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Featured Announcement of PlayStation®Home Content Distribution Termination and Service Closure in Japan/Asia

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by C.Birch, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    #1 C.Birch, Aug 22, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014
    Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. announced today that PlayStation®Home in PS3 will discontinue content distribution from 24th September 2014 in Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Asia (SCEJA), and close the service at the end of March 15.

    SCEI would like to thank our respective communities for many years of dedicated participation inside of PlayStation(R)Home and look forward to their continued involvement.

    PlayStation(R)Home in Sony Computer Entertainment America and Sony Computer Entertainment Europe operates independently, and this announcement does not apply to those services.
  2. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
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    Nov 29, 2009
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    Asia was always very quiet, but Japan was something special. We all knew this was coming but this announcement just makes me feel worse all over again.
  3. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Added the full date of when the sale on content in both regions will stop, that being the 24th September 2014, with both regions to fully closed at the end of march 2015.
  4. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    So what does everyone make of this news and will it affect how you use Home in the US and EU even more now?
  5. mad-man

    mad-man Dark Jedi

    Feb 11, 2012
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    #5 mad-man, Aug 22, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014
    Oh my god ! The Doom's Day Finally come to Japan and Asia region.

    I am wondering what reaction to users who spends lots of money
    for the virtual items, personal space. everything gone with the wind.

    Yup, I am very disappointing at the same time.
  6. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    #6 HOPPER_34, Aug 22, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014
    Doesn't really come as a surprise unfortunately. Nonetheless, it's not fun to read it and know that SCEJ sees no future for a platform that they once seemed fully engaged with and did some amazing things with. I honestly think all of the Western influences, including hacking, played at least some role in them giving up. I guess we will never know for sure.

    I did enjoy a whole lot of great times in JP Home back in the day....and for that I am grateful.

    Btw, from the official announcement:

    "Towards everyone that you have gotten enjoy the services of PlayStation®Home, and we are now preparing to perform a "large-scale events of last resort". Again, you will be notified by PlayStation®Home official website for further details of the event."
  7. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
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    Nov 29, 2009
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    So true Hopper. It's very sad. We are left with nothing more than speculation as to why SCEJ gave up. The regions did not seem to cooperate with each other at all. Japan did things the others did not. As you pointed out, some fabulous things too! Even though I never spoke a word of the language, I had more fun in Japan than anywhere. SCEA and SCEE should have taken note but those regions seem to almost completely ignore one and other. Another fabulous management error (in my opinion) to have each region act so autonomously. I don't see why each region couldn't have its own ideas and implement them without being so out of synch with the other regions.

    Look at how SCEE does more movie and game tie-ins than SCEA does. Look how SCEA gave us Gamescon AFTER the Sony presser took place!

    I'm sure Japan did not have the audience that a region the size of NA, but with each region being run so autonomously, I'm sure the bean counters looked at the numbers separately too and probably came to the conclusion that there just wasn't enough profit to keep Japan alive. Had Home been run as a whole entity it might not have disappeared so fast.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Ariane Chavasse

      Ariane Chavasse Arianne is here

      Mar 14, 2011
      Likes Received:
      +28 /5
      I am very sad to hear this news. I have spent a good time with friends to visit JP- home almost every day over the past few years. I have also accounts in EU-home also NA-home, I will Yes, enjoying even there of course, but there is no doubt that JP-home is my home town.
    • avilesc

      avilesc 8Bit Gamer

      May 23, 2011
      Likes Received:
      +3 /1
      I take this as a sign. We all knew with the PS4 came the end of Home. Especially since theirs no hope for it to be moved to PS4. It was just a matter of time before they phased it out. Now it begins. Ill have to hop on more often and enjoy it while I still can.
    • ReccaWolf

      ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

      Jan 16, 2011
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      I really did enjoy my experience there, as this was the first time to have met you guys back in September 2009, while we were helping each other through codes for the Georgia can campaign, including other rewards based in Japan, Asia, and Europe. It was also wonderful to have those wonderful exclusive events, and it was much more fun - Halloween, Irem's April Fools Day, Liar Game, Macross Frontier, etc. - those events will live on in my memory as long as I can remember, and I'm blessed to have met such good friends like you.

      I will miss coming to Japan Home and seeing my Harbor Studio space removed and forgotten - including my rewards I worked so hard on in the past few years. I will also miss the japanese players there who really contributed to Japan Home a long time ago and became good friends with me in Home - Mizu being my first friend there, followed by Faga, and a few others who can speak english very well. Japan Home to me was the closest thing ever to be near Japan as their country, and being there was just fantastic as it was magical in a sort of way, being a born anime otaku and lover of Japanese culture myself. ;)

      I will miss buying items in Japan Home - including their Evangelion clothes and Leiji Matsumoto clothing and furnishings. So very disappointing that all that buying and effort was worth nothing at the end. :mad:

      Asia Home was kind of bleak, so I wasn't very interested in buying things over there, so I left it alone.

      At least I got a few currency to buy games under their PSN, so that's always a plus. ;)

      I just need to take a few photos from there before the big removal is finally gone. Not sure what this final big event will bring under Japan or Asia, but I heard from what I read, it supposed to give out rewards or something from past events for free. I could be mistaken, so don't quote me on that. :p
    • C.Birch

      C.Birch Site Owner
      Staff Member Administrator

      Mar 21, 2012
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      No point in giving home rewards at the event, if its to be closed so we never get to enjoy it.
    • ReccaWolf

      ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

      Jan 16, 2011
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      Yeah, I'm thinking that they give a special discount on games or something else under their PSN. There's absolutely no way they'll give a reward out before termination. It's more of an insult. :p
    • faga4567

      faga4567 Well-Known Member

      Jan 29, 2011
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      I'm going to think it'll be something similar to what they did with Feva Arena. Show something like a video of the history of Home and give a big "Thank you" message at the end.
    • Firefly

      Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

      Nov 5, 2010
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      +67 /2
      i heard about the news. Very sad about this. Loved having fun in japan with you all there.

      I'll miss those days alot.

    • ReccaWolf

      ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

      Jan 16, 2011
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      Yes, very much so. I might as well save the yen I have now and just use it on games in their store rather on Home. I probably won't go as far as accomplishing Peakvox Labs at 100% (I only need to make the weapons now), but on the other hand, it'll be until March 15th, 2015 that everything will be removed permanently. It'll give you plenty of time to finish up your in-games, if you have bought any in-game purchases and use them up after they're gone on Sept. 24th.

      I am happy that I finished all the pets in Peakvox Labs and getting all the missions and rewards in Peakvox Monster. I have my Juggernaut axe made last night and that will be the only weapon to be used for Hibiki. I'll level her up just for fun and buff her up in Monster, and that will be the end of it. Any other in-game stuff I'll just use it up, and also trade my Peakvox materials to Monster for points.

      If you guys have clubs in Japan Home, I believe yours will be terminated as well, and no one else would visit. My suggestion is invite people already to your Japan Home club and get the rewards in the Peakvox arcade machines before it's terminated. If you have them all, please invite me too. ;)
    • mad-man

      mad-man Dark Jedi

      Feb 11, 2012
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      #16 mad-man, Aug 23, 2014
      Last edited: Aug 23, 2014
      I had good time in Japan region, the rewards from show-a-kingdom.

      I need to shout out , a big thank you to Recca , Faga, and some other people
      gave helping hand for translate the japanese message for voting game
      in show-a-kingdom.

      I get some cool rewards there, the best reward is the cat companion "cotton".

    • Un0-0n3unique

      Un0-0n3unique A Huge Japanese Fan Of Anime & Manga
      Valued Member

      Mar 29, 2014
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      This is kind of sad I think people in Asia home think it a waste of money because it so quiet there like nobody get there hand on Hong Kong home which suck
    • kurisu7885

      kurisu7885 Active Member
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      Mar 22, 2011
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      Glad that NA Home is going to remain up for at least a while.

      I admit part of me hopes that they'll move JP Home content to the ones that will remain open.

      All the same, it's sad to see all of this content fall into oblivion. I admit I had hopes that Home would be on the PS4, but I guess that hope is dead, it kind of makes the PS4 space in Home feel a bit insulting.
    • mad-man

      mad-man Dark Jedi

      Feb 11, 2012
      Likes Received:
      +47 /6
      I still playing home in asia region, the people will show up only there are
      event taking place.

      I didn't saw some people showing up in home for a long time, until there
      are event, like E3 shows, or GZ running new mononoke event.
    • ReccaWolf

      ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

      Jan 16, 2011
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      SCEA and SCEE would probably will move it to PS4 in the future, however, Sony Japan and Asia will not. It is still being in the rumor mill for Home to be moving to PS4, but as for Japan and Asia, they'll see it as a failed moved and a waste of time and money, and would rather pay attention to PS4 games.

      Right now, you have a few options:
      1.) Save your Japanese yen and/or Asian currency from Home items and save it for PSN Store games.

      2.) Exhaust all in-game content you have left in your inventory as much as you can - Green & time potions from Peakvox Labs, Aurora limited power-ups, GZ tickets, etc. There's no point in keeping them any longer than usual.

      3.) Try to finish all PS Home trophies by the end of March 15th, 2015, which you have plenty of time to do. If you have the 100 Yen Gomibako game, I suggest you play it and get all the trophies, but I'm certain once Home is gone, it'll still count on getting that gold trophy in getting all 5 rewards. At least the game is cheaper to play. ;)

      4.) Take good pictures around Japan and Asian Home and say your good-byes under PMs, as well as sending other regional friends your NA and EU names so that they might add you in the future when coming to NA or EU Home.
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