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EU Scee's "merry Christmas" Email W/5 Codes…

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Baron_Brain, Dec 25, 2013.

  1. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
    Valued Member

    Jan 22, 2011
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    The following is valid for European PSN users only!

    SCEE is currently sending the following email to those with registered European PSN accounts:

    Scee's "merry Christmas" Email W/5 Codes…, Baron_Brain, Dec 25, 2013, 2:48 AM,, jpg, image.jpg

    Please note that only two of the five items are completely free (you will be charged for the others).

    1. Tiny Hawk (free) — PS3/Vita/PSP game
    2. SingStar Voucher (1free, rest ££££) — 39% off 35 songs packs, each with 5 tracks, + 1 pre-chosen freebie
    3. The Sly Trilogy discount (£6.39) — PS3 game trilogy (fun!)
    4. Music Unlimited: 60 Days Premium FREE (beware deceptive!) — SCEE requires entry of a valid credit card to redeem this, so they can charge you after the "free" trial. I wouldn't think it's worth the hassle to get them to cancel it properly later, especially as they hope you won't notice what they're trying to pull.
    5. PlayStation®Home Voucher: Snowman (free) — Everyone gets a snowman! Cool!

    So there you have… If you haven't already received it yet today, it should arrive soon! Enjoy. Merry Kwanzaannukahmas to you all!

    And don't forget about tonight ⋯ Robot Santa's dreaming of a very red Xmas, so be sure you're not on his naughty list. But arm yourself extremely well just in case. Ho ho ho…!

    Scee's "merry Christmas" Email W/5 Codes…, Baron_Brain, Dec 25, 2013, 2:48 AM,, jpg, image.jpg
    [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
    Usually sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…

  2. PrometheusUFO

    PrometheusUFO The Paranoid Pariah

    Jan 6, 2011
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  3. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
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    Jan 22, 2011
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    #3 Baron_Brain, Dec 25, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2013
    Very odd… that definitely wasn't the code that appeared in my email. All those were single-time uses only (I checked).

    But I just tried your code also, and it indeed went to the exact same Snowman item I redeed earlier.

    Glad to know SCEE put out a universal code so all could get Mr. Somewhat Melty!

    Cheers! (If anyone has any extra Oreos on hand tonight, eat a couple for me) ;)

    And on an annoying side note, keep having to re-edit this message… Seems Tapatalk is adding in extra BB code & moving around other code elsewhere, resulting in… not appearing onscreen as intended. Is code that hard to correctly parse these days? Sheesh. Handy? Certainly. Frustrating? On a regular basis..

    [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
    Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…
  4. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I looked for this mail in my EU account email on Yahoo, but don't have it. Glad the snowman code is of multi-personal use.
  5. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
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    Jan 22, 2011
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    Sorry Recca… know how you feel. I was somewhat surprised to get that SCEE mailing myself. Most usually never arrive for me (such as the PlayStation®Plus Free Trial Voucher Code from Asia's 2013 E3 event; promised to be "sent out shortly", but never showed. Moot point now, as it expired last June.)

    Just again glad SCEE at least decided to also release that Snowman universal code.

    Since I won't be using some of my codes, if anyone would like a specific one or all three – they're yours for the asking! First come, first given!

    Vouchers up for grabs are the SingStar discount, The Sly Trilogy discount, and the rather-deceptive Music Unlimited 60 Days "FREE" vouchers.

    But I"m off to sleep again now, so I won't be able to answer/send codes until later today, whenever I can yank myself back out of hibernation.

    Hope you all enjoyed your holiday, preferably with good feasting, nifty giftage, and hopefully non-irritating relatives. Aside from my wife's yummy food, I happily avoided the rest. Spent the day mainly comatose – still recovering from surgery, plus can barely see (Katharine Hepburn yet again shared her Venetian eye infection with me last night; thanks Kate!). Got my cousin to finally listen to two wonderful Xmas tunes, which she loved (Eric Idle's "F### Christmas" & South Park's "Merry F###ing Christmas"). Best of all, woke just in time for the final Matt Smith Doctor Who (thanks for all the fun, Matt… we'll miss you).

    [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
    Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…
  6. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    My Snowman code was: MD58-QBNP-MTTG feel free to try it if other stops working.
  7. mad-man

    mad-man Dark Jedi

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Snowman freebie. Nice
  8. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    I'm still trying to figure out why I got this e-mail on the acct. that is linked my NA PSN. It is only good for EU correct? :confused:
  9. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Yep only good for EU, if look at footer of the email it will have the SCEE copyright note and not the SCEA.
  10. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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  11. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    umm...where's his hat?
    Scee's Scee's Scee's Scee's
  12. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
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    Jan 22, 2011
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    Melted pixels?

    [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
    Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…
  13. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
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    Jan 22, 2011
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    #13 Baron_Brain, Dec 26, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2013
    FYI, just tried your code CB, and it's indeed also universal! Brought up the same Snowman and showed I already had it. Wonder if all their Snowcodes were universal.

    Between the previous code & CB's, doubt there'll be any Snowman shortage for the foreseeable future. anytime. But just in case, I'll keep my code handy for your use if the other two run out (just say so, and I'll pop it up).

    Since there were no takers for the other codes, here they are. Use them at your leisure – I've not used any myself except for Tiny Hawk (who knows, might be universal also):

    Tiny Hawk: TM9J-LJNJ-MRQM — Download this addictive skating caper for free to your PS3, PS Vita and PSP, courtesy of the lovely folks at Polygon Toys. (Note: As I already said, I did use this myself, but on the chance it's universal also… Please let us know if it is!)

    SingStar voucher: 46ML-BDN2-THNJ — 39% off 35 different SingStar song packs, each containing five tracks. There's also the chance to get 1 pre-selected SingStar track "Take That - Everything Changes" free (limited availability*).

    Sly Trilogy discount: BRN7-KLN3-BG8L — Grab a sneaky 60% discount – that's from £15.99 to £6.39 – to this all-in-one trio of PS3 action adventure classics.

    Music Unlimited 60 days Premium FREE: RRMF-P5NE-CGQ8 — Enjoy the Best of 2013 channel with 60 days of free music on all your favourite devices including PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, Mobile, Tablet and PC. (Note: Use at your own risk! SCEE requires entry of your credit card info for this before you can redeem it, hoping you'll forget & they can bill you for a full year.

    Hope someone can use these. Enjoy!

    [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
    Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…
  14. sam_reynolds01

    sam_reynolds01 Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    That confused me too, I received another the next day on my EU account but no clue why I'm now getting EU promo emails to my NA account.
    I actually received a PS+ demo for eu on it today also.:confused:
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