The Kyouryuu Zaurus Empire April Fool or...... I came up here at last. The final battle of the Zaurus dinosaur empire and mankind is about to begin. That they do not get lost anymore. I just proceed. Now, shall we go.
This is interesting it sound like they are releasing the new dinosaur space from GZ that was posted at the future effort article
uhhhh... wut? I still can't understand why people get offended when I say that the Japanese are weird when it comes to entertainment and their pop culture. I had to turn the thing off 3 minutes in it was so horrendous looking. This can't be real... can it? Biggest fail dinosaur animations and designs I've ever seen. lol
This is an April Fools attempt from Granzella. Here's a site that gathered pics from what other companies did this year: エイプリルフールに便乗しているサイトまとめ2014年版 - GIGAZINE Irem/Granzella's recent trend was to have a web and Home version of April Fools. Irem was successful for 2009 and 2010. 2011 was canceled due to the tragedy in Japan. Granzella tried for 2012 but wasn't able to finish. They did a web version on 2013, but couldn't finish Home and delayed it for a few months. For 2014, their web attempt did almost the exact same thing as 2013 with the GNN news and Kikai empire. Will there be a Home version for 2014? That is still unknown. But judging from the web, they used alot of real images/footage compared to last years CG/Home images/videos. I haven't seen any new material used from Home, so it's probably better not to keep your hopes up.
So far, Granzella is concentrating on their GZ Gift Machine, so the idea for April Fools this year may be on hold, and if it is, it would likely be within sometime in May or June it'll reveal itself to NA and EU. Besides, I had already posted the GZ humans vs. dinosaurs finale video in the Japan Thread, and mentioned that it's only a parody anyways.
That video with the credits is 7+ minutes. Why do that for a parody? Seems like a lot of time and money for a joke. One never knows. We will just have to wait and see if anything comes of it.
That's how Kujo take April Fools seriously. According to his statements, he starts planning on the next day after April Fools for next years April Fools. Call it stupid that all the effort is thrown out the window in just for 1 day, but they have been doing that since 1998. Dokidoki Suikoden for PSP was one of the ideas used that came out in the early 2000 April Fools so not all was put to waste. But considering the track record of Kujo's team not meeting deadlines and cancellation for many games for Irem and Granzella, April Fools might have been the Achilles heel. Granzella first stated they wanted to have some kind of game released by Summer 2012. Nothing happened. Then 2013, but nothing happened. Then came Dec 2013, they announce they will have several titles by March. Nothing happened. Hmm...sounds familiar to the Irem days.
Try comparing it to the money and time Google spend on their April Fools stuff (granted they have much higher user numbers and a lot more money to waste)
It's funny they mentioned about PS3 or PS4 games from them, but got nothing to show for it. Before I knew about Irem in Japan Home, I remembered playing their arcade classics back in the 80s. Now that they're gone, I still miss their other games and their events more than ever.
Wha- Oh really?! I seem to recall differently. And thanks to the magic of quoting… ♪ gling ♪ gling ♪ gling ♪ You never mentioned it was a parody specifically… in actuality, you sounded as if you were rather unsure: "…another hint of their new AFD event or just for laughs?" As I clearly mentioned in that other thread, it's a promo for their new mobile camera app for iOS & Android, the "Dinosaursaurus (DinosaurZaurus) Camera". I can't imagine why that particular fact was never already mentioned in connection with all this. Here's my post on this for those who missed that particular thread: Yes, back when many on Granzella's team worked for Irem, they had a long history of creating ever-more elaborate special April Fools (四月馬鹿, shigatsubaka) websites from 2000-2010 — thankfully, their 11 official websites (+ an earlier bonus from 1999) are still archived online at in the original Japanese or via Google Translate-mangled pseudo-Engrish. However, only two events had anything to do with Home, both of which tied directly back into Irem's April Fools websites for those years — a small "Irem Square" invasion by the Black Irem Brigade in 2009, followed by their incredible 24-hour Semifinalist Fantasia event for 2010. That's it. Where has Granzella unequivocally stated they were working on another PlayStation®Home-based April Fools event… for this (or any other) year? And why would you even assume with utter certainty they'd do it in May or June? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Wishful thinking is one thing… we'd all like to see another 24-hour event. But constantly stating pure conjecture as true fact is another thing entirely [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]Sent via my BrainPADD using magic & a bit of pixie dust…
Baron, I thought it was another event going to be planned, but after watching it the second and third time around and what Faga had mentioned, it is a parody on Granzella's part. I had to be sure I wasn't fooling myself again, hence the question I put in. However, they do tend to bring about April Fools after a few months of being planned. Sorry, just wanted to clear that up.
I contacted Granzella directly. here is their response...... "Yes, this was the trick we played for the April Fool this year. Although we are aware that people will think that this will be followed by a Dinosaur-themed event of PSHome version, we do not think we will be able to hold such an event on PlayStation Home. "
Yep, wish they could though, and with some added surprises into it. I've seen other Japanese articles about Granzella and pictures of CGI Kikai soldiers with Kujo and company, discussing their next April Fools event for PS Home, but it will take much planning and time when it comes right down to it.
And yet not one other person properly reported it had zero to do with Home and was in reality a mobile app. Just… forget it; why should I even bother anymore with the truth… [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]Sent via my BrainPADD using magic & a bit of pixie dust…
You want the truth you can't handle the truth lol just kidding but I suppose the truth is home is dying a slow death Sent from my ST25i using Tapatalk 2
Touché! [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]Sent via my BrainPADD using magic & a bit of pixie dust…