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[poll] Have Home Connection Issues Improved?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by HOPPER_34, Feb 13, 2014.

  1. Much Better

    1 vote(s)
  2. Somewhat Better

    2 vote(s)
  3. About the same

    3 vote(s)
  4. Somewhat Worse

    1 vote(s)
  5. Much Worse

    3 vote(s)
  6. Catastrophic

    1 vote(s)
  1. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    #1 HOPPER_34, Feb 13, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2014
    Recently, a NA Sony official stated in an interview about Home, that "each update the production group looks to continue to improve performance for the platform." Just for kicks, let's see how that statement correlates to the actual Home user experience over the past year. Thx for any responses.

    *this is not an official poll and your participation will be anonymous.
  2. InSight

    InSight Active Member

    Feb 10, 2012
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    +2 /0
    It improved a lot after the update 1.75.
  3. Adrian

    Adrian Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    +26 /5
    I don't know if you are asking for na users or just general.

    Here (uk) It's. Been a funny 1 step forward, 2 steps back, 2 steps forward, kind of affair, they have definitley been tinkering andit has made oddities, like the funny "blop" noise as home loaded up....

    Now at the moment, just this maintenance period, Wed 12th Feb 2014, touch wood, I am having the fastest loading time for a long long while, & Home is behaving itself more than in the past.

    Really hope I haven't given myself the kiss of death :eek:
  4. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
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    Jan 22, 2011
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    #4 Baron_Brain, Feb 14, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2014
    Adrian, you pretty much said it for my local Los Angeles servers as well, especially with your "1 step forward, 2 steps back" sentiments (although when I bitched to Sony a couple months back about the continued worsening conditions, likened it more to 1 step forward, 3 steps back…o_O And yeah, also hope Home doesn't decide to come bite me in the ass again after I post this.

    The 1.75 core update just over a year ago was indeed a good turning point for Home; probably one of the better ones we've ever had. 1.75 was an elegant client for a more civilized age. For over eight years, the SCEI teams were the guardians of peace and justice in the Home Republic. Before the dark times... before the PS4.

    The dark times arrived around 3rd quarter 2013, and the Home experience became the worst it's been in a very long time. The 1.85 update after SCEE's little "error" did little to fix problematic areas, especially when combined with all the behind-the-scenes issues they had with the servers, miscellaneous coding, and whatnot. Just dreadful.

    The average experience with Home had already become rife with non-stop problems during that time, and 1.85 just seemed to be a band-aid that did little to heal the wound. Rather than fixing existing issues, the experience generally become worse. I was truly hesitant to come into Home because of it.

    Some average issues: rewards often failing to be awarded, requiring at least one logoff/login before they'd appear (if ever); severe lag or even a complete graphical freezing of assets, often lasting several minutes (sometimes it came out if It; more often a reboot was required); corruption of assets over time in certain spaces (such as the one I and others frequently experienced in Acorn Meadows, with flickering assets, massive slowdown, and those nausea-inducing blurs/trails); waiting up to 3+ minutes for the servers to catch up and allow me to actually start a game (OrbRunner being a prime example, along with L-Project); and many others. The other big annoyance was waiting… and waiting… and waiting after exiting a game for the onscreen "WWW" access logo to stop spinning, indicating I was being allowed to continue doing whatever it was I was doing within Home.

    The extreme lag in server response with nearly every aspect of Home was by far the worst. Well, that plus the dreadful new 1.85 client Navigator… talk about taking something nearly perfect already and altering it into a backwards mess of coding *shudder*. Also became very tired of waiting for the server to actually load up any Navigator tiles… might as well make some tea or have a quick nap while waiting.

    You're right Adrian… server response does seem a bit improved this week suddenly. Hope that means they've been working on the issues, rather thsn it just being pure luck. I'm still seeing issues with server lag, but it's a bit better on average. As an example, with the new Valentine’s Compatibility Meter in the UK (where I'm presently standing), after a game, the server takes ~22 seconds average before the "WWW" stopped spinning.and I could rejoin the game (although my "Fallen Angel Wings" usually don't reappear for at least another 10-15 seconds after). And this certainly isn't the most resource-taxing item within Home (one hopes).

    On the whole, it seems so,far that the server lag — though it most definitely is still present — is a bit more tolerable now. Hope it keeps improving! And thankfully the Challenges Season Three rewards are properly working as they should again (um, so far). Definitely a big relief!

    However — there's always a "however" with Home now — I did run across a new issue this week, aside from the usual non-rewarding rewards issue. In the past, I'd leave my avatar floating happily on the bridge in Acorn Meadows, waiting for tasks to appear. The previous super slowdown/nauseous trailing issues have thankfully vanished, but since WednEsday, the bridge is no longer a safe haven. If I leave my avatar unattended for more than a few minutes, I return to find everything frozen — so far, a reboot is always necessary. This has occurred several times each now in both the UK & NA Acorn Meadows spaces. So long as I frequently move around, and stay off the bridge If I leave the room, I've not had that issue.

    Still, even with the usual niggling issues, Home seems to be a bit more stable since Wednesday. Hope whatever behind-the-scenes improvements continue… and really hope I haven't cursed myself further with this post. Eegads! But just in case: :finger:

    [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
    Sent via my Braincom or BrainPADD using magic & a bit of pixie dust…
  5. mad-man

    mad-man Dark Jedi

    Feb 11, 2012
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    It's getting worst after PS4 hit the market.
  6. gary160974

    gary160974 I adore Uzi08

    Oct 27, 2010
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    Not sure of home is getting better because theres not much being released to truely test it. A few new suits each week isn't a test. Last real test was winter quest which suffered lag as bad as normal

    Sent from my ST25i using Tapatalk 2
  7. aogamerdude

    Mar 27, 2013
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    Was ok until PS4 came about.
  8. Shaundi

    Shaundi Third Street Saints
    Valued Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Personally I've had almost no issues loading Home and only seem to get errors on the days leading up to a "PSN maintenance". In fact, aside from the day PS4 was released, the last time I had any serious issues was probably at least 6 months ago.
  9. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I had no loading issues with PS Home, though the only thing I could think of that's annoying is the sudden Club Chat Disabled menu pop-up that comes up either while I'm playing or not. They should try and get this fixed without myself loading up Home again after it crashes.
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