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Trading Pair Of 1000yen Codes For $20 Na Code

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by martinsonj, Sep 20, 2013.

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  1. martinsonj

    martinsonj Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    Greetings. Living in Japan while having an American bank account and no mailing address in the states makes buying stuff online a pain for me. So I'd like to make to make this offer to trade with someone trustworthy here on the forum.

    I can easily buy 1000yen codes from 7-11 at any time. I would like to trade two of these codes for a $20 NA code. Hopefully I can fine someone willing to do this, and more then once. (I am thinking about buying GTAV from the NA playstation store, and my wife wants to buy some acorns >_>; )

    I heard there is a program that allows the user to make up dummy PSN codes. In order to make sure such a program was not used, I'd like the person to take a photo or scan of the card(s). Of course I will do the same thing.

    This offer is only open to people that have been on the forum for a while. The offer remains open until I post otherwise. Thank you.
  2. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    I can get one for you. You only need 1 $20? (or 2 $10? but I'll need to go to Bestbuy for $10 cards and hope they aren't sold out)
  3. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I'm always willing to trade, but of course, ask first. ;)
  4. martinsonj

    martinsonj Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    #4 martinsonj, Sep 20, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2013
    Thanks for posting, Faga. But you know it's the damnest thing, while I was waiting for a reply I tired PC gamer supply again (they gave me a hard time and wanted me to make an international phone call to prove my idenity before.) But I guess a lot of people complained and they changed their system a bit. So in other words I can get NA cards from them now. Although there is a $3 mark up, but that honestly isn't too bad for instant service.

    So thank you for your offer to help Faga. But rather then troubling you I will just buy them from PC Gamer.

    However, I can't ignore the fact that they are charging $22.99 (+activation cost??) for a 1000yen card. Which aren't even in stock. Are people really buying them at that cost?? Damn.

    Hmm, maybe I should set up my own 'store' and sell the the same codes for $15 bucks or something.... if there was enough demand for it, hmm...

    Edit; Good to know Recca. Thank you. But now I am obsessed with the thought of becoming an online merchant. lol :rolleyes:
  5. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    Yeah, I'm always looking for good and reliable people to get yen from. I might get some later on, but I'll let you know how much I can give you. Are you just looking for $20 or somewhere up to $50 as a limit?
  6. martinsonj

    martinsonj Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    Well I just got three $20 code from pc gamer suppy for about $69. Used them all to buy GTAV from the NA store. It's huge... 18 gigs and I am only 63% done... Hopefully I can play it later tonight.

    I actually was going to pm you then try to delete this thread. I didn't realize the value JP cards had outside of Japan. For example trading a $20 code for a Y1000 code would still be cheaper then a person buying a Y1000 code themselves online.

    Call it in poor taste if you like, but I am seriously considering to use a bit of my next paycheck to buy fist full of Y1000 codes and sell them for $17. (vs PCGS's $22.99 + $2.99 'activation fee' ) Well only if there is a strong demand for them of course. (My wife will kill me if I am stuck with a lot of codes no one wants to buy. lol) If anyone is interested feel free to pm me.
  7. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    I heard that GTA5 was 500 GB, which is ALL my HDD. lol

    I'll PM you sometime. ;)
  8. martinsonj

    martinsonj Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    lol get outta town... nah it's not that much. There is just a new 500gig PS3/GTAV bundle out.
    The PS store asks to have 32 gig free, while the actual download was 18 gig. However, I can't say anything beyond that because my daughter unplugged my system while it was downloading >_<. I quickly plugged it back in and the download resumed, but after waiting 26 hours (yes, you read that right), the file was corrupted and I had to delete it and start over. Otherwise I'd be playing it right now... yeah I raged pretty hard, but she's only one year old so what are you gonna do?

    I saw your PM and will reply to it in a moment.
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