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Juggernaut Design The Next Bramblenook Farmhouse Style And Win!

Discussion in 'YPSH Contests' started by kwoman32, Aug 24, 2013.

  1. Okamiwolf

    Okamiwolf Member

    Jan 19, 2013
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    #21 Okamiwolf, Sep 5, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2013
    I think a castle keep style farm house would be the best option for fitting into the existing Juggernaut farm surroundings. We can see castles on the horizon in the distance so the farm is already set in a medieval European time period. The castle farm house could have stone battlements and small arched windows.

    Design The Next Bramblenook Farmhouse Style And Win!, Aug 24, 2013, 11:12 PM,, 8994
    Here's a story about a real life castle farm house: A farmer who secretly built castle behind straw bales ordered to demolish it - Telegraph

    Another variation:
    Design The Next Bramblenook Farmhouse Style And Win!, Aug 24, 2013, 11:12 PM,, 8994

    A red brick version could also be done in the style of Teutonic castles in East Prussia or this one in Kent:
    Design The Next Bramblenook Farmhouse Style And Win!, Aug 24, 2013, 11:12 PM,, 8994
    Sissinghurst Castle Farmhouse - Welcome

    My NA PSN id is: Burmecian_Rat
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    • kwoman32

      kwoman32 Head Administrator
      Staff Member Administrator

      Nov 29, 2009
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      This contest is now closed. Now the judges at Juggernaut Games will decide who our winners are. Be patient. There are some really good entries here. It may take a bit. WATCH THIS SPACE. We will also announce on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ when the winners are decided. Thanks to all who entered and GOOD LUCK!
    • kwoman32

      kwoman32 Head Administrator
      Staff Member Administrator

      Nov 29, 2009
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      We have our winners!
      It's been a long wait. We apologize for that, but with vacations and schedules, it took a bit longer. However, we hope it was worth the wait!

      The judges said, "We love Gamer Girl Amy's paintover of the space and the interior - 1st place pick for all of us was definitely hers."

      So Gamer Girl Amy you won First Prize! Congrats!
      Prize : Bramblenook Farm update Bundle, Themed Furniture Bundle, Active item bundle and a PSN card (£16 UK or $20 USA)

      Then the judges said, "2nd place to Ocelot-BigBoss for the traditional Japanese style farmhouse."

      So Ocelot-BigBoss, congrats to you for being our second place winner!
      Prize : Second Prize - Bramblenook Farm Update Bundle & Themed Furniture Bundle

      WINNERS : Please notify us if you would like your prizes to be for NA or EU (your choice).
    • C.Birch

      C.Birch Site Owner
      Staff Member Administrator

      Mar 21, 2012
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      Well done to the winners.
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