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Doctor Who TARDIS

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  1. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    #1 C.Birch, Mar 29, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2013
    C.Birch submitted a new showcase item:

    Doctor Who TARDIS

    Read more about this showcase item...
  2. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
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    Dec 24, 2010
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    Pretty large space and Loot did a very nice job with the space and the costumes and more is on the way. I'm not really into Dr. Who but fans seem to be ecstatic and I can understand why.
  3. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    According to their Facebook post, Loot posted there's gonna be a Machinima contest to film the best Time Lord videos starting April Fools Day. More info will follow.
  4. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Btw i made a typeo on video intro. To late to edit now as im on a train away to next week. Was rushing to get it done this morning sorry.
  5. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Dont forget if you own this space to please rate and review it :)
  6. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    I'm very grateful to Loot for bringing this to Home. It's going to be fun to have the Tardis in Home.

    So far as I can tell, the control room is accurate to the show. It faithfully recreates the Tardis from the 11th Doctor's run. It was in use during the Amy Pond episodes. And for Clara Oswin Oswald's story arc, they changed it again for the show. So it's already different now.

    Whomever worked on this worked hard to recreate the detail from the show. The control area is very close to what I remember. The phonograph is there. So is the monitor. I'll have to definitely look to see if the wibbly lever is there too!

    The back rooms are a maze. You can easily get lost. Which is apropos for the Tardis. Most of the rooms are a bit simple, and kinda crude, but there is a fun white void room that feels like the kind of limbo you would expect to find in the Tardis.

    The one really big con here is the lack of the iconic Tardis sound. It really needs it. And it would have need nice to activate a cloister bell alarm. I don't think Loot realized how integral that sound is to the Tardis.

    But all in all I think this is a pretty fun apartment and clubhouse. It will cost a bit. Bit at least you get both the apartment and clubhouse versions. And for just a little more you get all the wave one items.

  7. Adrian

    Adrian Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    I am a big Dr.Who fan
    I love Playstation Home

    I have no interest in this space.

    If you get this space for the Dr.Who fandom, then be prepared to sit in the control area.. & use your imagination.

    Interactivity amounts to "you can sit on a chair(1chair, so you're probably all on your own?)"
    you can watch video clips, which is quite sweet. (sweet it means like a child is happy you give them a lollipop or a cuddly toy)

    instead of the gentle thrum of the TARDIS we have eerie noises, clanging noises,

    You know what, the rest of the TARDIS is more akin to a DALEK ship/habitat, deeply unsettling.

    Doctor who visits different cultures, be they ancient, modern day or futuristic... in this space you are visiting a very small minded devs imagination.

    Well, that could be desperatley unfair of me.

    If I wanted an eerie spaceship, then I might well be pushed to pay £1.59 for this space.

    The white rooms show that the devs have at least attempted to create something.....

    Its ok, its fair, it is not very Dr.Who In my humble opinion.

    I do visit if somebody has the space & might watch Dr.Who clips.

    I don't have anything very positive to say about this space, a "SuperMassive dissapointment".

    Sorry Loot.
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    • drake21734

      drake21734 Administrator
      Staff Member Administrator

      Feb 5, 2011
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      +45 /11
      I was hoping we would get more Doctor Who items for the 50th Anniversary. Maybe the new Tardis interior or the one from the classic series or other classic Doctor costumes. Sadly disappointed we got nothing new at all for when the 50th Anniversary arrived.
    • Scotish-Heritage

      Dec 14, 2010
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      +7 /1
      i was highly disappointed with Matt's Farewell episode as The Doctor. 'The Day of the Doctor' and 'The Name of the Doctor' were more entertaining than his Final Episode.
    • kwoman32

      kwoman32 Head Administrator
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      Nov 29, 2009
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      For me, the Dr. Who TARDIS Personal Space in PlayStation Home is a disappointment from LOOT. A Sci-Fi show as popular as Dr. Who deserves much better representation in PlayStation Home. All I can say good about the space is it is large and looks nice. However, in the progression of Home, we have come to expect MUCH better than this.

      This space has NO interactivity, no mini-games, no rewards and you can't even use wall hangings in it. A Sci-fi space with no interactivity?

      The EOD Theater is a bonus. The Radio IO feature has more channels again, as does the Space Station. Still has the problem of breaking when guests from other regions show up. However, that's a problem due to music industry absurd penchant for being greedy. (LOOT selling access to "commercial free Radio IO for $72 a year is a money grab too).

      All in all, the Dr. Who Tardis isn't worth the price. Especially if you already own one of the other LOOT EOD spaces. They didn't even bother to do an update or release anything in conjunction with Dr. Who 50th Anniversary, Seems LOOT isn't interested in Home anymore. They haven't released anything all year except companions to promote their un-interesting game app and a re-skin of a pre-exisiting space.

      The Space Station was a shining moment in LOOT's ventures into Home. Sad it seems we will never see innovation like that again from LOOT. The Dr. Who TARDIS in PlayStation Home is for die-hard fans only.
    • Scotish-Heritage

      Dec 14, 2010
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      +7 /1
      only item i got from LOOT in regards to the TARDIS, is the iconic 60s Phone Booth TARDIS. not even interested in that personal space. i may get some of the furniture, companions and outfits but the space is something i shall avoid until they update with something better.
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      • Adrian

        Adrian Well-Known Member

        Sep 26, 2012
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        +26 /5
        I would have to question if Loot have watched Doctor Who.

        Loot have missed the premise of Doctor Who.... I feel.

        Also worth noting, and perhaps a little churlish, Doctor Who isn't SciFi. Did Loot get a message to make old style SciFi?

        Doctor Who is sentimental fantasy (yes it has SciFi elements)

        I got the Silurian costume, and am pleased enough with it, I would have preferred to keep my face, instead they made the head a mask, but the artwork is acceptable.

        And there we have the story, the artwok for Loot's Doctor Who range is acceptable, but I really question whether they gave us what we wanted.

        Especially a note about interactivity... the TARDIS has a control console, with levers and switches, but we don't get to interact in any meaningful sense.
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