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Featured PlayStation Home - Server Closure Notice

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by C.Birch, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Below is the official Server Closure Notice statement.

    PlayStation Home has been serving the PS3 community since December 2008. During that time, tens of millions of users around the world have grown the social gaming platform into a thriving community of creative and enthusiastic gamers.

    Due to a shifting landscape, PlayStation Home will cease publishing new content on the 12th of November, 2014. Gamers in Europe will be able to download content until the 3rd of December, 2014. As a token of our tremendous gratitude to the community, we will also be releasing a series of free content prior to the platforms closure on the 31st of March, 2015.

    We would like to thank all of our fans for their support of the PlayStation Home platform over the years.


    Q: What happens to all of the PlayStation Home content that I have earned and bought?
    A: PlayStation Home fans will still be able to download content until 26th November 2014. You will be able to use any content you have earned and bought in PlayStation Home right up until the 31st of March 2015.

    Q: Am I entitled to a refund?
    A: Due to the progressive and innovative nature of the gaming industry, PlayStation is unable to refund on legacy platform or service experiences.

    Q: Is PlayStation Home or a similar service coming to PlayStation®4?
    A: There are no plans for PlayStation Home to come to PlayStation®4. PlayStation®4 is a powerful next generation console with the connective capability to offer gamers an outstanding social gaming and community experience in brand new ways.
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    • mad-man

      mad-man Dark Jedi

      Feb 11, 2012
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    • C.Birch

      C.Birch Site Owner
      Staff Member Administrator

      Mar 21, 2012
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      PlayStation Home - Server Closure Notice, C.Birch, Sep 26, 2014, 6:00 PM,, png, theend.png
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      • Funny Funny x 1
      • kwoman32

        kwoman32 Head Administrator
        Staff Member Administrator

        Nov 29, 2009
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        We knew it was coming. So nice of SCEA and SCEE to give us plenty of notice like Japan and Asia did. Just one more uber failure on the part of SCEA and SCEE.

        It's time to take off the gloves and tell it like it is. Sony killed Home. Through a series of total bone-headed misteps and non-existent management. Sony had no idea what to do with Home, except to bleed money from us, its loyal customers until it was totally destroyed.

        It's no secret Sony has had loads of problems over the last decade. It is typical of a large corporation to cut as many corners as possible to save face with shareholders. So instead of investing some time and money in Home to fix its' self-inflicted wounds, they took the easy way out.

        A part of my life is now becoming a memory. And a very fond one. I loved the platform and I supported it in every way I could. So even though Sony made a chump out of us all, I will never forget the wonderful times and people whom I had the pleasure of meeting through PS Home. Particularly in Japan.

        So thanks SCEA/SCEE. You built a terrific social platform and totally ruined it. You even lied to us a few times on top of your dead silence. So think twice Sony if you think I'm going to buy any more of your products. Your total lack of customer service and your obvious disdain for those of us who supported you speaks volumes about your company. One which I hope will just disappear in favor of some other large company who cares even just a tiny bit more about its customers than you ever did.

        Goodbye PS Home. We loved you and we will miss you.
        • Like Like x 12
        • Adrian

          Adrian Well-Known Member

          Sep 26, 2012
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          Aye and goodbye Sony ya wee sassanacks #SonyFail
        • C.Birch

          C.Birch Site Owner
          Staff Member Administrator

          Mar 21, 2012
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          And for anyone wondering about this site, we was here from day 1 of PlayStation Home and i plan on it being here still on the final day.

          After that, who knows, because its a big monthly cost keeping the site going and apart from a archive it will have of little use.
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          • Informative Informative x 1
          • drake21734

            drake21734 Administrator
            Staff Member Administrator

            Feb 5, 2011
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            I'm only gonna say this, I have two choice words for Sony so called management......
          • C.Birch

            C.Birch Site Owner
            Staff Member Administrator

            Mar 21, 2012
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            Well due to the fact that content stops at the end of Nov this year, what we had planned will never happen now, so here is a little something that was being planned and i had designed.

            PlayStation Home - Server Closure Notice, C.Birch, Sep 26, 2014, 6:35 PM,, png, YPSH_Top_Skirt.png
            • Like Like x 10
            • kwoman32

              kwoman32 Head Administrator
              Staff Member Administrator

              Nov 29, 2009
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              +263 /52
              On that note, I need to add a few things.

              First and foremost, if it wasn't for Carla, this wonderful resource would have never happened. Few realize how much time, effort and money went into making this site the best there was in support of PS Home. She was fiercely independent (which is why I came to YPSH). She didn't have employees of developers working on the site like others did. She didn't kiss Sony's ass. If you wanted to know what was going on in Home, without the tilt of any Home politics, this is where you went. If you wanted information instead of endless bickering and childish rants (like at the official forums) this is where you came. Carla never stooped to that level. Nor did she ever buy hits to make the site look like it was doing better than it was.

              Carla never asked for donations. Even when she spent a lot of money to fend off DOS attacks. Her videos of Home's personal spaces drew a huge response on YouTube with almost 6,000 subscribers and nearly two million views.

              NO other Home Community Fan Site can claim what this one can. Even though they tried. This was the first. This was the largest. This was the best. This was the site that supported PlayStation Home even more so than Sony itself did. No other site supported PS Home as much as this one did.

              I came here late in 2009 and I'll be here to the end. I just want to say thanks Carla. It's been a privilege to be associated with this site.
              • Like Like x 13
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              • Adrian

                Adrian Well-Known Member

                Sep 26, 2012
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                Good designing xx
              • mad-man

                mad-man Dark Jedi

                Feb 11, 2012
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                +47 /6
                Facebook will be our backup plan.
                but I know it's impssoble to keep
                everything there.
              • Rustbukkit

                Rustbukkit Sci-Fi Guy
                Valued Member

                Aug 9, 2011
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                I'd like to say a lot about this.. but the anger I'm feeling at their complete disrespect for giving decent and proper notice leaves me with very few. If I can put some thoughts together, I'll come back. What douchebags to do this in this way and with such little notice... then the gall to put "HEY.. BUY MORE CRAP FROM US!" right underneath the message. Faucking disrespectful greedy and disrespectful arseholes!
                • Like Like x 2
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                • Mezee Lyme

                  Sep 26, 2014
                  Likes Received:
                  +0 /0
                  Im so pissed off that im losing all my money and friends on psh :((
                • Ariane Chavasse

                  Ariane Chavasse Arianne is here

                  Mar 14, 2011
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                  +28 /5
                  We all have been in a castle made with sand . It will break away by the water finally. I must be ashamed to live in a country where Sony headquarter is .I got a lot of friends in the ps-home. I would like to appreciate for all of your warm friendship. Karen in particular.You are always kind and gentle to me. You and KB are our Stars of longing.
                  • Like Like x 4
                  • ReccaWolf

                    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

                    Jan 16, 2011
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                    #15 ReccaWolf, Sep 27, 2014
                    Last edited: Sep 27, 2014
                    So, they finally dropped the atomic bomb on PS Home this year...

                    Sad to say that after all that work and hard earned efforts, it'll all be in vain. Sony really killed Home over the past few years they were running, and it's very upsetting to see one of the most finest and decent community gaming spaces to be thrown into a black hole and never be seen again. Of course, as a customer and fan of Home since day one - I'm also upset by this piece of news. Sony became so stupid on being too neglectful to their work on Home and their customers after a few years, and messing up Home and letting other developers do their work for them was completely idiotic. :(

                    On a positive note, I would like to thank every one of you for helping me in each Home region for rewards as well as trusted and respected friendship throughout. I'll always cherish these moments once Home is closed for good, and I'll always hold those memories close to my heart.

                    Even if we, the YPSH Community, become nonexistent on here, we can always share photos, and relive those moments time and time again. Again, thanks to everyone who kept this forum strong and expanding our knowledge, our aid, and our friendships to everyone who needed help in Home.
                    • Like Like x 7
                    • Agree Agree x 1
                    • VickyTheVampire

                      VickyTheVampire HDG Moderator (keeper of cakes)

                      Dec 3, 2013
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                      +79 /2
                      I just feel like a part of me has Died:(
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                      • kwoman32

                        kwoman32 Head Administrator
                        Staff Member Administrator

                        Nov 29, 2009
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                        +263 /52
                        While this news is sad and we all pretty much agree Sony killed Home and doesn't care about its customers.... there is some light on the horizon.

                        Lockwood has had Avakin up and running for sometime now. Starting out as a poker game and now evolving into a virtual world. Excpet it's mobile only. I find the interface difficult to use and after 15 minutes with it I lost intrest.

                        Veemee is teasing us with this....

                        An announcement from them is a week away at least. However, it is probably safe to assume its an attempt at a "Home like" virtual world. Whether it will be on the PS4, mobile or PC remains to be seen. Stay tuned.

                        Then Hellfire Games announced this ......

                        Pretty much Home Tycoon on PS4 from the looks of it. Not much details yet except they did say it would have a "Dynamic weather system" and it will be on PS4.

                        Then a new effort I can't talk about just yet, but it may be the best concept yet. We will have to wait and see, That announcement is coming real soon so keep watching YPSH! You will have the opportunity to get in on the ground floor with this one :)
                        And it will be on PS4.

                        So my friends, it ends and it begins. I doubt all of these efforts will succeed. As always, once all the info is out there, we will want to hear your thoughts on each of these ideas.

                        All I can say for now is....... STAY TUNED.
                        • Like Like x 4
                        • C.Birch

                          C.Birch Site Owner
                          Staff Member Administrator

                          Mar 21, 2012
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                          Personally the one we can yet talk about, i feel is the best idea. Still waiting for Veemee to give details mind you both out of the ones i know details off, its the one that we be posting news on soon that i'm feeling the most.
                          • Like Like x 1
                          • Boxer.Lady

                            Boxer.Lady Atom Republic CM; HDG Board
                            Valued Member

                            Dec 3, 2013
                            Likes Received:
                            +8 /2
                            Carla & Karen, you guys ROCK!! You have both worked your butts off to make sure that everyone in Home had a central place to go to get information on what was going on in Home. You have been there from the beginning putting in your hard work, valuable time and money. You've helped to make Home everything it came to be; a place where we all went to have fun, find good friends, and have a place to call our own. Thank you for everything you've done for us. Your ARE and WERE appreciated.

                            Personally, I want to thank Karen for being such a loyal and awesome friend to me. I will never forget what you've done for me and what a good friend you truly are. I first met you in Japan Home, where I know you loved to hang out. You were so stoked about Japan and you were there for anyone else that wanted to play there and learn more about how to be a part of that world too. You even helped me get my keyboard working so I could type in English! ; ) I knew when I met you that you were a fantastic person and that I always wanted to have you as a friend. I know we will continue on after this being friends....we better ! LOL

                            I'm really going to miss Home and ALL the amazing, good and fun people I met there. Wherever we all go, or whatever we do we will always hold these years together close to our hearts!!

                            To a good time forward!!! I hope to continue to see you all elsewhere in the future!

                            • Like Like x 5
                            • mad-man

                              mad-man Dark Jedi

                              Feb 11, 2012
                              Likes Received:
                              +47 /6
                              Hellfire Games Tech demo just reminds the SimCity game.
                              It has lots of possibility. I think Hellfire can run their own
                              home like platform (smaller scale) in PS4.

                              I am still wondering about Veemee new project.
                              What it is all about........
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