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US U.S. Home Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, Jan 8, 2011.

  1. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
    Valued Member

    Jan 22, 2011
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    You said it! It's something I know all too well also… (´・_・`)

    Reminds me of days past (2-3 years back, I think it was) when Home slipped backwards a bunch. The coding was just a mess, and had loads of issues.

    It took an eternity, but our patience & frustration were finally rewarded with an update correcting most issues.

    But our updates seem to be leaving that Golden Age version behind. Problems, bad lag, way too many sudden lockups, etc.

    Also experiencedu memory becoming wonky/corrupted several times in each Acorn Meadows Park. First a small semi-transparent image of the full-screen would be mixed into the upper-left corner (~1/12th the size of the full screen), it would begin to run v-e-r-y slowly, and every object created long blurred jittery streams whenever you turned or moved about. Rather trippy to experience, but the effect was so incredibly nauseousing you'd have to leave to keep from hurling.

    And as you said, there's the lag with the Challenges screen, not to mention other issues (I had earlier with it not giving me my unlocked items & telling me I didn't have enough points to open any tier.) ARGH!

    At least THAT had a happy ending for ir now. After too many attempts, Challenges finally reset on its own; my current status was reinstated and my missing rewards returned.

    Still, Home's a mess again. Just wish none of us had to deal with it when it's acting up this way this way.

    Hope that made some sense; i'm so zombies tight now I can't krep my. C'ya.…

    [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
    Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…

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    • HOPPER_34

      HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

      Oct 24, 2010
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      I don't know how old this is, but I just found a free snow globe on a table in Jam Games>furniture (both NA & EU).
    • Baron_Brain

      Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
      Valued Member

      Jan 22, 2011
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      Hiya Hoppy!

      Not at all old. I believe it went up back on Dec. 4th (and will likely remain free & available until the end of time.

      Not bad, but hoped it would actually do something. Perhaps filling my apartment with tons of snow & hailstones. So long as it's not Clone-Elves.

      [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
      Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…
    • Scotish-Heritage

      Dec 14, 2010
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      i think that snowglobe from JAM is rather new, either released this week or last. speaking of Clone-Elves, think i saw an outfit stashed in the shop somewhere. so far have yet to see someone running around Home as one, would be preferable than seeing someone doing the Miley Cyrus. :banghead:
      • Funny Funny x 1
      • gabrieln210

        Dec 8, 2013
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        +2 /2
        I bought that elf outfit when I saw it..its a dark elf :)

      • Baron_Brain

        Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
        Valued Member

        Jan 22, 2011
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        Hi all…
        Need to borrow the group mind if possible.

        A friend is trying to find a specific Home store item she saw or heard about, but we've had zero luck locating it thus far.

        It's a "demon crawling out of a person's back" object. Ring any bells?

        Just doesn't sound even remotely familiar, and searches turned up zip. No big surprise as I was off Home, and had zero internet access, for most of Aug-Nov (so I know next to nothing re: any recent store stuff). Attempting to avoid the real reaper will do that…

        So if anyone knows where this oddity can be purchased – or if it even exists – please let me know. We appreciate it…

        Many thanks in advance!

        [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
        Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…
      • Kindle

        Kindle Senior Horde

        Jan 17, 2011
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        #1887 Kindle, Jan 7, 2014
        Last edited: Jan 7, 2014

        Just throwing out a thought here. Is it possible that she saw one of Lockwood's "Shadow Ghoul" full-body outfits on someone who was using a rideable humanoid LMO at the same time?
        [bimg][/bimg]The other version of the same demon is called "Vathek the Shadow Ghoul," previously from the Gift Machine, with reverse black and white colors.
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        • Baron_Brain

          Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
          Valued Member

          Jan 22, 2011
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          Whoa… that's some great out-of-the-box thinking there. Color me impressed! And many thanks Kindle, exactly the sort of idea I was looking for!

          I completely forgot the ghoul items even existed. Hard to imagine how, since I saw those everywhere that Halloween 2012(?) season.

          I've no idea yet if that's what she glimpsed, but it certainly seems the likely candidate as it's a close fit to her description.

          Your idea also just gave me another thought — the possibility it may not have been just a single outfit, but a combination of two users instead. One wearing the ghoul, the other a more normal outfit. If the avatars were standing close enough or within each other, together they could have easily appeared as a single avatar with a "demon" popping out of the back.

          I'll send her off a note shortly with your suggestion — really hope that's the mystery item she was so trying to locate. I'll let you know here either way.

          Again, many many thanks for the brain loan!

          [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
          Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…
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          • Baron_Brain

            Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
            Valued Member

            Jan 22, 2011
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            Okay, info sent. Now we hope for the best. Thanks again…

            [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
            Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…
          • Kindle

            Kindle Senior Horde

            Jan 17, 2011
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            +9 /1
            You're welcome! Glad to help.

            I also want to thank you for that wonderful link to . I'm having great fun trawling through the Status Overview: Outages reports for various online companies. *Rubs hands gleefully* Haven't noticed any outage trends in particular yet, although the "back to work" return after the new year seemed to require a network reboot for several service providers.

            For example at any given time, AT&T has up to 35 or so outage interruptions reported for every day of the year; but on January 1st, I doubt anyone else besides PSN had 19,994 outage incidences recorded over a 3 hour period... with 10,748 reported at one time in a single go?!
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            • Baron_Brain

              Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
              Valued Member

              Jan 22, 2011
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              #1891 Baron_Brain, Jan 7, 2014
              Last edited: Jan 7, 2014
              The same right back at you… you're very welcome. Glad you're finding it useful…

              Since Sony seems to have difficultly notifying us of real network issues (aside from mysterious error codes which suddenly appear on our PS3s), is a fantastic alternative. Scary how many reports appear sometimes, especially when there's supposedly "no issues". Ha!

              Speaking of mysterious error codes which suddenly appear on our PS3, I was kicked suddenly off Home an hour ago and just cannot get back on. Constant D5027 errors, multiple PS3 units, all regions. One of those times doesn't help much, as this is nearly always a server-side issue (unless my internal network is dead this very second, but only to PS3s).

              [Update: Cool… just started connecting again at 1:56p PST. How nice.]

              Really hope they finally do maintenance tonight… preferably with actual fixes instead of the recent electronic spit & tape patching. At the very least, the Challenges items non-redemption glitch(es) need to go.

              Wonder if we'll ever get our old decent Navigator back too…

              [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
              Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…
            • Ariane Chavasse

              Ariane Chavasse Arianne is here

              Mar 14, 2011
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              #1892 Ariane Chavasse, Jan 9, 2014
              Last edited: Jan 9, 2014
              Ultra-man fight to stop subway cars.
              U.S. Home Discussion Thread, Ariane Chavasse, Jan 9, 2014, 6:36 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 2014-01-09 01-07-10.jpg
              U.S. Home Discussion Thread, Ariane Chavasse, Jan 9, 2014, 6:36 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 2014-01-09 00-10-03.jpg U.S. Home Discussion Thread, Ariane Chavasse, Jan 9, 2014, 6:36 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 2014-01-09 00-13-56.jpg U.S. Home Discussion Thread, Ariane Chavasse, Jan 9, 2014, 6:36 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 2014-01-09 00-11-45.jpg U.S. Home Discussion Thread, Ariane Chavasse, Jan 9, 2014, 6:36 PM,, jpg, PlayStation(R)Home Picture 2014-01-09 00-59-05.jpg
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              • ReccaWolf

                ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

                Jan 16, 2011
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                +89 /13
                I wish Ultraman was back in Japan Home. lol

                However, here on my main account is awesome! XD
              • Baron_Brain

                Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
                Valued Member

                Jan 22, 2011
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                +21 /1
                Talk about an ultra-surprise… Ultraman's "50th" anniversary items? In Home? Who'd ever imagine we'd see such cool stuff here? Long live tokusatsu!!!

                Since I may as well show off too, here's my favorite Ultraman within my own personal home space (it's a rare 1989 Bandai Japan 2-foot monstrosity; yes, I have the original box too):

                U.S. Home Discussion Thread, Baron_Brain, Jan 10, 2014, 2:31 AM,, jpg, ImageUploadedByTapatalk1389320006.069477.jpg

                Since I also believe in truth of advertising claims, should anyone care, the "50th" claim is utter b.s. Ultraman premiered in November 1966, so it's just passed it's 47th Anniversary. It's a shame studio marketing departments still continue to make up such nonsense solely as an excuse to license stuff once again (all based on the monetary aspect, of course… as per some marketing & home video presidents I worked with at several studios during year's long past).

                One would think just getting these out there again (along with the money they'd make) was more than incentive enough.

                Normally I'd assume this was just more Chaiyo deceptions related to the show's licensing, but even the original Tsuburaya Productions is hosting 50th Anniversary events in Japan currently. Still cool, yet still rankles me. Apparently products with a "47th Anniversary" moniker wouldn't sell as much…

                Wonder what we might still someday see? Toei's original Giant Robo perhaps? I SOOOO wish… I'd kill for an Emperor Guillotine Home outfit!

                [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
                Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…
              • LionFOX

                LionFOX Member

                Jan 10, 2014
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                +0 /0
                Hey guys,

                I´m new here, search for some items and need help.
                Can I post it here or create a new topic?
                Thanks for advice
              • mad-man

                mad-man Dark Jedi

                Feb 11, 2012
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                #1896 mad-man, Jan 11, 2014
                Last edited: Jan 11, 2014
                For the ultraman outfit, I wish I am mod hacker.

                If you ever saw the Ultraman TV series, you will
                understand why.

                Wear ultraman outfit, turn the avator to a giant.

              • ReccaWolf

                ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

                Jan 16, 2011
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                I never watched the Ultraman series at all, including their spin-off sequels, but I know they keep evolving into newer and newer Ultraman suits and bad monsters for every series. I noticed Gomess in the Ultraman companions, and looked it up. He's a monster moniker for our old icon lizard Godzilla and was the first monster made for the series, Ultra Q. I believe though he did survive the battle as I saw clips of him battling other monsters. If there's more clarification for Gomess though, please feel free to let us know how come he's included with the Ultraman items.
              • Baron_Brain

                Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
                Valued Member

                Jan 22, 2011
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                #1898 Baron_Brain, Jan 11, 2014
                Last edited: Jan 11, 2014

                Beware! Too much Ultra Q info ahead…

                If you enjoy Tsuburaa's work, you should definitely try to see Ultra Q — I've always found it to be loads of fun (I just re-watched the entire series recently as it was finally released on DVD in NA).

                However, contrary to the assumption of most who've never seen an episode, the show itself has no real connection to any of the subsequent Ultraman series (aside from the production end, the "Ultra" name, and the occasional reappearance of a kaijū suit). There's no aliens in a large red/silver outfit, nor beta capsules. It's a unique show.

                U.S. Home Discussion Thread, Baron_Brain, Jan 11, 2014, 6:32 PM,, jpg, ImageUploadedByTapatalk1389463157.488348.jpg

                The easiest way to describe the show is as an Eiji Tsuburaya tokusatsu monster-of-the-week mystery which borrows quite liberally from The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits. It's tokusatsu, but unlike any other series I can think of.

                Yes, Recca, the info you read is correct — Gomess was the first-ever kaijū featured in the series (Episode 1), and it's definitely a reuse of one of the two Mosugoji Godzilla suits (from 1964's Mosura tai Gojira/Mothra vs. Godzilla) along with recognizably-scaly sections off King Ghidorah (from the same year sequel San Daikaijū: Chikyū Saidai no Kessen [lit."Three Giant Monsters; The Earth's Greatest Decisive Battle"]/Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster).

                Gomess did die at the end of the episode! Yet he still came back for two reappearances: 2008's Ultra Galaxy Mega Monster Battle: Never Ending Odyssey and the subsequent 2009 movie Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legend The Movie. That's why he's in with the Home licensing (along with being a fan fave & Godzilla).

                U.S. Home Discussion Thread, Baron_Brain, Jan 11, 2014, 6:32 PM,, jpg, ImageUploadedByTapatalk1389462804.221509.jpg

                Although the original Ultra Q appearance was partially a tribute to fans, it was mainly a great way to keep production costs down as Tsuburaya had loads of ready-made suit parts lying around to reuse. If you're familiar with his cinematic work, you'll recognize quite a few other partial-monster appearances within the show.

                If you're interested in seeing this, it was released October 2013 on NA DVD from Shout! Factory. Very watchable, yet still somewhat sub-par due to stolen/falsified licensing documents Chaiyo swiped decades ago (the DVD cannot use the original negatives because Chaiyo will never get access to them; I still can't believe the Japanese & Chinese courts allowed them continue to operate with such overwhelming evidence of their fraud…).

                The best set is Toei's own official 2011 Japanese BD release, featuring gorgeous print transfers using the original 16mm negatives. But… there's caveats. Marketing dweebs colorized the series for this release (yuck — it was filmed in beautiful b&w), it's expensive, and of course, no English subtitles.

                [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
                Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…
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                • ReccaWolf

                  ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

                  Jan 16, 2011
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                  +89 /13
                  Thanks for the clarification. ^^
                • mad-man

                  mad-man Dark Jedi

                  Feb 11, 2012
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                  An old freebie at Lockwood HQ's auction machine.
                  Heartwarming Hearth - Sofa (one slot)

                  If you missed it long time ago, it's your last chance
                  to grab it. it won't last for long. I just get it today.
                  • Informative Informative x 1
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