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Ps4 Ps Home Expectations?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by sb-43_, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. sb-43_

    sb-43_ Member

    Jun 13, 2013
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    Now that the PS4 has been debuted, what are some realistic expectations for PS Home on the next-gen console? What will they add to it? Will they do another re-design? IMO I don't think they should re-design it, but they should add on to it. I think they should try to fix the lagging issues and have less and faster downloads. What do you guys want?
  2. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
    Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 29, 2009
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    We all want the same. However, it doesn't look good for Home getting on PS4. PS3 still has years of life left in it. My guess is Home will continue on PS3 until they stop supporting PS3. This is my opinion, not fact. We MAY hear something tomorrow (Friday). With Sony, you just never know for sure.
  3. Adrian

    Adrian Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Whilst watching the Unusuals on Crackle an ad for PS3 came on. I thought Sony had stopped advertising PS3, well not quite yet it seems.

    I personally have little drive for getting a PS4... not saying never, but you know I took no notice of PS2, PS3 does the things I want it to. PS4 would need something else to get me to go for it,

    redesign home? home is beta right? & Whose to say it'll ever come out of beta? & would we want it to? We need a redesign anyway, home square is not square & is too cluttered. & Sony hear my plea... leave me some grass to sit on.

    I love my PS3.
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    • Firefly

      Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

      Nov 5, 2010
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      Home's a small community. Much smaller than Sony says. Sony will tell you millions are in Home. But devs have looked into it and believe only about 20,000 unique users are in Home.

      I don't see Sony spending alot for Home on the PS4. With a small userbase they would probably have trouble making that money back. But it is possible to use cloud gaming on the PS4 to play a ps3 game, such as Home. I'm expecting that is what our future will be.

      Btw, I've been following a game called DC Universe on the PS3. The recently detailed their plan for PS4. There will be NO added fees to play on PS4. You won't have to subscribe to PS Plus! It's FREE to play. And it's seemless between PS4 and PS3. You can use the characters you built on PS3 and play them on the PS4. And you can mix users from both PS4 and PS3 in the same mission. So if you bought a ps4 and are playing a ps4 dcuo game, you can team up with friends who are still on ps3. The game doesn't care which machine you are on!!

      Pretty cool, huh? If only Home could be like that. But sadly I'm not much from Sony. :)
    • mikelep9054

      May 17, 2012
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      Freemium typically goes on the notion of 20/80. 20% of the user base provides 80% of revenue.

      As far as NA home goes, Many segments who used to support Home, have been marginalized by management intentionally, while it catered to fams/ swag /bling and irresponsibly pushed living lavishly vicariously as an avatar. Poor decisions, and bad marketing, have directly hamstringed Home's potential. Some management who used to be mods, bright ideas, have hampered Home in growth, sustainability, revenue, and viability. Completely ignoring the 20/80, they tried to push against the grain, and commonsense often. NA has the biggest user base, and squandered it through mismanagement and inept decisions.

      I do not agree with the 20k estimate, even on just one region. I would put it into several million, on each of NA EU and Japan. 20/80 at the 20k estimate, means 4k users. Home would not be remotely viable to run, advertize on, or develop for, at that figure. I do think poor management has made the 20/80 not close to where Home is. It is far below it, and continues to lower, because of inept management directly.

      PlayStation Home has 12 million users - Destructoid
      PlayStation Home Users Hit Half Million During E3 Press Conference - Joystick Division - Videogame news, features and reviews.

      Sony playstation Home user Number's over 31 Million world wide!

      On PS4, it will likely start where PS4 can run the same Home that is on PS3. It will not start with a new version or PS4 only Home. Last year some time, Sony stated Ps3 has at least 3 more years of support left. PS4 may be delayed a year launching in Asia. The user base on PS4 will have to get to a certain level on all regions, before they will delve into a PS4 version of Home. It was Dec 2008, 2 years after launch in 2006, that Home got off the ground, Home development started in 2005. Depending on how sales go, and how much of PS3 Home is ported to PS4, and how much is back to the drawing board completely redesigned, it could be holiday 2015 before any incarnation of PS4 only Home emerges. At that point, Home 2.0, or another name will begin.

      PS4 having premium gaming PC components, and PC OS and architecture will see incredible potential. It has the potential to effectively bridge PC, console, mobile gaming. It has the potential to cross previous boundaries, and combine platforms. It could conceivably even allow PS4 vs Xbox play, but it and many likely never will all happen. How much does or doesn't do within its vast new potential, and how successful it is is completely up to Sony now. People need fired, and their bosses fired, and their bosses fired, before proper shifts in direction, and focus can begin to transpire.

      Numerous studios have closed, been combined, or seen mass layoffs, as game design and gaming habits shift in new directions. Ea has shifted its stance on pay to play passes. Sony says it is only changing to requiring plus to play PS4 online, but is it really, or is it simply setting up another bait and switch, after x number of consoles find homes. Cloud, Network, security, and an actually working browser, are all yet to be clearly defined and prioritized to function properly, and maintained seamlessly.

      PS Home can transition to fit the new model, thrive grow and be successful. Greed, questionable marketing, and ineptitude that have kept Home on the PS3 from realizing near the potential it could, will have to be banished from their mindsets, and never return, for that to be remotely possible.

      I played Sims 1, 2, 3, on PC. Sims3 on PC like aspects, avatar customization, seamless transition between spaces, and other advances that should have already made their way into Home on Ps3, need to be implemented in PS4 Home. There is no excuse for the majority of Home being pre Sims1 or worse. Perhaps one of the third party developers will make an avatar creator, that exceeds the home avi customizing that has changed little if any since beta, since Sony hasn't in 4.5 years. How well would that sell? Ps3 home core was amateur and outdated, when it launched. Hopefully PS4 Home learns from numerous failures mistakes inept decisions, and bad ideas, and expands options in needed directions, and succeeds grows and thrives to the potential PS3 Home could and should have, and beyond.
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      • Caspearious

        Caspearious SC4RY LURK3R D00D

        Jan 2, 2011
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        If Home only has 20k unique users buying stuff... I have a bad feeling we will never see a true PS4 Home. It would be to much of bother to convert to the new system. So they will probably use that new game streaming system to access PS3 Home in the future.

        I wonder if you will have to be a Plus member to use Home because of the online rule thingy in PS4.
      • C.Birch

        C.Birch Site Owner
        Staff Member Administrator

        Mar 21, 2012
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        Going by Sonys comments Home would remain to be free because its a service on PSN and Sony said free to access services would remain free and no need for plus.
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        • sb-43_

          sb-43_ Member

          Jun 13, 2013
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          This has worried me as well. Sony didn't say anything about Home at E3 and there's rumors that Home could be replaced by something called "BigFest", apparently something described as a social media platform on a trademark they patented in February. And they've also practically stopped advertising it all together for a while now, which means they may be wanting Home to slowly die down. I hope this isn't the case, as I enjoy home very much.
        • ChelsieBrittany

          ChelsieBrittany Loves Italian Food

          Jun 6, 2013
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          Ok I've had my PS3 for quite sometime now But have only had it online for about a couple months now...With Home only being what seems an afterthought in most minds..."Oh that is just another game...Nobody ever really wants to socialize on it"...I'm not really sure How secure Home's future in the Mindset of Sony....I do remember reading about it in an old issue of PSM years back around 06 or 07 and the feature being about what was going to be offered and what was going to be so fun about it!....Granted it is fun but with how the enforcement of the Rules and such is as relates to trolling and all the negative stuff being allowed to happen...I'm glad how I can just hangout at my Apts with out any trouble....Strangely I see Home usually as a single player Experience anyway....

          Btw I believe the "Beta" tag is there because if Home just went out of beta...It would not keep evolving as it does...It would be like the devs said "OK NO MORE SPACES OR GAMES! THE PRODUCT IS FINALLY FINISHED AND COMPLETE!" and do we really want that to happen?
        • Adrian

          Adrian Well-Known Member

          Sep 26, 2012
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          Well, events Are the big thing needed and devs, if not Sony (though maybe Sony "encouraged" devs), seem to have taken this on board, I have taken part now in lockwood, Lootent, codeglue & Atom republic events, oh yeah & of course Yourpshome events, & they are a much better place to socialise in general, & like the HedKandi, there was a nice feel to the place & people loosened up, & when I went to the Atom republic event, I started dancing, then others started & people seemed to loosen up, so really nice to see dance moves, I always worried about the bmx thing.... do I really want some yahoo riding between me & another avatar as we're trying to have a conversation? why not make a bmx park? random can sometimes be good, but not random like a troll...err... lol :zombie:now we have the metal hammer awards, wow... seems to me, home is continually evolving (#betaforever ) & that some good lessons have been learnt.

          I'd also like to say, stop & think, home is a free 3d environment, anybody who can't think how to make use of that has to be pretty stunted... (yes I can be rude),

          I don't know why, we can't see the stars at night ala a planetarium, why we can't walk accross Mars, why we can't have a library, I want to sky dive, paraglide, abseil, go caving, take a rocket trip, explore Antarctica..

          I have to say, the extent to which opportunity in pshome is wasted leaves me agahst we wanna dance all night, & ride horses through shopping centres,

          pshome? Please sir, can I have some more.
        • Ariane Chavasse

          Ariane Chavasse Arianne is here

          Mar 14, 2011
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          Ps4 Ps Home Expectations?, Ariane Chavasse, Jun 16, 2013, 3:24 AM,, jpg, 2496289-playstation-4_2013_06-10-13_028.jpg Ps4 Ps Home Expectations?, Ariane Chavasse, Jun 16, 2013, 3:24 AM,, jpg, sony-playstation-4.jpg Ps4 Ps Home Expectations?, Ariane Chavasse, Jun 16, 2013, 3:24 AM,, jpg, 326658ff.jpg Ps4 Ps Home Expectations?, Ariane Chavasse, Jun 16, 2013, 3:24 AM,, jpg, cat_0001-web-ps4-19.jpg Ps4 Ps Home Expectations?, Ariane Chavasse, Jun 16, 2013, 3:24 AM,, jpg, cat_0001-web-ps4-19.jpg
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          • Funny Funny x 1
          • ChelsieBrittany

            ChelsieBrittany Loves Italian Food

            Jun 6, 2013
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            Another Question I have had for quite some time now is this.....Why are there these little pockets of users who are still complaining about not having HUGE HALLS for their trophies?!?!?.....For one thing programming is limited for such things....I am of the mind that if you want such a thing....Something is going to be taken away to allow such features....Now I for one do not give a damn about seeing my game trophies look like a GARGANTUAN HUGE Statue!.....Their not real feh! ..... I would rather Keep my EOD than some stupid Hall of fame!
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            • Caspearious

              Caspearious SC4RY LURK3R D00D

              Jan 2, 2011
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              Well, people could say the same thing about Home not being real too. At the end of the day, everything you have spent in Home will eventually be gone and a distant memory. If you say entertainment value is worth it Home... Trophies are kinda worth it to some of us too... there is a certain entertainment value in trying to grab some of those hard to get trophies for the challenge they impose and a certain sense of accomplishment.

              As for the Hall of fame, I agree its not worth them building such a thing... unless it were only for platinum trophies (since they are harder to get and you will have less of those then other trophy types). But its much too late in PS3/Home life to ever bother with even developing such a place for Home.
            • Adrian

              Adrian Well-Known Member

              Sep 26, 2012
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              ...virtual is better & could end up being more permenant, I use, download music, when my computer crashes I can re-download.

              Sony should havebe the the same, especially now that content has been moved onto Sony's servers.

              Now we just have to trust Sony...
            • Caspearious

              Caspearious SC4RY LURK3R D00D

              Jan 2, 2011
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              I like PS3 and Home... but where Sony is concerned (from past experiences with them before getting a PS3), I am highly pessimistic of them.

              I don't even trust their word about PS4 not being DRM. I can't help but think they have something behind the scenes in their console/code just ready to flip a switch on and any new games from then on, will have XBox-like DRM. : (
            • Firefly

              Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

              Nov 5, 2010
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              I just want to mention that I don't think the 20/80 rule works with Home anymore. That would mean for each spender, there are 4 default avatars that aren't spending. And that's clearly not the case.

              I think it might have been at that ratio 4 years ago. But I think the number of spenders have only marginally dropped. Some have quit but others have replaced them. But for nonspenders, there has been a huge attrition. I think of the "80" maybe only a small number of those still remain. Many of those have quit and others have taken their place, like a constant revolving door letting people in and out. Most of my friends are big spenders. And most of them have been around for years. I think there are only a few that consistently use Home but don't spend in Home.
            • ChelsieBrittany

              ChelsieBrittany Loves Italian Food

              Jun 6, 2013
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              I enjoy Home So I'm willing to invest in the service it is....Whether it be getting the latest fashions ( I love fashion....What woman doesn't?) or the coolest Spaces...I'm not looking to be a trendsetter or anything like that....But I do want to get the best for my money :) But I draw the line at these EXCLUSIVES that is elitist crapola in my book!
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              • mikelep9054

                May 17, 2012
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                20% of users provide 80% of income 1/5th / 4/5th. 20/80, has been the freemium unspoken but accepted business model on any freemium there is. When greed sets in, and nickel and dimeing gets carried away, or they try to directly manipulate things incorrectly, all of which NA home is guilty of, their potential for profits and sustainability directly suffer. Home will be subject to 20/80, as long as it is free to play. They can embrace it, and grow sustainably, or suffer the consequences for their incompetence. Freemium can work, and do well, as long as its done right.
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                • ChelsieBrittany

                  ChelsieBrittany Loves Italian Food

                  Jun 6, 2013
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                  Freemium is a terrific Business Model....As long as Users are willing to stay the course!
                • EvilFluffyBunny

                  Jan 21, 2011
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                  I'm sticking with Home until the end. It has its problems, but I have a club I do projects with and I still invest in items needed for those projects and of course, items that give me some form of amusement. I don't want to see Home end, as I feel it's full potential has not been touched on.

                  I'm not jumping on the "Home is doomed" bandwagon. I probably never will, until it comes direct from the horses mouth and I don't care how long I have to wait to hear it. Depending on what others say is never a good idea. It just creates a mess. Right now, it's like so many people want to tell Home user what to do, based on how they see things. Let people do what they want and stop trying to tell them what to do. If they are still enjoying Home, let them. Plus, I think creating mass panic is bad, as it makes people not want to spend on Home. Granted, no one knows for sure how much money Home rakes in for Sony or even how many unique users use the application, but on the off chance it actually does happen to be a lot for both, encouraging people to just let it go and stop doing what they do, just screams at Sony, "PULL THE PLUG!"

                  I'm also really tired of people and their defeatist attitudes about Home. Especially when it comes down to some of Home's biggest supporters. Get some balls and push at Sony. You supported Home for so long and claimed you enjoyed so much, then at the slightest bit of a chance Home could end, you just turn tail and run away like a pansy.

                  Okay, I'm done. Enjoy.
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