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JP Peakvox Monsters

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Turbo Tom, Jul 9, 2013.

  1. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    You need to talk to the NPCs that appear during certain times (except the sheep). They'll give you new quests. Have you talked to the lizard near the fountain? I think he gives you the first new quest. More NPCs will appear and give you more quest as you progress.

    The training scrolls probably won't unlock anything at the beginning of the game, but you can try.
  2. Okamiwolf

    Okamiwolf Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    I just talked to the lizard/salamander at the fountain (again), but no new quests. The only other NPC I could see was the training sheep. I also went ahead and purchased all the training scrolls such that the top option in the redeem store shows no further items for sale and 66% completion. But still, no new quests or summer items unlocked.

    What does the "真・起動の書 第5章" (translated Manual Chapter 5 Shin start) do? It costs 25,000 which would blow all my remaining points, but I'm wondering if it might unlock some new batch of stuff.

    P.S. My current top tier quest yields 750p per play if this helps nail down where I'm at.
  3. faga4567

    faga4567 Well-Known Member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    #23 faga4567, Jul 27, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2013
    The 750p are "ようこそ殲滅戦へ" "戦士昇格試験" "腕前披露" "物資回収"
    "ようこそ殲滅戦へ" is given by the lizard.
    I think your trying to do "戦士昇格試験" but maybe it's unselectable? If that's the case change to a D rank pet. (Beware, the quest isn't easy going solo if it's not trained)
    If you already did clear that one, then you should be able to meet the Rex NPC that appears near the game circle and get a new mission, "腕前披露"

    真・起動の書 第5章 is needed to unlock the 4th tube in L-project. Get all 5 books.
  4. Kindle

    Kindle Senior Horde

    Jan 17, 2011
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    #24 Kindle, Jul 27, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2013
    The first few missions are given by the Golden Salamander by the Fountain, once you complete those, the next few are given by the Red T-Rex, both of which appear during "daylight" hours in the space. After that the Blue Spirit on the long stone bridge appears to give your next missions. Other creatures show up as you unlock more missions.

    As you may have noticed, the Monsters space is on a day-night cycle where one hour of real time equals 24 hours in Monsters game time. If it's "daylight" and you require a night creature NPC, you may have to wait a half hour for it to show up.

    Mission 09:戦士昇格試験 受注者750P/参加者250P
    is the first mission you get that's limited to participation by D-rank pets only. I recommend you use the stronger of the two D-rank sheep (Nightmarean, with blunted blue horns) and wait until you have all 3 participant slots filled before starting. Make sure you have some of those 50p health potions (heals 25% of HP) equipped from inventory just in case.

    By the way the multiplayer option in this game is critical to game success. Because when Monsters was initially bugged with solo play only, I couldn't even get past Mission 2: Nautilus Whale for weeks and had no idea how to train my pets.

    The L-Project Book Chapter 5,真・起動の書 第5章, will not be of any use unless you have completed (or are nearly completed) a full 50% of the pets available to make in the Labs, and you've won the other 4 books as well. So you might as well just save your points for now. As Faga noted, the book is the last one needed to unlock the Crimson Cultivation Tank in the Labs. Since I unlocked this only recently myself, I really should go and count how many pets I needed (in total) to get the Crimson Tank.
  5. Okamiwolf

    Okamiwolf Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    Thanks so much for the help guys. I wasn't seeing the Rex cause I didn't stick around for the day to roll around (didn't know that about the time cycle). Talking to the Rex unlocked the next series of missions culminating in the giant radish (with its own special boss music) who went down in 5 seconds thanks to some overpowered team mates :p. Also, the Orca whale is now available in the shop. Gonna save my points for the dolphin though, hopefully it will appear next.
  6. Kindle

    Kindle Senior Horde

    Jan 17, 2011
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    #26 Kindle, Jul 28, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2013
    Hey yeah! I've always wondered about that boss music on stage 12:悪の巨大花 受注者830P/参加者276P
    with the enormous Mandragora (flower doll) boss called "Rafflesia," a.k.a. the Man-Eater carnivorous plant.
    Once you beat this boss, the Purple Bird will appear during daylight hours between the stone benches behind the Exchange Shop.

    So I'm glad to hear it worked out, and that one of the LMOs appeared in the Exchange Shop for you.

    Incidentally, if you purchase the Morning Glory ornament for 10,000p from the limited-time items, you get both the blue and the purple versions of the flowering plant on a trellis, in a pot.
  7. Kindle

    Kindle Senior Horde

    Jan 17, 2011
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    #27 Kindle, Jul 28, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2013
    Thanks, I've found the value of the ! pickups ranges from something like 5p to 24p. At least O-Two has temporarily arranged it so that the ! is worth more than the typical 1p when you try clicking on them without your pet out, and right now you can use a speedy LMO to zoom around the space to grab the freebie points, as needed.

    EDIT: pickups currently yield points values from 1p to 30p. Most are higher than mid-range because I've only picked up a single 1p ! so far.
    When O-Two fixes it, the lowest normal value you'll get is 50p minimum.
  8. Turbo Tom

    Turbo Tom Active Member

    Mar 7, 2012
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  9. ReccaWolf

    ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2011
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    #29 ReccaWolf, Jul 29, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2013
    Translated from Google. Seems like there's a problem raising A or S ranked pets along with the Dark Lord one. Encrypt it to the best of the broke English if you can:

    [PSHome peakvox monster news]
    For pet ban use conditions
    There is the case that some ban pets can not use Quest and training currently, it will do a certain procedure.

    Please let me an example of a species Rex. Toshimashite procedure
    Raised to the specified value friendship degree ① before pets (Salamandra) next pet I (Dark Lord) use ban.
    I get the (Dark Lord) ② appropriate pet.
    You have identified the phenomenon that can not and these steps here to use some pet ban.
    This phenomenon will occur only when the condition is met to 15th in the 15 are applicable pet body.

    To normal use,
    I get the (Dark Lord) ① appropriate pet.
    Raised to the specified value friendship degree ① before pets (Salamandra) next pet I (Dark Lord) use ban.
    You can use the pets will do in the flow of this place.

    Get some pet ban itself that can not be used, there is not a problem even back and forth.

    Users like that has already occurred We are currently making corrections is,
    I will correspond by the next update.
    We apologize for the inconvenience very much, thank you very much
  10. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    #30 HOPPER_34, Jul 29, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2013
    This info. is helping me too, so thx much. I got through the first 8 battles (I think it was 8) with others helping and then got to one that I thought I had to do solo. Is there a way to do that one with others? Maybe I didnt wait long enough for others with D-rank pets to join? I never got it figured out, so ever since I have just gone to the last one that I can do with others for 750 each play. I take my 2250 daily and just go with that, but would love to understand it more so I can move on.

    I do have the 4 limited time rewards showing for me and am just saving my 2250 each day thinking that by 8/28 I should have enough to get them.

    EDIT: I had a breakthrough and was able to play that 9th one with other people and actually got it done. I found a different pet in the space and I think it added missions but I can't look yet because I used my 3 for the day. I'm moving along with each little piece of info. that I gather from here.

    Also, I have 4 limited time rewards that I can choose from. I had enough to get the one for 14K today so I just went ahead and got it. It was an open book ornament. Ugh. I was hoping the 2 for 14K and 17K were the LMO's.
  11. Kindle

    Kindle Senior Horde

    Jan 17, 2011
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    #31 Kindle, Jul 29, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2013
    Riroa starts its quest listing with "Mission 00" so technically when we refer to Mission 09 it's actually Mission 10... lol

    Hopper when you begin Monster, you shouldn't have to do any solo battles until the Paladin Mission finale from the first update. Just skip them, they will be too hard for you at this point. The normal sequence of quest unlocks from talking to NPCs will let you continue past the solo battles that show up.

    If you can, try to unlock the game up to mission 12:悪の巨大花 受注者830P/参加者276P and beat the giant flower boss, which as okamiwolf reports unlocks the Orca Whale LMO. That's the best limited time item on the list imho, and it shouldn't be too hard to get there with help from the other players in the space :)

    About the solo battles: There are ten 1vs1 solo battles (one for each species from the previous update) that were added two Peakvox updates ago. I'm working through them right now, but if you review your mission list you'll see they unlock in a somewhat haphazard order in the middle of your quest list. What does this means to gameplay? Newcomers may not realize that with the solo missions they'll have to skip them until they've properly trained the Rank B (or A or S) creature which had unlocked that solo mission. Given that you have no help from other players, your lone creature has to be really beefed up in order to vanquish the Rank A boss at the end.

    I tried the Sheep solo several times with an improperly trained Rank B sheep, and just the four Rank B sheep themselves right before the big boss "Merry Mary" kept whupping my rear.

    I found the only thing that worked on Merry Mary was the Poison effect; otherwise I was dishing out only 1 pt of damage!! Other than "Shields Down" to remove the target's defenses, is there any other skill attribute or magic which reliably works on bosses? I'm not sure about this at all, what are the weaknesses for each Element?
  12. HOPPER_34

    HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

    Oct 24, 2010
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    wow ok thx. Here I have been thinking all this time that I couldn't advance any further until I got that one done. Geez--what a simple piece of info. can do. :D I think I may be on my way to understanding things a bit better just after reading the last few posts in this thread. I'll see how it goes. Thx much!
    • Like Like x 1
    • HOPPER_34

      HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

      Oct 24, 2010
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      After thinking I was stalled at 8% on the missions for the longest time, I have made some breakthroughs this past week thanks to the info. posted here and the awesome help of new friends (and various random players) who have played waaaay more than me. I managed to get all of the limited-time rewards, along with a ton of others along the way, and am now at 32% on the missions, but still have a couple of basic things that I'm wondering about if anyone feels like taking more time to explain.

      Why do I have only one C class and one B class available in monsters when I have all of those classes completed at the lab? and if the last 2 missions that I got are both solo, will I be able to bypass those and get other missions from the npc's or do those have to be completed first?

      Thx again for all of the help. It has been fun, but has already gotten a little expensive, so my progress will probably slow down a little from here on. I only have one A rank pet and none of the S, SS and whatever else done in the lab, so I would imagine that will hold me back at some point as well.
    • Turbo Tom

      Turbo Tom Active Member

      Mar 7, 2012
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      Anyone knows what the text says in the photo? Is that the requirements to play with Hibiki? any idea what is required?
      to? Peakvox Monsters, Turbo Tom, Aug 5, 2013, 9:49 PM,, png, upload_2013-8-5_21-45-51.png
    • ReccaWolf

      ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

      Jan 16, 2011
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      You need all pets unlocked and upgraded (from A to SS) to get the Hibiki pet.
    • HOPPER_34

      HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

      Oct 24, 2010
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      I don't even know where you see that screen. lol
    • Turbo Tom

      Turbo Tom Active Member

      Mar 7, 2012
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      You probably need to have made Hibiki in the labs to be able to see it, thanks for the reply I don't know if it's worth bothering by the time I make all the pets and fully train them nobody will be playing the game anymore lol :whistling:
    • batman101584

      Sep 6, 2013
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      Can anyone plz post the mixes for the S class knight
    • MiGaZ

      MiGaZ Member

      Jun 12, 2012
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      Can someone give me a clue how to unlock the following pets from the 3rd row: 1st, 2nd and 4th

      And any tips on how to solve the paladin-mission? Tried with a ninja but I got shredded within seconds... The best trained pet I have is the A-rex - could he have a chance?
    • ReccaWolf

      ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

      Jan 16, 2011
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      You need to unlock weapons when you beat the missions. 1st and 4th has swords that will unlock those pets via Dr. Hibiki through L Project after talking to her, though the 1st ones require you to boost your S or SS pets up high for the very hardest missions and beating that pet to have the sword unlocked. The 2nd one you need to beat all the 1st generation pets on solo missions - Rexs to Zombies from that list - and that will unlock the fan. I would recommend using Zombie Maid Fran-chan and bulk her up more.
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