and he, maybe bump into the love of my life on the way. :)

                      Attached Files:

                    • Kitty-Wali-

                      Kitty-Wali- Playstation Home Girl

                      Nov 17, 2009
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                      Share Your Memories of Home, Kitty-Wali-, Nov 15, 2014, 2:35 PM,, jpg, PlayStation®Home Picture 23-10-2009 21-17-54.jpg
                      My Birthday Party - 23 Oct 2009
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                      • C.Birch

                        C.Birch Site Owner
                        Staff Member Administrator

                        Mar 21, 2012
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                        That was a fun night :)
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                        • nick23400

                          nick23400 2 year member of YPSH

                          Jan 10, 2012
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                          Good memories and good times

                          Writing this from tapatalk for iPhone 6

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                        • Ariane Chavasse

                          Ariane Chavasse Arianne is here

                          Mar 14, 2011
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                          This movie was made by my friends.
                          Please leave your comment to their awesome work on u-tube.
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