A big thanks and happy birthday to the people at YPSH, and of course an extra thanks to Juggernaut Games for their generosity. From now on I'll be cruising around Home in style. :drive:
Awww, happy birthday guys! I couldn't even count the number of times I've been lost on Home and your site has steered me true. It wouldn't be the same place without you -- thanks for everything^_^
The code should not have run out, ill check it later and then if its not working ill request a new code.
Have just checked the code and confirmed its no longer working for EU, I'll try and get a new code, but might take a few week.
Good news to our EU users, our Hoverdisc 5th birthday code from Juggernaut Games is now working again, so if you wish to you can now redeem it: 96EC-T6NC-TBQP