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Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by C.Birch, Jun 7, 2014.

  1. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    #1 C.Birch, Jun 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 7, 2014
    #4TheHomies, Jun 7, 2014, 12:18 PM,, 9701
    Hi all,

    Many of of would like to see PS Home come to the PS4, because we feel that with the power of the PS4 many of it's limits on the PS3 like limited item slots for personal spaces and the basic slowness of the platform would be removed, what could open up bigger and better spaces and games, plus bring with it a much more stronger community.

    But why most of us want this, most of us are also just going along being unheard, well if you want Home on the PS4, It's time to be heard and the best way to do this is to tweet @yosp on Shuhei Yoshida (yosp) auf Twitter and let him know you want to see Home moved to the PS4 and why you want to see it also.

    If you do make yourself heard than don't forget to hashtag your tweet with #4TheHomies

    As a community we can be heard if we want to be heard, but to be heard we all need to do this has a community so please make your selfs heard #4TheHomies

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    • kwoman32

      kwoman32 Head Administrator
      Staff Member Administrator

      Nov 29, 2009
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      Home is worth saving if :

      It moves to ps4 with better memory and network speeds

      It gets better management

      If you want to save Home, start making your feeling public via all social media. Now is the time.
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      • C.Birch

        C.Birch Site Owner
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        Mar 21, 2012
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        Being a owner of a PS4 i can say the network is much better, with much faster download speeds from the store, but it's not just the network server being better that makes the network better, it's also the PS4 systems memory.

        With the PS3 its got very low memory what limits how much data it can process at once and this makes a bottle neck, with the PS4 that limits gone.

        The memory in the PS4 is also faster and much much more of it than PS3's that means Home dev's would be free to make much bigger and more in detail games and spaces that work. The number of players able to be in a space could also be made bigger what gives a better community feeling also.

        Really Home come out to soon, the idea was good but the tech was not ready to see out that idea, now that tech is here and with VR in coming Home would be a perfect match for the full VR idea.
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        • Adrian

          Adrian Well-Known Member

          Sep 26, 2012
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          You kept my interest Carla, up until VR , Home needs to be easily accessible, not needing to buy headset, or even to have to wear headset...

          I love Beatles Rock band, but it is a mild chore to set up guitar & mics, so it limits it... As cool as my replica Lennon guitar is.

          Home is great for events/ meet ups, there's no better internet platform.
        • C.Birch

          C.Birch Site Owner
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          Mar 21, 2012
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          You would not need the head set, Home would work how it is now but you could add a VR mode for them that wanted to use that.
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          • gary160974

            gary160974 I adore Uzi08

            Oct 27, 2010
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            I'm starting to think its less about the tech side of things and more about the money side of things. But with no concrete figures it's hard to make a conclusion. It's all good getting home could be great if it was on the ps4 but it won't be if it doesn't make a profit. The saddening thing for me was that Sony think little of the home community that it wasn't really released that home wouldn't be having an E3 scene it was forced out of them at the last minute in among the posts. Did they really think we wouldn't notice and just get on with it or is it they truly couldn't care. If they truly don't care then that sort of tells you that your not making enough money. Because if it was that profitable they would be rolling out the red carpets.

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          • C.Birch

            C.Birch Site Owner
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            Mar 21, 2012
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            The income made from Home only dropped due to Sony's own failing in fixing Homes problems, eg errors, slow loading, hacking and so on.

            When was the last time Home had a core update that truly made Home work better? They have added pointless things that never get used and fixed less than they have broke.
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            • gary160974

              gary160974 I adore Uzi08

              Oct 27, 2010
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              Developers have dropped the ball on quite a few occasions as well. Perhaps all that combination of poor workmanship, drive for profit and ongoing attacks is taking its ultimate toll.

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            • Adrian

              Adrian Well-Known Member

              Sep 26, 2012
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              Intruiging enough angle, the profit thing.

              If PS3 did not have Home I would not have bought a second PS3.

              Companies struggle, to be friendly. The day that Facebook put Spam as more important than my friends was the day me & Facebook stopped "liking" each other.

              If you said e3 to me before e3 in Home I would've made snarky remarks, cos its what somebody else is doing... like this, Star Wars, in a galaxy far far away, e3 might as well have been in a far off galaxy, and its not as though games have done much, but now I wear my Frog & know Pappa and Yo, else I'd have no understanding of what that game is.

              Metal Hammer music awards :D so I know who my metal bands are.

              Home needs to chase these events, Bands performing and events, no other medium can provide what Home can with regard to events.

              Profit from Home is relative, it is like getting "likes" on Facebook, getting a "Like" is not gonna pay your rent, but 10,000 likes gets you noticed.
            • gary160974

              gary160974 I adore Uzi08

              Oct 27, 2010
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              Again If you look at social media and the amount of likes views etc that home gets, again it seems to lack overall numbers compared to what we think the amount of users are on home. Especially when you think the high likes on things like Facebook are because the developers gave away free stuff and have been given multiple likes due to one user wanting a code for each of they accounts. Also if you try and talk about home on online games there are a lot of psn users that have no knowledge of home and really don't want to know either. So along side profit are the user numbers high enough for Sony as well.

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            • Adrian

              Adrian Well-Known Member

              Sep 26, 2012
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              You're quite right Gary.

              Thing is, imagine your favorite event streamed in Home (make believe Home works fast with no glitches ), so your football final, or music awards, film awards, e3, we all like to get a step closer to the action.

              But like me, e3 Who cares!?! but give me Metal Hammer music awards & I'm there, so it can be real sporadic, & Home needs to publicise events, cos that's where, like the PS4 e3 app thing, lol, its never going to be as successful as e3 in Home... is it?
              • Like Like x 1
              • gary160974

                gary160974 I adore Uzi08

                Oct 27, 2010
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                +22 /11
                Couldn't agree more Adrian. A lot of things home does like trying to create a game within a game like example Mercia or game launch where you find 3 other users on home to play a game is so flawed. I can get into a full game and do all of the above quicker and easier. The only thing home does well is socialising. Socialising revolves around music, films, talking about games, fashion and taking things easy. Home isn't about that. When home first started we had to dance to advert music from a large screen in the square. A decent disco bar like area is every other social applications must have. Some have unsigned artists live in public spaces. These are usually themed as well so there's a country bar that has country music in, etc etc. it looks like these other ones with all they flaws are going to out last home.

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                • Agree Agree x 1
                • Ariane Chavasse

                  Ariane Chavasse Arianne is here

                  Mar 14, 2011
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                  Today, more than 4 years after a beta colony won the right to determine its own destiny, the task of perfecting our ps-home moves forward. It moves forward because of you. It moves forward because you reaffirmed the spirit that has triumphed over other game consoles ,the spirit that has lifted this virtual world from the depths of despair to the great heights of hope, the belief that while each of us will pursue our own individual dreams, we are an ps-home family, and we rise or fall together as one world and as one people.

                  Today, in this homie's movement, you, the ps-homer, reminded us that while our road has been hard, while our journey has been long, we have picked ourselves up, we have fought our way back, and we know in our hearts that for the ps-home, the best is yet to come.

                  All of you are family. No matter what you do or where you go from ps-home, you will carry the memory of the history we made together. I know that private campaigns can sometimes seem small, even silly. And that provides plenty of fodder for the cynics who tell us that posting is nothing more than a contest of egos or the domain of special interests.

                  But if you ever get the chance to tweet to folks who turned out at our rallies and crowded along a rope line in a high school gym or – or saw folks working late at a YPSH website in some tiny county far away from home, you'll discover something else.

                  That's why we do this. It's not small, it's big. It's important. Democracy in our ps-home can be noisy and messy and complicated. We have our own opinions. Each of us has deeply held beliefs. And when we go through tough times, when we make big decisions as a homies, it necessarily stirs passions, stirs up controversy.

                  That won't change after today. And it shouldn't. These arguments we have are a mark of our liberty, and we can never forget that as we speak, people in distant regions are risking their lives right now just for a chance to argue about the issues that matter,the chance to cast their ballots like we did today. But despite all our differences, most of us share certain hopes for ps-home future.

                  We want our kids to grow up in a world where they have access to the best virtual community,a ps-home that lives up to its legacy as the global leader in technology and discovery and innovation with all of the good items and new businesses that follow.

                  We want our children to live in ps-home that isn't burdened by debt, that isn't weakened up by inequality, that isn't threatened by the destructive power of phone games. We want to pass on ps-home that's safe and respected and admired around the world, a web that is defended by the strongest internet security and the best staffs,this world has ever known, but also a ps-home that moves with confidence beyond this time of recession to shape a peace that is built on the promise of freedom and dignity for every human being.

                  That's the vision we share. That's where we need to go – forward. That's where we need to go. Now, we will disagree, sometimes fiercely, about how to get there. As it has for more than years , progress will come in fits and starts. It's not always a straight line. It's not always a smooth path. By itself, the recognition that we have common hopes and dreams won't end all the gridlock, resolve all problems or substitute for the painstaking work of building consensus and making the difficult compromises needed to move ps-home forward.

                  The role of citizens in our democracy does not end with your tweet. ps-home never been about what can be done for us; it's about what can be done by us together, through the hard and frustrating but necessary work of self-government. that's the principle we were founded on.

                  Playstation has more wealth than any consoles , but that's not what makes us rich. We have the most powerful game console in history, but that's not what makes us strong. Our vitual culture is all the envy of the world, but that's not what keeps the world coming to our shores.

                  What makes ps-home exceptional are the bonds that hold together the most diverse community on Earth, the belief that our destiny is shared that ps-hme only works when we accept certain obligations to one another and to future generations, so that the freedom which so many homies have fought for and died for come with responsibilities as well as rights, and among those are love and charity and duty and patriotism. That's what makes ps-home the great.

                  I'm not talking about blind optimism, the kind of hope that just ignores the enormity of the tasks ahead or the road blocks that stand in our path. I'm not talking about the wishful idealism that allows us to just sit on the sidelines or shirk from a fight. I have always believed that hope is that stubborn thing inside us that insists, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us so long as we have the courage to keep reaching, to keep working, to keep fighting.

                  Ps-home, I believe we can build on the progress we've made and continue to fight for new spaces and new items .it doesn't matter who you are or where you come from or what you look like or where you love. It doesn't matter whether you're black or white or Hispanic or Asian or Native American or young or old or rich or poor, abled, disabled, gay or straight. You can make it here on ps-home if you're willing to try. And together, with your help and God's grace, we will continue our journey forward and remind the world just why it is that we live in the greatest virtual world on earth.

                  Thank you. God bless you. God bless ps-home
                  • Optimistic Optimistic x 5
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                  • mitsos

                    mitsos Active Member

                    Jan 11, 2013
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                    Don't want home to be moved to ps4, just no....
                  • C.Birch

                    C.Birch Site Owner
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                    Mar 21, 2012
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                    You do know if Home is not moved to the PS4, then in a few years max there will be no Home, when Sony drops support for the PS3, this is why people want to see a PS4 version so Home keeps on going.
                  • kwoman32

                    kwoman32 Head Administrator
                    Staff Member Administrator

                    Nov 29, 2009
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                    This is it Homies! It's now or never! Tomorrow, Monday, June 9th is the Sony PlayStation Press Conference at E3.

                    It starts at 5:30 p.m. PT / 8:30 p.m. ET / 01:30 BST and will probably run for two hours. This is the BEST time to use the power of social media to let Sony and the world know you want Home on the PS4! Sony and the world media will be watching this event closely and if enough of us tweet our hearts out properly during this event it just might get noticed. I'm not talking one or two of us here, I'm talking hundreds! You need to not only participate but get as many people as you know to join in as well. There is power in numbers.

                    Two things to keep in mind :

                    1. Be SURE to include the hashtag #4TheHomies
                    2. Be SURE to include these twitter accounts in your tweet : @E3 - @PlayStation - @PlayStationEU - @Sony
                    (especially the PlayStation ones)

                    Here's an example tweet:

                    We supported PS Home now please support us & bring PS Home to the PS4! @Sony @PlayStation @PlaystationEU @E3 #4TheHomies

                    You can also include this graphic:

                    #4TheHomies, kwoman32, Jun 8, 2014, 4:28 PM,, png, 4thehomiesflat.png
                    There is just enough room for that tweet and the graphic.

                    So be heard. Get involved. Get as many as you can involved. And during those two hours tomorrow night, tweeet away. Save Home!

                    • Like Like x 4
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                    • avilesc

                      avilesc 8Bit Gamer

                      May 23, 2011
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                      • Un0-0n3unique

                        Un0-0n3unique A Huge Japanese Fan Of Anime & Manga
                        Valued Member

                        Mar 29, 2014
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                        Hope it a promise
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                        • ReccaWolf

                          ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

                          Jan 16, 2011
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                          #19 ReccaWolf, Jun 9, 2014
                          Last edited: Jun 9, 2014
                          Got mine done. ;)

                          Tweet those four accounts, including Japan and Asia. ^^
                        • MaCk Gaze

                          MaCk Gaze Member

                          Jan 28, 2014
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                          Hello all !
                          Just to be curious here
                          Where can we watch the e3 press conference ?
                          In ps home or online ?
                          If in ps home, which public space to be specific ?
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