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Happy Holidays From Veemee - Dec. 25th, 2013

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
    Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 29, 2009
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    Veemee has new items lined up for release in the Winter Acorn Meadows Park space over the holiday season for you to enjoy. The first selection will be out on Christmas Day itself at Acorn Meadows. All of the items will still be available while the Winter Park space is active.

    Below is the full list of the new items available in the Park from this Wednesday. It’s also worth mentioning that if you already own one of the dog companions featured, you will get the festive version at a discounted price.

    Festive Snowboards
    Snowboard Surprise Bundle
    Snowboard Rad Santa Bundle

    Festive Dog Companions
    Festive Antler Dog - Binx
    Festive Antler Dog - Binx Chocolate
    Festive Antler Dog - Binx Golden
    Festive Antler Dog - Beagle
    Festive Antler Dog - Black Poodle
    Festive Antler Dog - Border Collie
    Festive Antler Dog - Boxer
    Festive Antler Dog - German Shephard
    Festive Antler Dog - Highland terrier
    Festive Antler Dog - Jack Russell
    Festive Antler Dog - Rottweiler
    Festive Antler Dog - Siberian Husky
    Festive Antler Dog - Staffordshire Bull Terrier
    Festive Antler Dog - White Poodle
    Festive Antler Dog - Wolfhound

    Festive Skateboard locomotions
    Skateboard - Festive Crest Deck – Impossible trick
    Skateboard - Snowbound Deck – Kickflip trick

    Veemee also has new items appearing in the VEEMEE 3D Printer from Christmas Day as well.

    Remember, all 3D Printer items can also be gifted to yourself. Below is a list of the new items available in the 3D Printer from this Wednesday.

    Festive Locomotions
    Gift carrying locomotions (5 different styles available)
    Running with Christmas Pudding locomotion

    Festive Apartment items
    Personal Chef – Santa
    Christmas 'Santa stuck in the chimney' Decoration

    Festive Clothing
    Present ribbon bow bikini - Green (Female)
    Present ribbon bow bikini - Red (Female)

    Festive Companions
    Turkey with Christmas hat version 1 - Cone Hat
    Turkey with Christmas hat version 2 - Party Crown
    Turkey with Christmas hat version 3 - Santa Hat
    Christmas present with legs Companion

    • Like Like x 2
    • 4_ever_luv

      4_ever_luv Member

      Sep 27, 2013
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    • RockinRobin16933

      RockinRobin16933 WhiteBuffalo4203

      Jun 10, 2013
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      Santa chef and ribbon bow bikini are the only things that I may possibly get.
    • 4_ever_luv

      4_ever_luv Member

      Sep 27, 2013
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      A Happy, Bless and Safe New Year to everyone, may we all look forward to a wonderful 2014. Blessings. :satu:
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