Hi all, This is getting more common now where spaces let you buy/trade stuff for items, eg use acorns to buy bikes. The items get added to your Home rewards list and for most spaces you can take the time to earn say acorns to get them with out using real money. So please vote on the poll if they should be in rewards database or not.
The language of today A reward is not something to have to pay for, at least it wasn't explained that way to me as I was growing up. you know how the most loathed phrase ever must be "Get this phone for free!!! only £39.99 per month" The phone is either free or it costs & you have to pay and it's the language of the drivel merchants. I've never been in a mobile phone shop & I avoid the mobile phone company in any way I possibly can. I think that PlaystationHome devs/users are a bit more mature & trustworthy compared to the mobile phone industry hence I feel able to interact & communicate here. I don't even mind the buy acorns & then we get rewards, I want PlaystationHome to be a success! I think that if you are going to list rewards, that's all fine, but it must be made very clear if you have to pay for something or not. I would ask for clear communication. lol, from 1986 BTW I've been waiting a long long time for computers to be worthwhile, I WANT PlaystationHome to succeed
I agreed, but is it possible to put it in another section CB? I mean not mixed with the other rewards.
Shouldn't all the items earned or purchased be recorded in a database? Hard drive failures happen, I wouldn't want to lose the things I obtained over time because a piece of tech reached the end of it's lifespan.
Well maybe put in database with an asterisk * . With a little note that acorns are used or can be used or some kind of explaination of this sort. Since it is a sort of reward and yet not quite like a normal reward it seems.
Separate or included, no matter to me. As long as it is clear when you have to pay for it and how you have to pay for it.
Are the Casino rewards in the database? If so, then yes. If not, then no. To me they are the same thing. Whether it be acorns, chips, wiggles or woggles, they all cost money to get the items. I am not sure if there are free acorns given to you on a regular basis, like the chips used to be or if you can win them in a free game, like the casino wheel. Have not been there enough to know how the space works.