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Abbey Hill Cottage

  1. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    C.Birch submitted a new Showcase Item:

    Abbey Hill Cottage

    Read more about this showcase item here...
  2. Adrian

    Adrian Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    #2 Adrian, Nov 14, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2013
    Pretty cool space.

    I always start by tracing the perimeter. Thereis a road, but we can't go on it, we look down the road, no traffik, nuffink. We look at the flowers and they're big and bold/colourful so they look good, but just to say, usually flowers have bees buzzing around them.

    The water is nicely portrayed, a river bed, with gravel, bumps and troughs. There is a water wheel on the opposite side, which is nicely drawn, very clean, if you have ever seen a water wheel, they're rarely that clean looking... it must be newly put in xx

    Big stone steps go up from the river, to the garden, the garden is full of seperate little spaces, so it's really good it always feel like you could be busy :)

    The trees are drawn adequatley, they are graphical representations of trees, but not something special.

    Curiously, there is moss on the walls, on either side of the walls, moss grows where it's damp and moist, usually one side of a wall will get sunlight and not be mossy.

    There were artefacts floating about, though what they are, they look like small grey bubbles... did I see some birds also, maybe but fleetingly if I did.

    When we go in the cottage, it is a big rectangle, half the floor tiled, a fireplace without fire, a staircase opposite. We can walk through to two further downstairs rooms, two more fireplaces, both with lit fires... I hope I don't get trapped in this half of the cottage by fire as the only way out would be to smash the windows(or open them if we could do such a thing).

    Up the stairs, I tried to count and lost count now I try to remember, but 4 or 5 rooms, at least some with sloping roofs, some smaller than others. This again like the garden is nice to escape into these little microcosms.

    As we enter these rooms we seem to displace dust.... very romantic, but I would need to get my feather duster out :p

    overall definitley a servicable apartment space.

    Details which could really enhance this space;countryside sounds, echoing footsteps as we walk accross tiled flooring, they're selling horses, but where can we ride horses to?.

    I would loveto be able to sit on the window sills and have panoramic views.

    The artistry ain't bad, but lockwood's prarie is so much better.

    We would like a swing in the garden.... a game where we have to pick apples from an apple tree, a carving a message Into the trunk of a tree, &/or into spots around the house.

    I'm not sure which bit, if any is supposed to be the kitchen, the thing really needs another back door into the garden I feel.

    It'd be lovely to be able to open windows.

    A black cast iron kettle sat atop an aga, and/or upon a trivet on a cottagey country table.

    A calendar could be a great thing to have in Home.

    A game where we find a note under a floorboard!

    Although I'm always wanting more, I feel that this space is one of Home's best and shows that home is definitley making progress away from the old "box space" mentality.

  3. Adrian

    Adrian Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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  4. C.Birch

    C.Birch Site Owner
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    Mar 21, 2012
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    Abbey Hill Cottage, C.Birch, Nov 21, 2013, 7:37 PM,, png, 1l.png Abbey Hill Cottage, C.Birch, Nov 21, 2013, 7:37 PM,, png, 2l.png Abbey Hill Cottage, C.Birch, Nov 21, 2013, 7:37 PM,, png, 3l.png Abbey Hill Cottage, C.Birch, Nov 21, 2013, 7:37 PM,, png, 4l.png Abbey Hill Cottage, C.Birch, Nov 21, 2013, 7:37 PM,, png, 5l.png Abbey Hill Cottage, C.Birch, Nov 21, 2013, 7:37 PM,, png, 6l.png Abbey Hill Cottage, C.Birch, Nov 21, 2013, 7:37 PM,, png, 7l.png Abbey Hill Cottage, C.Birch, Nov 21, 2013, 7:37 PM,, png, 8l.png Abbey Hill Cottage, C.Birch, Nov 21, 2013, 7:37 PM,, png, 9l.png Abbey Hill Cottage, C.Birch, Nov 21, 2013, 7:37 PM,, png, 10l.png Abbey Hill Cottage, C.Birch, Nov 21, 2013, 7:37 PM,, png, 11l.png
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