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Pricing - Good Or Bad? You Decide

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by kwoman32, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
    Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 29, 2009
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    I'm starting this thread to get your feedback on pricing in PS Home. Each week we get new items. Sometimes they are a good value. Sometimes they aren't. What do you think?

    If you see some new items, jot down there name and the prices. Don't forget individual prices as well as bundle prices. Then post the item here, along with the name of the developer and the region. Then tell everyone what you think. Is it a good deal or not? If you own the item, tell everyone what you think about it. Is it useful? Good design?

    I'll start the ball rolling with three items from NA that are new this week.

    1. Grow Home from Veemee ... Bundle $5.49 .... 5 individual items ..... $1.99 each

    2. My Bedroom from Veemee .... Bundle $7.49 .... 12 individual items .... from $.99 to $2.49

    3. Aqua Mounts from Hellfire Games .... 3 items at $3.99 each

    4. Granzella Wind and Earth Clothing Set .... $2.49 .... male and female sets available .... hair $.99 extra for male .... same for female

    So what do you think about these (and other) items? Good value or not?
  2. TheEmObUnNy94

    Jun 25, 2012
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    Actually I think that might actually be a good deal cuz if you buy all those items from each bundles seperate, they would cost a little more but the bundles are I think a couple dollars or cents cheaper
  3. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
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    Dec 24, 2010
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    This one isn't mentioned but I'm trying to understand the nDreams pricing with their LMO Bike bundle at 6.49 where you get 9 bikes and the individual pricing is 2.99? Just doesn't make sense to me.

    And the 7 piece Granzella bundle is amazing at 2.49. I remember it would cost 1.99 for simply one piece (top or bottom)
  4. kwoman32

    kwoman32 Head Administrator
    Staff Member Administrator

    Nov 29, 2009
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    I only posted those 3 items to get people talking. Feel free to talk about ANY item for sale in Home.
  5. Gojin

    Gojin Shadow Assassin :P

    Nov 27, 2011
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    The only item off my head for right now would be Granzella's City's of Flowers Penthouse. That was 3.49 till they up the price (out of no where) to 6.99...:fry: I wanted to get it but unfortunately I'm not getting it because of the price...They could of at least give us a heads up (correct if I'm wrong if they did) because I never saw a notice saying "Oh we changed the price etc..." Also, they should of given us the carpet and the toilet since it's 6.99. For example, the GZ burger has table, chairs, and stand ups for 6.99. I own the GZ burger and I thought it was a good idea for 6.99. Anywho, I'll wait till something like the City's of Flowers but better comes out.
  6. MacieMoustachio

    MacieMoustachio Peep Fanatic

    Mar 29, 2013
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    The My Bedroom bundle looks very nice and modern in my opinion. I think it should atleast bring the bundle down to $5 because the bed is interactive (has a sleeping animation (However I would still buy the Granzella beds because they give out rewards!)) and Granzella has a 3 bed set for around $3-4 and this bundle offers more than just beds. apart from that I like the mocha colour in it. I wouldn't have minded if there was -some- clothes in the large glass unit only because it looks very plain and empty. I haven't seen the objects in-game but assuming they are large and not mid-wall high, the bundle is worth it! (depending on what space you put it in!) :p

    However it could use about 4 more items, like clutter and plants to accent the furniture, kinda like the vanity mirror for the desk.
  7. Firefly

    Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

    Nov 5, 2010
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    Veemee tends to be too pricey. Unless its something I REALLY want, the price usually makes it a no purchase for me.

    Some of Granzella's older stuff is that way too. But recently they have been a great bargain. And I'm usually very happy with a Granzella purchase.

    I'm also not going to buy a lot of LMOs. I can only use one at a time. But I do like where they are heading. Some of the motorcycles are incredible. And I really like those horses.

    The one thing that bothered me about purchases, is a lot of it is just a retexture. But they still want you to play full price. And that really bothers me. And I don't want to get a retexture. Not at full price.
  8. TJM_Voyager

    Apr 20, 2013
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    +0 /1
    This was an awesome deal, It only made sence to buy the bike bundle. :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
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