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Featured Announcement of PlayStation®Home Content Distribution Termination and Service Closure in Japan/Asia

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by C.Birch, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    its naive to think anything console based will last forever. i remember not being able to see past the sega genesis/ megadrives and super nintendos dominance for next generation consoles and aaa game titles, few years later and both had to restructure due to failures and lost out to the playstation and then the xbox. now xbox one is costing microsoft due to its failure and even though the ps4 is doing well its sales in japan are no where near good. Ill be going there to take some pictures and perhaps do a bit of drinking in neon downtown. ive got consumables but wont bother using them as theres no point in winning rewards anymore.
    reading between the lines though it doesnt look good for the future. It took a lot of money to develop and set up home to the point that it looks like it only really started to pay something back to Sony about a year ago. dont reckon they will do the same again when you get a bigger and quicker return on your investments else where in the console world. Reality is theres just not enough playstation users that want to use home and most just think its a joke or a place for needy people to hang out.
  2. kurisu7885

    kurisu7885 Active Member
    Valued Member

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Physical console stuff may not last forever, online stuff least to me, is a little different. Still, I can see how Home hasn't done so well in those markets, though in my observation it's always busy, least in the NA region where I am.
  3. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    #23 faga4567, Aug 24, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2014
    Looking at the Mononoke event, although there's still weeks before ending, only having less than 2000 total from both regions talks about Home's status right now. That's like 1/3 or 1/4 of what it used to have compared to 2013's Setsubun(only counting US and EU, if we count all regions it'll be like 1/6 or 1/7). It's possible to make excuses by saying it's way harder than the previous events and not all are able to get to the finish line, or that the Home users right now are only for social and doesn't care about events, but still 500 people for EU is just like when Asia was having events.

    The first announcement of JP and Asia, and it's no answer response from NA and EU, the release of PS4 and other MMOs have pretty much damaged Home's appeal. The current management of US/EU does seem similar to the steps that JP/Asia is taking (lack of items and events from Sony, leaving everything to third party developer, etc), so if it does go with the same steps we probably will see something coming within the year or 2 for US and EU.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • hellmutt

      hellmutt Member

      Sep 6, 2012
      Likes Received:
      +1 /1
      Wow. Just wow.

      Somehow this feels like them giving advance notice to the rest of us to stop spending money on home...
    • mad-man

      mad-man Dark Jedi

      Feb 11, 2012
      Likes Received:
      +47 /6
      I still have a bit gz tickets in asia region.
      since I have 2 ps3 consoles. I spend all
      existing GZ tickets with GZ gift machine.

      Yup, my asia region avatar goto NA
      region personal home and running
      GZ gift machine.

      On the other hand, I will use free
      credits on LKWD gift machine and
      Veemee 3D printer, gifting to NA
      or EU region.

      Looks like doing some more photo
      taking before everything is gone
      with the wind.
    • Aiken_Drum

      Aiken_Drum Fish Act Explosion

      Jan 26, 2011
      Likes Received:
      +3 /2
      This is one of the reasons why I left PSHome. I looked at how much money I'd spent in Home, looked at how willingly Sony would drop a service that it wasn't really making bank on (even though it could have if it didn't mismanage it so badly), and looked into the future to see my money, effort, and emotional investment all getting turned into electronic vapor.

      I'm glad I met you all, especially during the otherwise tortuous aquarium adventures in Japan, but I don't think I can stand to come wave goodbye, so wave for me, please.

      JP Home, sayounara.
    • gary160974

      gary160974 I adore Uzi08

      Oct 27, 2010
      Likes Received:
      +22 /11
      We are something like 20 odd public space releases down against this time last year. It's all money off sales or purchasable items currently. Updates have been rubbish for 9 months. Issues aren't getting fixed if anything it's getting worse. 2 regions closing completely. Several developers disappearing from home, notably loot who are owned by Sony entertainment have stopped working on stuff for home. Events that are bugged or cheated on. Home doesn't need any outside influences to cause it problems. It's doing quite well at mucking things up itself. For something that's suppose to be social, it's users don't really use social networking much. As it takes developers to give away a reward just to get 20000 likes on Facebook. My mildly miserable hamster could probably get more lol
    • mad-man

      mad-man Dark Jedi

      Feb 11, 2012
      Likes Received:
      +47 /6
      I am wondering how long can EU and NA region last ?!?
      2 or 3 more years ? but who knows

      The only thing I can do is, keep enjoy the time I can spend
      on asia and japan region. take some more pictures as much
      as I can.
    • faga4567

      faga4567 Well-Known Member

      Jan 29, 2011
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      +113 /3
      Most likely another year, maybe 2 if it's still making money. Can't see 3 as Sony probably will put full focus into PS4 by then just as they did with PS2 and PS3 by the end of their 3rd year.

      But in reality, by looking at 2013 and 2014 on how Home was treated, do people really see a future in it?
    • April_Croft

      April_Croft Ps Home Traveller :)
      Valued Member

      Jul 13, 2010
      Likes Received:
      +2 /1
      Can't say I am surprised since every time I gave been on JP it is dead but I am saddened. I've just logged on to JP now to take some pics. Sigh.
    • mad-man

      mad-man Dark Jedi

      Feb 11, 2012
      Likes Received:
      +47 /6
      try use camera or mobile phone made some short videos
      and upload to your own youtube account, keep some
    • ReccaWolf

      ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

      Jan 16, 2011
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      +89 /13
      #32 ReccaWolf, Aug 28, 2014
      Last edited: Aug 30, 2014
      I would've thought Japan Home would've made much money from Peakvox, Oshaberi Farm, GAW Fishing Pond, etc., or perhaps people buying stuff from there as well - I mean, giving it a year after the announcement of their discontinuation of updates, I was focusing my attention to the Peakvox spaces, as well as finishing all the pets from L Project and the rewards and quests from Monster, and many other people were doing that as well - it was their only cash cow for new and old folks coming over here. It seems like once everyone has every reward, the space goes silent. :p

      It still upsets me now that after this announcement, everyone will either give it all up and just chat and/or take pictures, or just finish what they've been doing for the past year. I'm just happy to have finish all the pets, and Monster quests and rewards, since I have never gotten around to finishing them last year during August's discontinuation of updates.

      I really LOVE my Hibiki companion! It's too bad I can't transfer her and all my pets, and rewards from Japan to my main account. :p
    • GOODY_2_SHOES_23

      GOODY_2_SHOES_23 Playstation Home Junkie

      Apr 16, 2011
      Likes Received:
      +1 /0
      I am very glad, to have met most of my friends in JP Home, Japanese;U.S.,Austrailia,German and some other countries as well. I have taken many pictures to remember Home in JP including the ones you can't get now from the Show-a-Kingdom. I also have some from the Halloween and Christmas events. I also have the aquarium pictures from that event of swimming with the fishes and waving at the window.

      I will miss the times we had there and the sunrises of a new year we all shared together. Most of the spaces I went there for are gone, so I may take a few more pics with the stuff I have, and some close friends in certian lobbies, I will miss it all.

      Would be nice, if it would let you move your region, and bring your acct to the US or EU tho don't you agree?

      Loved the time we had together and the friends I made there....To Old Friends,New ones, and GREAT TIMES....THANKS TO YOU ALL....(y):):p;)(y)
    • mad-man

      mad-man Dark Jedi

      Feb 11, 2012
      Likes Received:
      +47 /6
      Yeah, it will be cool if we can move asia/japan account (with all items) to NA/EU region.
    • chinch80

      chinch80 New Member

      Oct 10, 2014
      Likes Received:
      +0 /0
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