February 12, 2014... the Giftinator 9000 will be out there. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you have one in your personal space. Oh, and it comes with free rewards, a free giftable Laser Shark LMO, and it's free to everyone in the Hub and the Home Tycoon Train Station! The Hellfire Games team unveils it's version of the gift machine this week. Add the Giftinator 9000 to your personal space and gift unique items to your friends, nearby users, or yourself and unlock exclusive rewards & gift machine upgrades as you level up. The Giftinator 9000 a lot of features, including: Earn XP (Karma) with each gift you sendGift to yourself, friends, and even nearby users in the same spaceCustom gift wrap systemLevel up to unlock exclusive rewards & gift wrapsUpgrade your Giftinator 9000 as you level upGift currency to friendsDynamic wish list systemGifting leaderboardsOptimized user interface for fast navigationCustom PSN messages with giftsVisual alert when gifts are waitingMultiple free items at launchLaunching with 75 items plus more to come!
sweet mother of awesomeness. this definitely blows the Lockwood Gift Machine out of the water. Dr Evil would be proud that Hellfire Games hath given the community a LaserShark to the masses. so need a Dr Evil/Austin Powers smiley
Hmm.. I'm not sure I like where this is going. Gifting basically being made into a game with leaderboards and opening up higher levels of gifting by means of gifting? Is that what everyone else takes away from this? This seems like it's really taking consumerist greed to the next level by playing on the weaknesses of gaming addictions. Hopefully we can decline gifts like we can with the Veemee machine. Not everyone is keen on the idea of receiving.
Can pretty much guarantee we'll ony be able to gift really rubbish stuff at first and probably need to buy way too much to even touch the higher level stuff, it's a level of greed I've come to expect of this dev.
Sharks with laser pointers attached to their freakin' heads! XD WOW! That's a great LMO, and there's plenty of good things to get.
Must admit I didn't watch the video, seems levelling just gives the user rewards rather than being required to unlock gifts. Not a bad idea after all. It's nice the shark LMO is free.
I'm having a problem getting the Carry On female shirt from the Giftinator on EU Home. It only gave me the male one upon entering Home Square. Anyone know how to get it? I tried clearing my cache and reinstalling Home but it doesn't seem to work.
They revamped their fourm too, though when I watch posts on their threads via Safari, they completely disappear. I tweeted them to fix this.
When using the "Laser Shark", don't forget to check the bottom of your [R1] menu for a few additional options (seems many users haven't discovered this)! In EU, I was also not rewarded with all the Giftinator 9000 items, specifically the "Keep Calm and Gift On Shirt (Female)" and the "Karma Glasses (Male)". Both items were rewarded without issue in NA. Another problem in both the EU & NA seems to be with the "Valentine’s Compatibility Meter" — though quite a few of us have "won" (purportedly by reaching "Passionate Pair" status — the last tick mark before the 100% point), it seems few have actually received the reward, the Sony-claimed-rare "Valentines T-Shirt (Female/Male)". It's not that I don't believe the few who claim to have received this reward; but nobody would actually take the time to show it off to us. Then again, it is another t-shirt reward … do we really want another? [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]Sent via my Braincom or BrainPADD using magic & a bit of pixie dust…
Overpriced reskinned items and looking at the high score board either some people have spent over 100 pounds or 150 euros or 175 dollars on it. Or its been hacked or exploited of course. Sent from my ST25i using Tapatalk 2
Yeah, I've noticed those items being reskinned, so it's not all too grand to buy something on it yet. Not all too inclined buying "money" and karma points for it either.
Already noticed groups of users with the items hacked (obvious from them having other items only obtainable through hacks)
It seems to be the users that exploit the gift machines etc are having more fun on home than the users that don't exploit home and are getting away with it. Sent from my ST25i using Tapatalk 2