Hi all, Starting at 17:00 GMT on the 20th Sony PlayStation will be hosting a big press conference at Gamescom, this thread is for all your views on all the news and games Sony brings to us at the event, if I can I'll also embed a live stream into this thread. The thread itself is a "Live" thread, this means it will auto show new post as they are made. So what are you most looking forward to Sony saying at the press conference? [parsehtml]<iframe src="http://widgets.ign.com/video/embed/content.html?url=http://www.ign.com/videos/2013/08/20/ign-live-presents-ea-and-sony-gamescom-2013-press-conferences" width="468" height="263" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/parsehtml]
You should see this reply auto load into the thread with it being a live thread, reply back also But yes Sony will have a good number of new games to show off, the events ment to be 3hours long.
Yep, gives me a few added weeks to keep on saving, should be able to get more games now, as i was saving for a start of Nov launch.
New games, they started off with the new interface, and XMB is still there also, some cross play again with vita, vita and ps3 price drops.
I would be interested in the new interface. Thanks CB! Now that ps4 has some decent memory, it should multitask better. Would like to see how they implement that.
The press conference seemed more like a "what we left out from E3". Talked about PS3, vita, indies, and a few more new games. A few more features for the PS4 such as cross chat, and twitch. Probably a decent conference for giving info there and there, but nothing much in terms of a big wow factor. And why bring the 12GB PS3 for the US? This technically means that there's no price drop for the HDD ones right? Meh...