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Featured Warning to the Home community

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by C.Birch, Oct 5, 2014.

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  1. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
    Likes Received:
    +261 /59
    Hi all,
    I just wish to give you all a heads up warning about a FaceBook page called "Operation Help save PS Home", this page was set up to reportedly help save Home, but the real truth is it seems it was set up to try and make money out of a hurting and upset community.

    The person behind it is asking people to donate money to him to help "run" the page, please keep in mind that running a FaceBook page has ZERO costs and no overheads.

    Warning to the Home community, C.Birch, Oct 5, 2014, 5:25 PM,, png, Screen Shot 2014-10-05 at 17.15.02.png

    With this in mind, i posted a single comment pointing out if they really wanted to help save Home they would put the work and time in needed to do so without asking for money to cover something with ZERO running costs and pointed out i have been able to run a site for 6 years without asking the community for money and i said i wonder what the real point behind asking for money was.

    Within a matter of 5 min my comments been removed and i have been blocked from posting comments on the page, other Home community users are reporting being blocked from the page also for asking why they want people to donate to them.

    It's a sad person who takes a loving communities feelings and tries to use that for personal self gain by getting money out of them.

    So i would ask the community to please do not donate or like this persons page.

    Thank You.
    • Informative Informative x 3
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    • mad-man

      mad-man Dark Jedi

      Feb 11, 2012
      Likes Received:
      +47 /6
      crazy people
    • kwoman32

      kwoman32 Head Administrator
      Staff Member Administrator

      Nov 29, 2009
      Likes Received:
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      So sad. People are desperate to save Home. We all wish we could. But it's over. We have to accept it and move on.
      • Like Like x 1
      • Agree Agree x 1
      • AkumaPrince

        AkumaPrince New Member

        Oct 5, 2014
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        +0 /0
        Not saying what the person is doing is right, taking money from others like that is not cool. Add to that the fact that there isn't anything anyone is or can do to stop home from closing anyways. That said, having a Facebook like page isn't really "Zero Overhead", to get your posts seen it is encouraged to pay to advertise your page. Without that your posts barely get seen, it's how Facebook works now. They want your money just as bad as scammers truthfully, but yeah if you track your posts you'll see that without paying to boost visibility, the posts get very few views let alone likes. Granted you can run a page without paying anything and literally stay on 24/7 and promote the hell out of your page, but it would be more efficient to just pay for advertisement and go from there. That is of course, if you are to make some kind of monetary supplement cause paying it and making no money is just insane but also depends on the situation I guess lol. Warning to the Home community, AkumaPrince, Oct 5, 2014, 5:52 PM,, png, Screenshot 2014-10-05 at 91.png Warning to the Home community, AkumaPrince, Oct 5, 2014, 5:52 PM,, png, Screenshot 2014-10-05 at 9.png
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        • C.Birch

          C.Birch Site Owner
          Staff Member Administrator

          Mar 21, 2012
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          I know how FaceBook works, but it's the fact they are removing comments from people just asking about it and blocking them right away, that makes you wonder just why they want people to donate.

          Why the need to remove a comment and block someone from just asking what the donated moneys for, if they are using it for FaceBook ad's just say so in reply. Removing comments and blocking people from the page to me says they have something they want to hide.
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          • AkumaPrince

            AkumaPrince New Member

            Oct 5, 2014
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            True, that is kinda shady. I don't donate unless it's both reputable and an actual cause anyways. Yeah sure it sucks that home is closing but there's homeless and starving kids here in our own country let alone world wide. People need to get their priorities straight.
            • Like Like x 2
            • jake_nightly

              jake_nightly Home refugee
              Valued Member

              Jun 6, 2014
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              The worst kinds of creeps crawl out from under their rocks in times of trouble. This seems no different.
            • C.Birch

              C.Birch Site Owner
              Staff Member Administrator

              Mar 21, 2012
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              +261 /59
              They have now removed the post and made a new one, basically saying it was not them asking for money.... Yeah sure, keeping in mind the post asking people to donate was days old and never removed, yet users comments was removed within a few min and then blocked. then within 15 min of this thread going up there page post was removed and they claim it was not them.......

              Warning to the Home community, C.Birch, Oct 5, 2014, 6:15 PM,, png, Screen Shot 2014-10-05 at 18.11.52.png
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              • kwoman32

                kwoman32 Head Administrator
                Staff Member Administrator

                Nov 29, 2009
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                I have never paid Facebook to "promote" any post. Mine or the sites. While it may reach a wider audience, we are already reaching the audience we want.... which is users passionate enough to seek us out to see the information we provide. There are plenty of ways to promote your efforts without paying Facebook.
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                • kwoman32

                  kwoman32 Head Administrator
                  Staff Member Administrator

                  Nov 29, 2009
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                  Home users need to stop and think before reacting to the bad news that Home is ending. Unfortunately, the truth is, signing any petition is not going to save Home. Trust me when I tell you, if I thought any of these petitions would work, I'd be the first to sign up. But they won't. Lots of reasons why. Trying to petition the government (for example) is useless. For starters, there simply isn't enough Home users out there to even get the White House to look at it. Even if there was, they would not get involved. Sony made you read their Terms of Service when you first signed on to Home. You had to agree to it (unfortunately) or else you wouldn't get on Home. Private petitions won't work for those reasons and more. Sony made up their mind a year ago to end Home. They are not going back. Maybe if ten million users threatened to throw out their PS4's they might, but I don't think that's going to happen. Home has seen a serious drop in users. My theory is Sony itself killed it due to mis-management. Whatever the reason, Sony can cut costs by dumping Home and if you know anything about Sony you know that they have had loads of problems in the last few years. So getting rid of Home is one less monkey off their back. Sad to say, Home is done. We have to face reality. I backed the neotopia Kickstarter campaign. I would strongly suggest you do the same. neotopia is NOT Sony. So right off the bat, it has to be better. Plus it is planned for the PS4. That will give it the power we always wanted in Home run by people who care. Please channel your energy into making something new that will benefit us all..
                  • Like Like x 3
                  • avilesc

                    avilesc 8Bit Gamer

                    May 23, 2011
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                  • Pokemon_Mew_24

                    Pokemon_Mew_24 Pokemon_Mew_24

                    Jun 18, 2012
                    Likes Received:
                    +1 /0
                    It's so cruel! There's nothing you can do and donations will never work to save a once awesome virtual world! I knew right away it was a stupid action after I liked the post because I only wanted to let them think I was gonna make a donation, but I never will for something like this. :-/
                  • mrhightech

                    mrhightech New Member

                    Oct 5, 2014
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                    So what happens if neotopia can't raise the £250,000 by the deadline does it an it won't launch ever or at a later date as I have backed it with a £120 donation
                  • C.Birch

                    C.Birch Site Owner
                    Staff Member Administrator

                    Mar 21, 2012
                    Likes Received:
                    +261 /59
                    Kinda off topic that, but in reply. If neotopia does not hit Kickstarter goal then they don't get a single penny from it. If that happens they could ask people to donate via PayPal the same that they backed them for on Kickstarter, to try and get some of the support needed.

                    It's one of them wait and see's but it's not going cost any backers anything if Kickstarter fails, so it's low risk, so hopefully people back it to make sure it hits.
                  • Jackking21

                    +0 /0
                    #15 Jackking21, Oct 6, 2014
                    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2014

                    I'm the owner of that account you are photo showing right now, you don't have my permission to be sharing that photo showing my name. I don't care if you talk about Operation Help Save PS Home saving thing but using my name on your forums without my permission is wrong and infringement. You are defamation of character on my name plus character and i want it remove now. Plus tell your friends to stop posting lies on my Post on my page. I help Operation Help Save PS Home but i don't control mods actions and all i can do it remove anyone asking for Money as admin or mod. You were ban contact me to get unban, but don't go damage my name and character like that.
                  • kwoman32

                    kwoman32 Head Administrator
                    Staff Member Administrator

                    Nov 29, 2009
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                    +263 /52
                    I'm afraid I don't understand. Is your name Jose213Jose ? That's the only ID I see. Either way, showing a screen capture of a public posting by anyone on Facebook does not require the posters permission.
                    • Like Like x 1
                    • Jackking21

                      +0 /0
                      I'm the owner of that account its infringement. You are defamation of character on my name plus character and i want it remove now. Your site owner didn't have my permission to share my id at all, i don't care about the other thing. Have it cut out remove now. My Facebook page is not for the public but only for people i allow to see it. It shouldn't be showing in that photo at all.
                    • kwoman32

                      kwoman32 Head Administrator
                      Staff Member Administrator

                      Nov 29, 2009
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                      Again, the only ID shown is Jose213Jose. If that is you, and your Facebook page is set to private, then no one can see it anyway. Also, if you are not the owner of the Operation Save PS Home page then it isn't directed at you anyway. When you make a comment on a public Facebook page MILLIONS of Facebook users can see it. Far more than will see it here. There is no infringement of any kind here. Nor is there any defamation of character.
                    • Jackking21

                      +0 /0

                      Lets talk in the Contact you guys have then please and thanks.
                    • james

                      james ookamiprince

                      Apr 22, 2013
                      Likes Received:
                      +1 /0
                      Haha i just posted on their wall the admin messeged me and threatened me XD i got enough proof to take the page down if i need to
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