PlayStation Home Lounge "Great Edo of Nippon: Underground Mononoke Race" Our new lounge, "Great Edo of Nippon: Underground Mononoke Race" is now open. You will find a hut near the intersection of Great Edo of Nippon lounge and that is the entrance to the "Underground Mononoke Race". Make your way to the goal before the underground mononoke "Ushi-Oni" can catch you! The Ushi-Oni will chase you from behind! Avoid the obstacles on the course as you work your way towards the goal. Using the green and blue scrolls that appear on the course will help you proceed through the game by raising the player's running speed or by destroying obstacles in your path. Also, obtaining score items will allow you to use your Ultra Skill, which enables you to raise your running speed, as well as to make you undefeatable by any obstacles for a certain period of time. The game has Solo and Competitive modes. The competitive mode permits up to four (4) players to play the game together at a time. Before starting the game, you can choose the challenge level from four-level options: beginners intermediate advanced and crazy.
nice to see new stuff for Edo. I wish Granzella would add a player vs player arena in Edo where you can have samurai duels with other users. That would be awesome!!!