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Harold Ramis a.k.a Egon Spengler from Ghostbusters Meet up

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Adrian, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. Adrian

    Adrian Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Harold Ramis, perhaps better known as Egon Spengler died aged 69.

    I thought if there are any other fans that we could meet up, perhaps at the Ghostbusters apartment, perhaps bring any costume pariphanalia pertaining to Ghostbusters, but more especially Egon Spengler.

    Egon Spengler was a fantastic characterisation, a geeky nerd, who appeared unaware of Janice the secrataries romantic interest in him.

    He was a scientist/nerd but when called upon to talk to lesser mortals, he could improvise,famously equating a "twinkie" (we in the UK have no real idea what they are) with the size of the city(New York).

    Ghostbusters was a seminal film, previously Ramis had worked at a mental institution, and he claimed that it helped him to deal with Hollywood!
    Ghostbusters does something magical, it represents 4. Ordinary joe's, yes they're scientists, mostly they're not especially good/altruistic scientists, aside from Egon who is supernerd and seemingly unemotionally involved, but still a likeable guy, ala Spock from Star trek I feel. The film portrays the characters as they are, warts and all, still manages to make them likeable and still manages to have them end up the hero's.

    I will tweet @Lootent as they made the Ghostbusters space and a couple of others, feel freeto do the same, ie:- Spread the word

    I would really like to celebrate Harold Ramis, his characterisation of Egon Spengler, through his writing in the script and his acting.
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    • HOPPER_34

      HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

      Oct 24, 2010
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      The man was a movie legend in my mind. Ghostbusters, Animal House, Groundhog Day and still one of my favorite movies of all-time...Caddyshack!
    • Baron_Brain

      Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
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      Jan 22, 2011
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      #3 Baron_Brain, Feb 26, 2014
      Last edited: Feb 26, 2014
      He was a legend and will be missed, but thankfully his body of work lives on.
      And don't forget another classic there… Stripes and National Lampoon's Vacation to that list, And the incredible Groundhog Day has to be mentioned on e again!

      RIP Harold… and my extreme thanks for helping to make living through the 1980s far more tolerable!

      [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
      Sent via my Braincom or BrainPADD using magic & a bit of pixie dust…
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