This was posted by Mia Walls in the EU forum. Home spaces being removed - PlayStation Forum Hello Homies, While there are new spaces regularly coming to Home, some of the old spaces are leaving us. This is a list of spaces that will be removed from Home next Wednesday 8th May: ModNation Event Space Minis Space PS Move Space PS Plus Space Gravity Crash Space Fat Princess Space Hustle Kings Space The Studio Space PSN Sphere Space Yetis Vs Hunters Space PS Vita Space Hed Kandi Space You still have some time to visit them, get rewards, take pictures and enjoy them before they are gone! See you in Home! MW
I never did get those free shirts when I purchased the Studio themes on EU a few years back (they ran into some problems, so not sure if it's been taken care of). I should check it out before it's gone. Luckily, I've gotten all the rewards from those spaces already before. Do you know if these spaces are reward region locked to Japan/Asian/NA users?