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Lockwood New This Week From Lockwood - Oct. 16th, 2013

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, Oct 14, 2013.

  1. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
    Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 29, 2009
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    #1 kwoman32, Oct 14, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2013
    • Prehistoric Valley - In the Store and Gift Machine

    Have you heard what happened to museum curator and friend of Lockwood, Anton Lindles? He received a series of crates intended to contain models for his latest exhibition, but when he opened them up, he got way more than he bargained for. A pterodactyl, sabre tooth tiger and T-Rex all came hurtling out of the crates and totally trahed her museum. Fortunately, they were all tame and friendly – just a little disgruntled at being cooped up. They even let Lynda ride them, although the T-Rex had some interesting ideas about the best method of transportation….

    Once Lynda got over the shock of being slobbered on by prehistoric giants, he returned to the crates and found something even more incredible. An inter-dimensional portal offering access to a lush Prehistoric Valley inhabited by cave people and more dinosaurs! He asked us here at Lockwood to come up with some Stone Age fashions so he could explore Prehistoric Valley further without disturbing the locals. He’s pretty sure there are some interesting artefacts to add to her collection if only he looks hard enough.

    We were happy to oblige, but we’re kind of worried about him. The Prehistoric Valley is a vast and scary place and we wouldn’t want him to be lost and alone. That’s why we’ve made the crates and the outfits available via the store and the Gift Machine so you can head in after him and see what’s what.

    New This Week From Lockwood - Oct. 16th, 2013, kwoman32, Oct 14, 2013, 2:00 PM,, jpg, Prehistoric_valley_161013_1280x720.jpg

    • Body Pop Dance Pack – Male and Female - In the Store

    Cabbage Patch kids were ugly and the Rubik’s cube was frustrating, but Body Popping? Body Popping was an eighties craze that kinda never went away. Modern pop and hip-hop music videos often show its influence in the form of flowing, fluid routines and broken marionette moves. Now you can try your hand at some old school moves with our Body Pop Dance Pack. String together a Strut, a Glide Turn, a bit of Tutting, finish up with The Puppet and you’ve got a routine fit for the latest Drop Science video.

    New This Week From Lockwood - Oct. 16th, 2013, kwoman32, Oct 14, 2013, 2:00 PM,, jpg, BodyPop_Dance_161013_1280x720.jpg

    • Skinny Ginny and Skinny Vinny – In the Store

    In the weeks leading up to Halloween, Lockwood are preparing for a ghoulish get-together with a difference! Not one, but two spooky weddings set aboard the spine-tingling Nightmare Yacht. In the Lockwood store and Gift Machine you’ll find macabre moves, a skeletal steed, hair-raising hairstyles and ominous outfits.

    Once you’re suitably prepared, board the Yacht for a one-way trip across stormy seas. Overlooked by sinister jagged rocks and a baleful sky , skeletal soulmates Vinny and Ginny can say their vows alongside zombie lovebirds Cezar and Catrina. You’ll have all the time in the world to scour the yacht for diabolical decorative reward items, because once you board the Nightmare Yacht, you can never leave.

    New This Week From Lockwood - Oct. 16th, 2013, kwoman32, Oct 14, 2013, 2:00 PM,, jpg, Vinny_ginny_161013_1280x720.jpg

    • LMO - Zombie Walk – In the Gift Machine

    • NEW Victoriana Gothic Furniture – In the Gift Machine

    New This Week From Lockwood - Oct. 16th, 2013, kwoman32, Oct 14, 2013, 2:00 PM,, jpg, Victoriana_gothic_furniture_161013_1280x720.jpg

    Don't forget to come and say hi to us at the YPSH Halloween Party on Nov. 1st!

    • Iron Fusion Elder Prestige Clothing – In the Store

    In space, no one can hear you party, making it the perfect venue for soirees and shin digs. In recognition of the fact that canapés and vol au vents are as important to space age socialising as teleporters and com screens, Iron Fusion have created some futuristic party wear.

    The Elder Prestige collection combines innovative cuts with hi-tec fabrics to provide ultra-modern fashions. The men’s high-collared, tulip front jacket catches the eye while also providing a reminder of the high status of its wearer. The ladies’ statement piece, a plunging top with an impressive feathered collar, is straight off the runways of 2155.

    New This Week From Lockwood - Oct. 16th, 2013, kwoman32, Oct 14, 2013, 2:00 PM,, jpg, Iron_Fusion_Elders_161013_1280x720.jpg

    • Gift Machine Clothing : Deep V-necks, Jackets, Cardigans and many more! – For male and female

    A range of mix and match separates is added to the Gift Machine today.

    Guys have the choice of a preppy knitted pullover and shirt, emo-inspired admiral jacket, casual cargo jackets, a number of v-neck tees, distressed jeans in various colours and some denim shorts. Ladies have the option of cheerful polka dot cardigans, v-neck tees, stylish shirt-dresses or comfy slouch cargo pants.

    New This Week From Lockwood - Oct. 16th, 2013, kwoman32, Oct 14, 2013, 2:00 PM,, png, HM_Style_V1_1280x720.png
    New This Week From Lockwood - Oct. 16th, 2013, kwoman32, Oct 14, 2013, 2:00 PM,, png, HM_Style_V2_1280x720.png New This Week From Lockwood - Oct. 16th, 2013, kwoman32, Oct 14, 2013, 2:00 PM,, png, HM_Style_V3_684x384.png New This Week From Lockwood - Oct. 16th, 2013, kwoman32, Oct 14, 2013, 2:00 PM,, png, HM_Style_V4_684x384.png

    • FREE Bro do you even Gift? T-Shirts

    When Lockwood first launched the Gift Machine, it was such a new experience for PlayStation®Home users, there was no way of gauging how successful it might be. Lockwood just had to sit back, watch the response and iron out any kinks as best they could.

    Now Gifting is an established and much emulated Home trend, with other developers creating their own versions and new giftable items constantly being made available. This week, Lockwood are celebrating 100 consecutive weeks of Gift Machine updates with FREE ‘Bro, do you even gift?’ t-shirts. Send to a friend.

    New This Week From Lockwood - Oct. 16th, 2013, kwoman32, Oct 14, 2013, 2:00 PM,, png, Bro_V2_161013_1280x720.png

    • Like Like x 6
    • mad-man

      mad-man Dark Jedi

      Feb 11, 2012
      Likes Received:
      +47 /6
      Prehistoric Valley , Just reminds me The Flintstones.

      i yabba dabba do...........!!!!
      • Funny Funny x 1
      • Adrian

        Adrian Well-Known Member

        Sep 26, 2012
        Likes Received:
        +26 /5
        ahhh, even almost :sleeping:
      • drake21734

        drake21734 Administrator
        Staff Member Administrator

        Feb 5, 2011
        Likes Received:
        +45 /11
        Sings Land of the Lost theme.......
        • Like Like x 1
        • Funny Funny x 1
        • Heavyn

          Heavyn ~The big and the bad~
          Valued Member

          Jan 15, 2011
          Likes Received:
          +33 /4
          The gift shirt and shirtdress are definitely mine and that amazing iron fusion jacket w/ feathered collar *fashion heaven*
        • Shaundi

          Shaundi Third Street Saints
          Valued Member

          Jan 16, 2011
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          +44 /10
          Now, this is more like it! I assume there won't be a great deal to do in the prehistoric space but it looks pretty nice. Loving that Iron Fusion outfit!
        • lilslurpg

          lilslurpg Member

          Aug 17, 2013
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          *in a deep narrative voice* ...Welcome to Jurassic... hold up---what?! Prehistoric Valley, eh? Interesting. I never knew Lockwood had anything like this up their sleeves. Surprise, surprise. I've always thought that Granzella would have been the first to have created a space with a prehistoric theme to it, judging from a couple of their teasers.
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