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Atom Republic A Coward

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by james, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. james

    james ookamiprince

    Apr 22, 2013
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    Hello sorry if i'm wasting time, ahem i wanted to state that on facebook i challenged atom republic to a debate to make free karts in their park for those who Cant offord it i kept my words tastful and none agressive and their response was ,,,, they deleted my comment and blocked me from their page so if anyone reads this please if you wish spread the word if you want to know what i said then please leave a comment thank you for your time.
  2. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
    Staff Member Administrator

    Mar 21, 2012
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    Atom park is pointless, you got to buy a Kart LMO to erm win a Kart LMO, so you win a recolor of what you just paid for....
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    • HOPPER_34

      HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

      Oct 24, 2010
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      I wouldn't worry about it too much. Atom Republic is just another fly-by-night Home content developer with a low standard of quality. I picture their operation as being maybe 1 or 2 people with a Home development kit using their free time to make a few extra dollars. I wouldn't know, but would be willing to guess that anyone with even some computer graphics skills and the development kit could do what they do. Makes me wonder what the requirements actually are for getting a development kit- maybe I'll give it a shot. :ROFLMAO:
    • C.Birch

      C.Birch Site Owner
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      Mar 21, 2012
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      #4 C.Birch, Jan 27, 2014
      Last edited: Jan 31, 2014
      Last i heard its 1 person and someone else helps on some areas of making the content.
    • james

      james ookamiprince

      Apr 22, 2013
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      I knew it was one person XD explains the big talk they do and how they hide oh well they proved my opinion anyways
    • HOPPER_34

      HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

      Oct 24, 2010
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      +112 /7
      You want to go halves on the cost of a Home developer kit? I got some computer graphics skills:

      Atom Republic A Coward, HOPPER_34, Jan 27, 2014, 9:46 PM,, jpg, dog poop art.jpg
      I could help with PR and handling the money as well. :D
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      • Funny Funny x 2
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      • C.Birch

        C.Birch Site Owner
        Staff Member Administrator

        Mar 21, 2012
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        Tell you what hopper, 5 years ago i would have loved to got the HDK and made my own stuff, but now Homes on the way out and even Dev company's are finding the goings hard with Home, Blame Sony for not talking about Home/PS4.
        • Agree Agree x 1
        • drake21734

          drake21734 Administrator
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          Feb 5, 2011
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          That's some nice MSPaint there Hops! :p
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          • HOPPER_34

            HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

            Oct 24, 2010
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            Well thx Stacey--that's really just a small example of what I can do. :D

            "Tell you what hopper, 5 years ago i would have loved to got the HDK and made my own stuff, but now Homes on the way out and even Dev company's are finding the goings hard with Home, Blame Sony for not talking about Home/PS4."

            ok fine then CB...I'll have to go it alone. I've already shown my company logo as a sneak peek of what's to come and it seems people are pretty impressed. Pretty soon I expect I'll be pulling in at least $15-25/month. I don't think I can do all of my item and space renderings in MS Paint though, so it could be awhile until my first release--hopefully before Home shuts down. :woot:
            • Informative Informative x 1
            • hellmutt

              hellmutt Member

              Sep 6, 2012
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              On topic, I'm not sure how Atom Republic would be able to figure out who could afford a cart and who deserves a free one. That seems a little like simply telling them to start giving away all of their efforts for nothing. I probably would have been annoyed if someone approached me with that tale too.
            • kwoman32

              kwoman32 Head Administrator
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              Nov 29, 2009
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              #11 kwoman32, Jan 27, 2014
              Last edited: Jan 31, 2014
              True enough. Developers don't work for free. However, that being said, seems silly to give the user a re-color of the same item they used to play the game as a "prize"? Also, PR people have to deal with ALL kinds of comments.... good and bad. Losing their cool when responding, or worse yet, deleting their comments, just makes them look bad. When you are dealing with John Q. Public, it's all part of a days work. Professionals know this.
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              • james

                james ookamiprince

                Apr 22, 2013
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                Im not saying to only give away free ones to who deserves it i said to them make free ugly ones for everyone so every home user rich or poor has a chance at showing their skills and like i said i used tasteful words nothing offensive if i annoyed anyone then they were most likely trolling me and for atom to hide what i said means that they are greedy and only care about money and not their fellow man.
              • C.Birch

                C.Birch Site Owner
                Staff Member Administrator

                Mar 21, 2012
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                If Atom wanted, they could make the game so it's free for anyone to play and make it so the rewards only given to them owning the right items, I think this is basically what James was putting forward. As I say and as most I know feel to buy a item to win a Reskin of that item is just totally silly.
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                • Adrian

                  Adrian Well-Known Member

                  Sep 26, 2012
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                  Atom are a company surely regardless of how many staff their are.

                  I haven't bought a cart & don't go to the park.

                  You just have to make that choice surely?

                  Try. Putting, here, or there, or somewhere;

                  If Atom Republic were to have a free to race option (not free to own/win a cart) we would at least get try before we buy.

                  In Granzella Southern island hideaway we get to jet ski race. "Jet ski" has to be the least desirable thing in home? For me it is, & I hate dolphins btw, but Granzella don't charge money to be able to race & the race is niceley designed, & I get s.tropical points, & Granzella have earned my respect.

                  but I don't see the remit that claims that Atom Republic have to care about their fellow man, & that has got to be the most banal argument, unless you agree with me that the world is ruled by commercial fascism, but most people I know accept the world of commercialism, so why complain about that world?

                  Atom will make money or not make money

                  I don't get the whinging.

                  Atom Republic are allowed to make their choices & like it or not, they are allowed to delete your comments on fb (don't use fb if you don't like it)

                  Social media is suddenly a huge problem, Atom Aren't the only company to employ somebody else to represent them via social media, and I know that I don't bother with people who hide behind somebody else like that & I've chatted with people involved in games/music industry and never had a big problem..... choose your friends wiseley is my best advice & if you don't like Atom then don't follow them or like thier page.

                  In fact, as soon as I knew Atom was using someone else to represent them on fb, I clicked unlike & haven't been near them since.

                  We are really very fortunate when we think about the devs in home who work hard and make good quality content and who have listened to our opinions/thoughts and taken them on board.

                  We really really need to say a huge thank you to those devs, we need to praise devs when they make great things.

                  Atom are a company, plain and simple, they want your money, nothing else, so either pay them or ignore them?
                • gary160974

                  gary160974 I adore Uzi08

                  Oct 27, 2010
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                  +22 /11
                  Homes always been the same, make a valid point and your a hater, if you are not butt kissers your opinion don't matter. It's created by a bunch of businesses pretending to be your friends then when it goes wrong they want to be a business again. But we as a community created some of it by celebrating failure. Really only granzella ever stepped up and said our spaces are not good enough take them down and make them better.

                  Sent from my ST25i using Tapatalk 2
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                  • AtomRepublic

                    AtomRepublic New Member

                    Jan 28, 2014
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                    Hello all,

                    If I may, I would like to reply:

                    Your criticism is taken into account: there will be an upgrade to the public park to let you play the game for free, to try before you buy. But ultimately we are not a charity, but a business: we need an income to fund our development, I'm sure you all understand.

                    There will also be more challenges and different prizes to be won in the race: we are working on it.

                    We will also implement other games in the park at a later stage.

                    I do use the services of a community manager: this is to give me more time to focus on development: as Carla pointed out rightly, I am a one-man band, so managing the social media proved too much of a strain on the development of items and games: I hope you can understand that. I'm still actively involved in the social media, and do some of the posts personally, but for the most part I rely on my community manager, and haven't been disappointed by his good work. I can assure you that his judgement can be trusted, and he wouldn't have banned a user from our Facebook page for no reason.

                    Thank you for your support,

                    • Informative Informative x 2
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                    • C.Birch

                      C.Birch Site Owner
                      Staff Member Administrator

                      Mar 21, 2012
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                      I think the biggest problem with the Kart game, is not so much you have to buy a item to play it, but the fact the item you win is a recolor of the item you have to buy, to me and many that's silly, i don't need to own two LMO items that are the same, just diff color.

                      It needs rewards like male and female race suits, Winners trophy's and so on, something that makes people want to play it and gives the reward some type of value.

                      Also, i really don't think you need all the store points around the space, it just over crowds the space, 1 store point with all items would have been better in my personal view than around 6 all split up into item types.
                      • Agree Agree x 2
                      • gary160974

                        gary160974 I adore Uzi08

                        Oct 27, 2010
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                        The thing is if atom republic park fails because atom republic get it wrong. Atom republic lose money yes but also home gets another white elephant space. But a kart game was never going to make it a great space anyway so why release it in the first place

                        Sent from my ST25i using Tapatalk 2
                      • AtomRepublic

                        AtomRepublic New Member

                        Jan 28, 2014
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                        Here is an update to clarify the situation:

                        Illumin-x is not my community manager anymore. I would like to apologise on behalf of Atom Republic if people have been banned from our Facebook group unfairly. This will not happen again.

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                        • C.Birch

                          C.Birch Site Owner
                          Staff Member Administrator

                          Mar 21, 2012
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                          No problems, i think people will accept the apology and hopefully people that have been wrongly banned will be unbanned on the FaceBook page also :)
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