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Minor Network Issues Agsin (as Of ~3:30a Pst)

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Baron_Brain, Dec 22, 2013.

  1. Baron_Brain

    Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
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    Jan 22, 2011
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    #1 Baron_Brain, Dec 22, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2013
    Just a quick "just in case" notice — from ~3:30a to ~4:13a PST — Home® was being all sorts of mischievous once again.

    I was in Japan for a but and the network went all wonky, repeatedly kicking me offline during that duration (and entirely off PSN itself a few times). I lasted a minute max before the grid bugs sought me out once more.

    Frustrating as always.

    I also received different error codes each time, the last a C-931 (F13).

    Anyway, problems appear to have ceased again for now, but be cautious in case there are further issues today…

    (Could SCEE possibly be trying out for a new platinum "oh no, not again" network issue record?

    Well, nite-nite all… and congrats on 5 wonderful years of dealing with us crazed Home®Bodies! Enjoy your fest later today (wish I could join in the fun, but we've some unpleasant tasks we must continue dealing with for a few more weeks…

    For the nosey: The Hell of Cleaning Up a Home Filled with 90+ Years of Your Parents Bzdury (it's spelled "b-z-d-u-r-y" but pronounced "cr@p")… plus paying their long overdue bills, business races & property taxes (among other messes) since it seems they neglected to open up an online banking account at the 500th Millennial Afterlife Credit Union. As I said earlier, frustrating.

    Too much info? Righty-o… time to utilize the Debabilizer Silence Ray!!

    [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
    Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…

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    • Baron_Brain

      Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
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      Jan 22, 2011
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      #2 Baron_Brain, Dec 22, 2013
      Last edited: Dec 22, 2013
      UPDATE: Think I just figured out the reason for the temp network error a few hours ago.

      The Island Hideaway of Dr. Granzella was apparently updated during that outage to v1.19!

      Those visiting this beautiful-but-deadly volcanic island paradise during the past couple days likely noticed that full solar eclipse upon entering the space.

      For those wondering what I'm going on about this time, all you saw upon entering was an all-black screen, with the occasional user ID floating in the darkness. That's it.

      It happened the first time you visited the space after a login, every time. The only way to bypass this was to hop to another space, then return to the Island again afterward.

      But as of right now, everything has been fixed — so no more three-teleport island journeys in the near future!

      One hopes. The network's been so… flaky, who knows what ridiculous error will happen next… my vote is on the inevitable Elf-Clone strike, seeking out decent modern wages & better living conditions (along with a cessation to the coal-in-their-real-stockings gag the overly-jolly one gets a thrill from).

      But until that inevitable future finds us on Dec. 24th and the world is over as we know it, enjoyeth!!!


      As the end to the evilest 27 days of the year rapidly approaches, don't forget to get that Yuletide classic prepped to watch over-and-over-and-over should the Xmas crash occur.

      What? No, not that Jimmy Stewart tripe, Santa Claus: The Movie of course! Sheesh…

      Ha ha ha, just joking Dropo… of course I meant Santa Claus Conquers the Martians!

      And I dare you to also pop on the 1959 Spanish Santa Claus. You won't believe that thing. It's even weirder — a mad psychedelic North Pole Thunderdome battle/romp with Claws vs. Old Pitch (aka: Santa vs, Satan). No joke… plus its got robots too!

      If you do decide to take my admittedly-stupid advice, I'd recommend:

      (1) Ensure you have an endless supply of Tequila, Plum Wine or (for non-drinkers) good strong Ginger Beer on hand. (No, it's not beer!) Especially if guests or soon-to-be ex-friends are invited over.

      (2) The only version of this even remotely viewable is the BD (or DVD) Collector's Edition from VCI. All other editions appear to have been dug out of Santa's outhouse centuries earlier. Yuck. Rent the VCI disc, or just grab new for like $11.

      Remember, if you actually take my advice and enjoy it — or hate it (a more likely scenario), it's not my fault. Um, just don't punch me in the face after, ok?[/b]

      [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
      Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…
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      • gary160974

        gary160974 I adore Uzi08

        Oct 27, 2010
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        I'll have some of what your smoking lol

        Sent from my ST25i using Tapatalk 2
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        • Baron_Brain

          Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
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          Jan 22, 2011
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          #4 Baron_Brain, Dec 24, 2013
          Last edited: Dec 24, 2013
          Wish I could oblige you Gary, but it's not remotely that… or even something based on a Bloody Mary or sterno.

          Just a good traditional genetic mutation :alien3: that allows me to be an irritating sarcastic old fart/bastard when required of me. I've a vague recollection of some odd rambling post reminding everyone of such a few posts back… but what I do have requires forms filed in triplicate with a certain government agency every couple months. But it's mine, all mine…ha ha ha, neener neener.¹

          But I digress. I was cornered by friends asking about appropriate holiday viewing. During a moment of utter stupidity unfortunate giddiness induced by a total lack-of-sleep, I passed the suggestion forward here.

          Big mistake of them to have asked me, eh? Still surprised they've never asked me to recommended anything around for Feb. 2nd.

          (How odd… that previous post pic has vanished off the system. Aren't you the lucky ones? :D

          ¹ Yes, 100% true. And friends should never suggest I must post more often than 1-2× annually. Bad idea. So there.

          [fieldset=Sterling Malory Archer][justif]"For I am a sinner in the hands of an angry God. Bloody Mary full of vodka, blessed are you among cocktails. Pray for me now at the hour of my death, which I hope is soon. Amen."[/justif][/fieldset]
          Sent via my iPhone using telepathy & a bit of pixie dust…
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          • gary160974

            gary160974 I adore Uzi08

            Oct 27, 2010
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            We can't be friends then baron as I would say post as much as you want and not 1-2 times a year lol, me I'm a smart ass with a smirk. Id rather say something than nothing lol

            Sent from my ST25i using Tapatalk 2
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            • Baron_Brain

              Baron_Brain Notorious Dis-Member
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              Jan 22, 2011
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              Impressed I am… someone else with a mind of their own! What can I say, though I generally enjoy Home (when it's working and/or glitching badly on me), there's more to life than 100% Home stuff also. So I share a bit here and then…

              And if you'd implying I'm also a smart ass… you're absolutely correct!!! (Not really that difficult to figure out.

              Now if I could just get my Tapatalk working again, I'd really be happier for now (YPSH crashing mine repeatedly as of an hour ago when updating notifications, etc. No probs with the few other sites I have it it. (And deleting/reinstalling it accomplished nothing for a few minutes until it suddenly decided my password needed to be rejected. And the several promised new PWs just aren't being rec'd. I just loves my technology at certain times…)
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              • gary160974

                gary160974 I adore Uzi08

                Oct 27, 2010
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                There's certainly more to life than just home, smart ass is what I'm called when I'm funny and the other people can't think of anything to say lol
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