Not sure where to put this. So, I got points at dream central for... "arriving"? and for sitting in the cinema.... perhaps, No shop icon loading there, so definitley no points for that. I was awarded a few times for "owning Miss Muffet items", culminating in a 1000 points award. When I try to go to Sunset lounge it just stays on the loading screen, i am about to try Arctic yatch/dream island, Arctic yatch has been.?? Err... freezing, as in making playstation Home inactive. I have cleared cache once, and reloaded twice... I am running out of time right now. I have chores to do.
The problem is something Lockwood know about, basically their server host has swapped the SSL cert for there server and Home does not support it. So they are having to edit all spaces and items that use the SSL and resubmit them to be updated in Home.
I'm guessing it will. They've mentioned that they're putting out LKWD Life points on items and spaces you have already owned, so I hope they'll have a list of items that have them. Also, Lockwood mentioned there will be a free personal space in the LKWD Life machine once everything is done.
according to their Facebook page a fix has been submitted to Sony and should be in place this week Nov 5th
all Lockwood life areas are now fixed plus all other Lockwood areas that we also broke are now fixed. The redeminator Lockwood have posted on their Facebook page a fix will be in place tomorrow Thursday 6th November