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Juggernaut Long Awaited Bramblenook Farms Coming This Week!

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, Aug 19, 2013.

  1. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
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    Nov 29, 2009
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    #1 kwoman32, Aug 19, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2013
    Long Awaited Bramblenook Farms Coming This Week!, kwoman32, Aug 19, 2013, 11:46 PM,, png, logo.png
    Everyone loved Bramblenook Farm. Now, the wait is over.
    The Bramblenook Farm Update comes to NA & EU PS Home
    this Wed., Aug. 21st, 2013!

    Long Awaited Bramblenook Farms Coming This Week!, kwoman32, Aug 19, 2013, 11:46 PM,, jpg, Bramble_Update1_256x368.jpg Long Awaited Bramblenook Farms Coming This Week!, kwoman32, Aug 19, 2013, 11:46 PM,, jpg, Bramble_Update2_256x368.jpg

    New Features - Unlocked by purchasing the Bramblenook Farm Update Bundle

    Now you can remodel your farmhouse to suit your mood. Includes two new farmhouse styles.
    Give your farmhouse a complete interior and exterior makeover whenever you feel like a change!

    Cows: You can purchase and raise cows of your very own! The update bundle also includes a cow and
    calf companion.

    Long Awaited Bramblenook Farms Coming This Week!, kwoman32, Aug 19, 2013, 11:46 PM,, jpg, BrambleUpdate1_cow.jpg

    New Features - Available to all Bramblenook Owners
    Swimming: Now you can take a dip in the Bramblenook Creek!

    New craftable items: You can craft additional items for yourself and gift them to all of your friends!

    Long Awaited Bramblenook Farms Coming This Week!, kwoman32, Aug 19, 2013, 11:46 PM,, jpg, BrambleUpdate2_swim.jpg

    Associated Content:
    Bramblenook Themed Furniture Bundle – a collection of active items and furniture that
    coordinate with the new Bramblenook themes! Includes:

    - Alchemist’s Chest – place up to 35 potions and alchemical mixtures around your
    personal space.
    - Alchemical Apparatus – brew and drink a potion
    - Magic Globe – animated globe with a moving solar system orbiting around it
    - Bearskin Rug – Lounge in true hunting lodge style
    - Antler Wall hanging

    Long Awaited Bramblenook Farms Coming This Week!, kwoman32, Aug 19, 2013, 11:46 PM,, jpg, ThemeBundle.jpg

    Bramblenook Fine Furniture Bundle – a collection of six furniture items. Includes:

    - Fine Rowboat
    - Fine Rockinghorse
    - Fine Lute
    - Fine Spinning Wheel
    - Fine Bench
    - Fine Sheep Statue

    Long Awaited Bramblenook Farms Coming This Week!, kwoman32, Aug 19, 2013, 11:46 PM,, jpg, FineBundl.jpg

    Bramblenook Active Furniture Bundle – a collection of seven active items to coordinate with your Bramblenook Farm House or any personal space. Includes:

    - Fine Cuckoo Clock – Tells time and marks the hour with a custom animation featuring
    miniature farm animals!
    - Fine Cupboard – Allows you to place up to 40 pieces of dinnerware in any space! Set a
    full place setting for 8 guests for only 7 furniture slots!
    - Fine Harp – Plays 5 melodic tracks!
    - Herb Garden – Design a custom herb garden with this active item.
    - Fine Bed – Includes custom animations.
    - Fine Gazebo – This beautiful gazebo is the perfect complement to any outdoor space.
    - Cow Manger – releases Bramblenook calves which wander around any space

    Long Awaited Bramblenook Farms Coming This Week!, kwoman32, Aug 19, 2013, 11:46 PM,, jpg, ActiveBundle.jpg

    Price - NA Price - EU
    Fine Hobby Horse $0.99 0.99 €
    Fine Row Boat $0.99 0.99 €
    Fine Lute $0.99 0.99 €
    Fine Spinning Wheel $0.99 0.99 €
    Fine Bench $0.49 0.49 €
    Fine Sheep Statue $0.49 0.49 €
    Herb Garden $1.49 1.99 €
    Fine Bed $1.49 1.39 €
    Fine Cupboard $1.99 1.99 €
    Fine Gazebo $1.49 1.39 €
    Fine Harp $1.99 1.99 €
    Fine Cuckoo Clock $1.99 1.99 €
    Cow Manger $1.49 1.39 €
    Alchemist's Chest $1.99 1.99 €
    Alchemical Apparatus $1.49 1.39 €
    Telescope $1.99 1.99 €
    Magic Globe $1.49 1.39 €
    Bearskin Rug $1.49 1.39 €
    Antler Wall Hanging $0.99 0.99 €
    Bramblenook Farm Update Bundle $3.99 3.59 €
    Bramblenook Fine Furniture Bundle $3.49 2.49 €
    Bramblenook Active Furniture Bundle $5.99 5.49 €
    Bramblenook Themed Furniture Bundle $3.99 3.59 €

    • Like Like x 1
    • drake21734

      drake21734 Administrator
      Staff Member Administrator

      Feb 5, 2011
      Likes Received:
      +45 /11
      Wow been waiting for this. Looks very cool. Bundles seem nicely priced too.
    • Bell Rose33

      Aug 20, 2013
      Likes Received:
      +0 /1
      I understand paying for the furniture and the "look" of it, but do we have to pay for the swimming, cows, and extra furniture at the wood work table?
    • kwoman32

      kwoman32 Head Administrator
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      Nov 29, 2009
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      #4 kwoman32, Aug 20, 2013
      Last edited: Aug 20, 2013
      New swimming feature and craftable items will added automatically on Wed. if you own the space.
      • Like Like x 1
      • Kid_Fleetfoot

        Jan 26, 2011
        Likes Received:
        +2 /0
        As this is my favourite space, I am looking forward to the updates especially the cows. Now I can rid of my disformed one that while slightly active isn't really much of a cow. It's been a good cow but I'm sure the new ones will be an improvement.
        And as I don't have a bathtub, going for a swim will be grand. I didn't know about this. Love the news. :yes:
      • mikelep9054

        May 17, 2012
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        #6 mikelep9054, Aug 22, 2013
        Last edited: Aug 22, 2013
        cows sound like goats, i blame aliens.

        upgrade bundle was great, at a great price, ty jug for a great update.

        Any possibility of more than one stump to chop wood on? One on each side of the wood pile, choppers can take wood from same pile. Not to add a contest, or leaderboard, or anything, just so host can chop wood when a guest is. Cant talk and chop, may as well not have them doing it and host standing watching. And i'm sure Karen would like it if 2 choppers could help chopping her wood, and doing chores. Long Awaited Bramblenook Farms Coming This Week!, Aug 19, 2013, 11:46 PM,, 8985 Long Awaited Bramblenook Farms Coming This Week!, Aug 19, 2013, 11:46 PM,, 8985 :whip:
      • Thunderflux

        Thunderflux Juggernaut Games

        Jul 4, 2012
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        +6 /0
        Glad you guys are enjoying the update! The baby calves DO sound like goats... not sure what's going on there. We're planning on adding additional ways to collect wood in the next update (Karen can complete her dream of running a Bramblenook labor camp :tea:Long Awaited Bramblenook Farms Coming This Week!, Aug 19, 2013, 11:46 PM,, 8985Long Awaited Bramblenook Farms Coming This Week!, Aug 19, 2013, 11:46 PM,, 8985Long Awaited Bramblenook Farms Coming This Week!, Aug 19, 2013, 11:46 PM,, 8985) , and to add more remodel styles and craftables too!
        • Funny Funny x 3
        • kwoman32

          kwoman32 Head Administrator
          Staff Member Administrator

          Nov 29, 2009
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          +263 /52
          Lol I got plenty of chopped logs. I stocked up before the update :)
        • mikelep9054

          May 17, 2012
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          +2 /0
          Is it supposed to be charging to change house back to default, or between skins you have bought? Have to buy the change each and every time?

          Changed to log house, then I can only water one plant, on second it kicks from game, goes unavailable. Leave come back, that plant was watered, but do one and second kicks me, takes leaving and coming back 8 times to water all the plants. So I put a loot fog machine in the garden to try to mist them instead. Not sure that changing house was involved, but it worked fine before I changed it. Was going to try to change house back, but not paying 8k in wood and xxk gold for default house back.
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