Hello guys and gals. My name is Mei Mei and I am a EU PSHome user. I am new here so.. I am a [hl]Newby[/hl] once more. I started playing home for 4 years ago and I like it just as much. My favorite public spaces are: 1: Glittering Beach; 2: Acorn park; 3: Edo of Nipton. I recently started a new job in PSHome I am a tour guide for the NHomers (new home users) and I really like it. I also have a second job and that is being a model. Thank you for reading and hope to see you soon in PSHome
I promised my self to ask more so here is my first and second question Is it possible for me to make a showcase? And if so how can I creat one? Thank you for replying and helping this newby out
Welcome MeiMei! Are you asking about creating a showcase of your spaces? You can create a showcase and if you go to that area of the site (Cribs) Karen has an explanation of how to make one. I hope that answers your question? Boxer_Lady
Hi! and Welcome! If you want to make a Showcase item of one of your spaces and how you decorated it, click here for Home Cribs : Crib Discussion - Welcome To Home Cribs! | YourPSHome.net - Your PlayStation Home Community If you want to Showcase a fashion shoot, click here for The Dressing Room : Fashion News - Welcome To The Dressing Room ! | YourPSHome.net - Your PlayStation Home Community If you want to create an album of general photos or non-decorated spaces, click here to create one : Albums | YourPSHome.net - Your PlayStation Home Community Have fun and yell if you need anything
WELCOME i am ZAYA-MAN! i have been home since late 08 and still addicted(LOL)i love every aspect of home and will caontinue to do so.listen while typing this message to you my wife called and said my home is fixed(crossing my fingers) i hope i can get on home today! i wanted to do the guide job but i already that every day on home,i help newbs with rewards from my apaartments and take them to all the places they can still get free rewards from. i love it. maybe we can get together and make a bigger difference. friend me on home and if i am able to sign on today can i will meet up with you to talk more,you will love my wife,we have lots fun on home. ok hope i get to chill l8terz with all my home friends! i no they miss me! LOL
@ZAYA-MAN welcome back to home. I hope everything is just the way as you left it. and may your downloads be smooth as a baby's bottom . Dont forget to drop by sometime[BCOLOR=#ffffff][/BCOLOR] and have a great time back at home
Guess what!? after work on friday,i went home to see if the (FREEZE REPAIR) was true and it worked. i had to retransfer(UPLOAD) my home save files to icloud again as if it was the first time. The transfer message even had the old date from when we first did this. i thought all my apartments and avi outfit saves would have been reset but they was the same as i left them upon being frozen out of home for a month. WELL ANYWHOOOW I'M BACK ON WITH GUNZZ A BLAZZINN! PS. is that you in my sights. i'm in NEW YORK on staten island i hope we are in the same region cant wait to meet up. I would like to scedual my tour of home PLZZ! LOL C U AT HOME!