Spunland comes to America this week! Finally the Great Spunland Transatlantic Pipeline is complete! Now Homies in North America can partake in the colorful weirdness that is Spunland! Plant Spun seeds, dance up a Spun storm, see them grow into Spunflowers and then catch the Spunner Rabbits which Spawn when they die to get big Spun Points! But how do you get the Spun Atom's floating in the sky, and what's with the grazing toilet Spunner? Madmunki presents Spunland, a free to play Home Environment, a dynamic Spun Eco system to explore and experiment with. Available to purchase in this first release are the Spun Locomotives & Heads : • Spunland Rabbit Hoppers; Bounce around Home in Spun style. Available in Spun Orange, Purple and White. • The Flusho Spunner Locomotive; Ride around Home on the cutest looking living toilet you have ever seen! • Rabbit heads & Spunland Expression Heads: Wear to express to the true Spunner within.
Here's a Spunlist of all purchase items and rewards : PURCHASE ITEMS: Clothing: Robo Spunner Head Constructo Spunner Helmet Lumino Spunner Head Spunland Rabbit Head Orange Spunland Rabbit Head White Spunland Rabbit Head Purple Spunland Rabbit Heads (Bundle of all 3) Spunland Head Set (4 heads) LMOS: LMO - Spunland Rabbit Hopper Orange LMO - Spunland Rabbit Hopper Purple LMO - Spunland Rabbit Hopper White LMO - Flusho Spunner Locomotive REWARD ITEMS: Spunland T-shirt Spunland Harvest Head: When worn in Spunland grants the wearer an extra seed for every seed they manage to collect. Spun Cloud Head: When worn in Spunland enables the wearer to create clouds at twice the normal speed. Spunland Flower Head: When worn in Spunland enables the wearer to plant up to 3 seeds on available spunpatches. Spunland Seeds: Whenever you visit Spunland you will always start with 3 seeds! Spun Tree: A dancing Spunland tree for your apartment
Maybe they'll have the Dukes of Spunland out for NA and EU as well. Just a matter of time now for the Spunland Cottage too. ^^
Hey! I ain't a wabbit....and I only come in ONE color. I have only been to this space once for a very brief time in EU when it first came out. It seemed kind of Dr. Seuss-ish--I'll have to check it more at some point. Thx for the info Karen.