If you liked the SeaClyff Retreat and Clubhouse, you'll want to take a close look at the new Sea Clyff Retreat and Clubhouse Nightime version coming this Wednesday, April 9th, 2014 to the NA (in x7) and EU regions of PlayStation Home.. It's not just SeaClyff at night. Here's a list of the differences you can expect with this new version : - It is night outside. It is REALLY dark. - there are outdoor lights that can be turned on/off - the hot tub has lights when it is on - new jazz music replaces pulp music - man cave sign can be hidden/shown - 4 new wallpapers (total 12 vs 8) - the birds and butterflies were removed - All the artwork is the same, but the photo of the space is now the night version. NOTE : The hide/showing the man cave sign function and the 4 extra wallpapers are free updates to the day version as well. In the night spaces, everything looks different. Even inside where the lights are always on the dark exterior really changes all the rooms. And suddenly lamps are really useful and desirable. Pricing: SeaClyff Night Retreat - 19.99 SeaClyff Night Clubhouse - 14.99 Vintage Jazz Radio – 2.99 SeaClyff Night Bundle (all 3 above) – 24.99 SeaClyff Day/Night Bundle (all SeaClyff spaces and both radios) – 34.99 SPECIAL LOYALTY PRICING : If you own the day space and want to get the night space or you buy the night space want to get the day space: SeaClyff Retreat loyalty price – 4.99 SeaClyff Clubhouse loyalty price – 4.99 List of reward items (owner only): Elegant Tree – full size Elegant Outdoor Lamp – turns on and off but uses 1 slot List of reward items (owner and guest): Elegant Yin-Yang Picture Game Table (no chairs) Game Chair – Uses 2 slots but you can move it right up to a table and sit at the table Elegant Footstool Elegant Wastebasket Game Mechanics is also announcing four other virtual items to be sold for 1.99 each this week: Elegant Toilets – Two different black and white toilets that make sounds while the player sits on them. This is a virtual item version of the toilet that is already in our SeaClyff Retreat and Clubhouse. 2 slots. Game Table with Chairs – A table with four chairs that combine to take up 3 slots. Elegant Fireplace – A fireplace that the fire can be placed almost anywhere and can be turned on and off. 2 slots.
Uh oh... LWKD disease is spreading! Another re-skin.. quick.. we need to contain this before it spreads to all dev's! This is a fairly cool space, but not even close to being $20 cool for either version, imho. It's nice to see it offered at a 'normal/reasonable' price if you own one or the other and want to buy the opposite I guess. I really hope something interesting comes out this week. My PSN wallet hasn't been lightened much since Christmas.
I will be picking up on the Pulp Jazz radio. As for the night version, if I understand right I can get it for $4.99 because I own the daytime version (not the club). Seaclyff is one of my favorite spaces, unique to say the least as is GameMechanics. I and looking forward to this one.
Excuse me, but how much?!? $20 for the exact same space, but with the key/area/spot lighting controls reset to nighttime? Is this another April Fool's prank or are they just insane? I've yet to see any personal space that would be worth paying $20 for, especially as most aren't even worth the $5-$10 companies now generally charge. (Anyone remember when $2.99 - $3.99 was expensive for a space?) If anything, this should exist only as a single space with user-selectable day/night cycle or lighting options. Obviously, they believe there's a sufficient user-base gladly willing to pony up any amount of cash, and more. I do agree it's a nice space, still… $20? Definitely not showing up in my inventory. While I can easily afford it, I'd much rather put that money towards something better — a real game, or food, or especially that special someone. Just feels a bit extravagant, considering the main change involves someone fiddling with around with the lighting sliders for an afternoon. (Almost as deceptive as charging separately for five different color schemes of the same item, rather than include a basic color change control — going from red to blue to black takes but seconds to alter via the RGB sliders). But… so long as it makes you happy, that's the important part, right? [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]Sent via my BrainPADD using magic & a bit of pixie dust…
I was lucky to buy that daylight SeaClyff personal space long ago when I saved up, so at least I'll be getting the night version space for $4.99. But, seriously, $20 for a personal space? The only expensive one I know of than $20 is the $50 personal casino space from Digital Leisure.
Cost could be ok. If Game mechanics feel they can save home. If I can buy and have to keep forever. Game mechanics are good to push some boundries, to make things take less slots, to give us interactive items, to give us choice. What a shame, it is all now down to taste! ReAllysorry Game mechanics, you are not tomytaste,what a huge hugeshame.
Don't buy this space, Game Mechanics trash talked me on their FB page bc I tried to tell them of some bugs I found. I actually got a refund from sony bc of it. It looks like crap, sloppy coding and this new space is stupid dark. You're not going to get any gamer loyalty from these people. Just keep pumping out slightly modified old stuff for stupidly expensive prices as usual.
diz reminds me of another space I saw earlier which was da harbor studio I think (n00b home I call it -_-) only all they did was just simply changed da background from day time to some late afternoon scenery, and they called it another name (can't remember now >.<) but god dammit game mech. rly? $20.00 bucks for a space like dat? *face palms* -_-(\ I def. agree with da others dat it's kinda on da pricey side of things…>:[ so yea, I dun think I'll be get'n it dats 4 sure… \\(>_<)//
Well it look good to me as i heard [hl]Game Mechanic will not Have A open house with this space[/hl]So if anyone mine to have a event with Game Mechanic i be glad if you do anyway i was at the event with Play-station Gazette & I'm really interested in it but the price definitely worth it why won't Game Mechanic add a time cycle instead this could be way better & help save up money i also wondered if the helicopter will operate at the night version look like you need to spend 50 dollar PSN card on this my bad