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JP Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by darkan12-nl, May 15, 2013.

  1. darkan12-nl

    darkan12-nl Well-Known Member
    Valued Member

    Jan 18, 2010
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    Invasion by the Kikai Machine Empire
    Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire, darkan12-nl, May 15, 2013, 1:50 PM,, jpg, 0_main visual b.jpg

    For all of you long time Home users with Japan accounts, you will remember signing in on one April Fool's Day only to see IREM's public spaces being taken over with strange things happening. Then came the news IREM was leaving PS Home. We thought we would never see such an event again. An event a lot of us fondly remember as one of our favorites.

    When we got the news that Granzella was born from a group who left IREM, our hopes were renewed that maybe some day, we might see another April Fool's Event. When I interviewed Kazuma Kujo, I asked about Granzella's intentions to bring back the event. He said, "Actually, we did have plans and were preparing to hold the April Fool’s event in April 2012 on PlayStation Home. Unfortunately, we were not able to complete the development required to implement the event within the time limit. For 2013, we're making adequate preparations to implement the event on the PlayStation Home." He had planned and supervised the original April Fool’s event on PS Home Japan.

    April Fool's Day 2013 came and went. No word about the event. Until now. Production issues have caused delays, but Mr. Kujo is holding true to his word!

    It is now confirmed that the event will be held from May 16 through 29 in Japan! It will be called the "Invasion by the Kikai Machine Empire". No dates are set for EU or NA, but hopefully, it will be soon.

    This event will take place in three of the Granzella lounges, as well as six new lounges specially created just for the event. In each of the lounges, you will be given a mission. You can then proceed to the next stage (lounge) once you successfully complete the mission.

    Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire, darkan12-nl, May 15, 2013, 1:50 PM,, jpg, 0_main visual a.jpg

    You will take part in a mission in each lounge to help defeat The Kikai Machine Imperial Army. Here's the story....

    - At First, A Friendly Messenger - One day, a beautiful gigantic unidentified flying object appeared high above the earth. From the flying object friendly messages were delivered from the beautiful aliens to the earth.

    Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire, darkan12-nl, May 15, 2013, 1:50 PM,, jpg, 3_UFO.jpg

    - The Messenger Reveals Its True Nature ? All of a sudden, the UFO demanded that the earth should be surrendered. The government ignored this. Time was up. At 9:00 p.m. on May 16 (Japan time), the UFO that stayed over the Neon Downtown was transformed attack with beam weapons.

    The Kikai Machine Imperial Army dropped countless Kikai Soldiers from the UFO. The city was completely destroyed by the Kikai Soldiers. The Kikai Soldiers surged into the city, and their huge mechanical weapons burned out towns. Attacks from the Kikai Machine Empire continued with no mercy.

    The Kikai Soldiers completely destroyed the city and took hope away from the people—or so we thought.

    Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire, darkan12-nl, May 15, 2013, 1:50 PM,, jpg, 5_Kikai Machine Imperial Army.jpg

    There was a mysterious organization that successfully developed weapons to fight against the Kikai Army. They are called "Granzella", the Granzella Self-Defence Forces.

    This mysterious organization was formed to save the earth. Players will fight as members of Granzella Self-Defence Forces.

    Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire, darkan12-nl, May 15, 2013, 1:50 PM,, jpg, 2_rescue those who stranded.jpg

    <Player’s Abilities / Profession Types>

    Players will receive protective battle suits for FREE of charge in the “Secret Base?” lounge. Obtaining the battle suit will enlist the Player in the Granzella Self-Defence Forces.

    In addition, after defeating three Kikai Soldiers in the Neon Downtown lounge, Player will receive a weapon for FREE in the Secret Base(?) lounge. Player’s profession will be determined by what kind of weapon they wear.
    Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire, darkan12-nl, May 15, 2013, 1:50 PM,, jpg, 7_Secret Base.jpg
    A) Profession: Beam Samurai “Beam Katana/ LV1 (Gray)”
    B) Profession: Honeycomb Hacker “Honeycomb Jammer Unit/ LV1 (Gray)”
    C) Profession: Battle Healer “Medical Battle Arm/ LV1 (Gray)”

    Players can choose ONE of the following weapons.

    A. Beam Samurai - Attack/ Close-combat Expert
    - "Beam Samurai" are the expert of direct attacks, fighting with the Beam Katana.
    They are very good at close-combat.

    Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire, darkan12-nl, May 15, 2013, 1:50 PM,, jpg, 8_Beam Samurai.jpg

    B. Honeycomb Hacker - Attack/ Close-combat Expert
    - “Honeycomb Hackers” can disrupt enemy computers. They can also fire lasers from satellites. They are supportive professionals to jam the enemies and missiles, as well as to support the allies. If you're a Honeycomb Hacker, you won't get anywhere without first expanding the range of your interference. Catching an enemy within this range allows them to send the enemy into a state of confusion, forcing them to fire on each other. The directional buttons can also be used to rotate the range of interference. They can also jam missile projectiles and direct them at Kikai soldiers

    Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire, darkan12-nl, May 15, 2013, 1:50 PM,, jpg, 9_Honeycomb Hacker.jpg

    C. Battle Healer - Recovery/Protection/Super-close-combat Expert
    - “Battle Healers” can heal allies and destroy enemies with fists of steel.
    The Battle Healers' defense consists of an energy shield that they can deploy in front of them. This is a powerful object that will deflect all damage if the Battle Healer defends with it.

    Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire, darkan12-nl, May 15, 2013, 1:50 PM,, jpg, 10_Battle Healer.jpg

    With allies all of the same profession, it will be very difficult to complete the stage. Players with three different professions should work together as a team, in order to defeat formidable enemies.

    Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire, darkan12-nl, May 15, 2013, 1:50 PM,, jpg, GZ self-defence force 3 professionals.jpg Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire, darkan12-nl, May 15, 2013, 1:50 PM,, jpg, booster shoes.jpg Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire, darkan12-nl, May 15, 2013, 1:50 PM,, jpg, partner robot.jpg Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire, darkan12-nl, May 15, 2013, 1:50 PM,, jpg, UFO front.jpg Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire, darkan12-nl, May 15, 2013, 1:50 PM,, jpg, 4_sending down Kikai Soldiers.jpg Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire, darkan12-nl, May 15, 2013, 1:50 PM,, jpg, 6_Kikai Soldiers.jpg Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire, darkan12-nl, May 15, 2013, 1:50 PM,, jpg, 11_collaboration.jpg Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire, darkan12-nl, May 15, 2013, 1:50 PM,, jpg, 1_defeat target enemy.jpg
    Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire, darkan12-nl, May 15, 2013, 1:50 PM,, jpg, 12_item toilet.jpg Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire, darkan12-nl, May 15, 2013, 1:50 PM,, jpg, 13_item Kikai Soldier outfit.jpg Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire, darkan12-nl, May 15, 2013, 1:50 PM,, jpg, 14_item mini bike.jpg
    • Like Like x 1
    • C.Birch

      C.Birch Site Owner
      Staff Member Administrator

      Mar 21, 2012
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      +261 /59
      Many thanks for posting this for Karen, Eve Im sure she be thankful when shea well :)
    • darkan12-nl

      darkan12-nl Well-Known Member
      Valued Member

      Jan 18, 2010
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      Glad i could help :) wishing Karen to get well soon!
    • LunarEmerald

      LunarEmerald Goddess from the Moon

      Aug 30, 2011
      Likes Received:
      +5 /0
      This sounds pretty cool actually.
    • InSight

      InSight Active Member

      Feb 10, 2012
      Likes Received:
      +2 /0
      Hope it comes to EU soon, looks awesome. :thumbsup-23:
    • HOPPER_34

      HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

      Oct 24, 2010
      Likes Received:
      +112 /7
      Thanks for the info. This looks pretty cool.

      Get well soon Karen. Here is a little something to brighten your day:

      Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire, May 15, 2013, 1:50 PM,, 8774
    • magicmix13

      magicmix13 Old school gamer/Home elder

      Apr 21, 2013
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      +0 /1
      Yes this does look pretty cool, and Granzella usually comes out with some pretty cool stuff. Hope it comes to NA soon. Now to decide which role to play...
    • drake21734

      drake21734 Administrator
      Staff Member Administrator

      Feb 5, 2011
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      +45 /11
      Wow that looks like alot of fun! Hope you get to feeling better soon Karen :)

      Invasion By The Kikai Machine Empire, May 15, 2013, 1:50 PM,, 8774
      • Like Like x 1
      • Firefly

        Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

        Nov 5, 2010
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        +67 /2
        I heard a bug got you, Karen. GW said he planted it in your house weeks ago.

        Hope you get better soon! :)
      • C.Birch

        C.Birch Site Owner
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        Mar 21, 2012
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        And what do you all think of the planned event :p
      • ReccaWolf

        ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

        Jan 16, 2011
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        It looks really good, and I can't wait to play it. I'm just glad they extended it for 2 weeks for this. The fighting companions look adorable. XD
      • martinsonj

        martinsonj Active Member

        Oct 21, 2011
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        Expect everyone and their brother to be Beam Samurai lol. I might actually try the other 2 classes because of that.
        I do wonder if the HH has a normal attack. Forcing 2 enemies to shoot each other sounds nice... until one of them dies.
        I wonder for the teams will work; form a group the play with your friends like Edo? Or play with total random s like Monster?
        Anyways I think GZ did a great job here and I won't feel bad about shelling out a little yen to get upgraded weapons .
      • ReccaWolf

        ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

        Jan 16, 2011
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        It will all be a group, as far as I heard, or both individual and group like Edo.

        I read in the official Japan Home webpage that sadly, they're going to be having a ranking system with rewards again - two of them being the LMO robot bike and the Kikai robot avi outfit so far. I'm really peeved that they're doing this kind of thing again. Didn't they learned their lesson in Setsubun? :(

        I would also hate to see what kind of weapon bonus used on this event will give us in terms of stretching out to a reward limit like Setsubun's 100-100K point rewards like before. :p
      • C.Birch

        C.Birch Site Owner
        Staff Member Administrator

        Mar 21, 2012
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        Here is some info on the items due out today

        >> Locomotion - Booster Shoes (5 Colors)

        Equipping Booster Shoes will improve your jumping ability and change your jump attack into a dropkick.

        >> Beam Samurai Weapon Set
        Beam Samurai Weapons Set contains basic items for Beam Samurai, who are the experts at direct attacks with the Beam Katana. Beam Samurai basically use their swords to unleash combo attacks.

        >> Honeycomb Hacker Weapon Set

        Honeycomb Hacker Weapon Set contains basic items for Honeycomb Hackers, who are able to disrupt enemy computers.
        Honeycomb Hackers hack enemy computers and force them into friendly fire.

        >> Battle Healer Weapon Set

        Battle Healer Weapon Set contains basic items for Battle Healers, who are able to heal allies and destroy enemies with fists of steel.

        >> Recovery-type Partner Set, Rabbit

        Recovery-type partner rabbits will heal you at fixed intervals.
        They have a strong affinity for Beam Samurai and display increased healing abilities when accompanying them.

        >> Attack-type Partner Set, Dog

        Attack-type partner dogs are trustworthy companions that follow the player around and deliver body blows to the enemies they discover.
        They have a strong affinity for Honeycomb Hackers and display an increased attacking strength when accompanying them.

        >> Support-type Partner Set, Talking Radish

        Support-type partner talking radishes follow the player around.They are trustworthy companions that will enhance attacking strength,
        defensive strength, movement speed, and gauge increases at fixed intervals.
      • C.Birch

        C.Birch Site Owner
        Staff Member Administrator

        Mar 21, 2012
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        Also i have the full press note from Granzella but im unable to post as Im on my way work and can not copy the text from the pdf on my phone, i have asked for a text version so i can post it. Will do that soon im able to.
      • C.Birch

        C.Birch Site Owner
        Staff Member Administrator

        Mar 21, 2012
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        Here is the full press note on the event from Granzella. It will not be formatted well as im on phone, ill clean it up tonight when im home.

        PlayStationHome® Event "Invasion by the Kikai Machine Empire"
        We are pleased to announce the launch of our new PlayStationHome® event, “Invasion by the Kikai Machine Empire”. This event will take place in three of the Granzella lounges, as well as six new lounges specially created just for the event.
        At 9:00 p.m. on May 16 (Japan time), the UFO that stayed over the Neon Downtown was transformed.
        On May 16, all of a sudden, the UFO that appeared to be a friendly messenger to the earth demanded that the earth should be surrendered.
        As the government ignored this, the UFO that stayed over the Neon Downtown was transformed and started attacking the earth!

        The Kikai Machine Imperial Army dropped countless Kikai Soldiers from the UFO. The city was almost completely destroyed by the Kikai Soldiers. Attacks from the Kikai Machine Empire continued with no mercy, taking hope away from the people.
        Here comes a mysterious organization, called "Granzella"-- the Granzella Self-Defence Forces. Now, let’s become a member of Granzella Self-Defence Forces and prevent their invasion!

        Let’s Join the Granzella Self-Defence Forces!
        Let’s gather information in the Secret Base? of the Granzella Self-Defence Forces!
        Once you receive the battle suit in the Secret Base? lounge, you will become a member of Granzella Self-Defence Forces! In addition, you will obtain one of the weapons of the following three professionals once you complete the quest given out by the Granzella Self-Defence Forces:

        1. A) Profession: Beam Samurai
          Beam Samurai are the experts at direct attacks with the Beam Katana.
        2. B) Profession: Honeycomb Hacker
          Honeycomb Hackers hack enemy computers and force them into friendly fire.
        C) Profession: Battle Healer
        Battle Healers are able to heal allies and destroy enemies with fists of steel. They can deploy their energy shield in front of them.

        Let’s work together with other players with different types of professions and fight against the Kikai Machine Imperial Army!
        Help People and Get Reward Items!
        When you talk to some people in the lounges, you will start a quest as a part of the mission. Every time you complete the quest, you will gain reward items, such as “Kikai Soldier’s Mask” and “Kikai Soldier’s Toilet”.
        In addition, depending on how well you fight in the battle, you will receive “valiant points”. The valiance points will be tallied up, and the top ranking Players will be announced on the ranking board in the Secret Base? lounge. The highest ranking players will receive super gorgeous reward items such as “Kikai Soldier’s Mini Bike”
        “Kikai Soldier Outfit” and so on! Event Overview
        1) Duration
        From 9:00 p.m. on May 16 through 29, 2013 (Japan Time)
        2) Lounge
        PlayStation®Home Lounge “Neon Downtown” “Southern Island Hideaway” “Great Edo of Nippon” and six other special lounges (to be accessible in the course of quests).
        3)Event Official Website
        4) Credit
        © 2013 Granzella Inc. All rights reserved.
        5) YouTube
        Invasion by the Kikai Machine Empire: Opening Movie
      • Shaundi

        Shaundi Third Street Saints
        Valued Member

        Jan 16, 2011
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        I may take the cowardly route and become a healer :p
      • C.Birch

        C.Birch Site Owner
        Staff Member Administrator

        Mar 21, 2012
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        I have now formatted the full press note right, now that i'm home.
      • Shaundi

        Shaundi Third Street Saints
        Valued Member

        Jan 16, 2011
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        +44 /10
        Just some advice for starting off this event, start at Downtown then go to Southern Island. Find the ??? at the painting on the rock walls behind the store area to access the base. Here you'll be given your outfit and a basic weapon, return to Downtown and start the game with your new outfit and weapon equipped, kill 3 enemies and exit. You'll then return to the base and be able to choose your weapon from the yellow beam of light as follows:

        First option: video showcasing the Beam Samurai
        2nd option: video showcasing the Honeycomb hacker
        3rd option: Video showcasing the Battle Healer
        4th option: Choose Weapon:
        1st choice: Beam Samurai
        2nd choice: Honeycomb Hacker
        3rd choice: Battle Healer
        • Like Like x 3
        • ReccaWolf

          ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

          Jan 16, 2011
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          +89 /13
          Anyone know where do you find the rewards from this event, like if there's an "old lady from Edo"? There's also a quiz person in the base, so does anyone know the answers to the quiz?
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