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US Home Core 1.80 Patch Notes Posted.

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Joanna, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. Joanna

    Joanna Well-Known Member
    Valued Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    Home 1.80 Patch Notes

    This week on Wednesday, April 10th, PlayStation Home is getting an update to version 1.80. With this new version comes more item types, improved moderation tools, event tools and more.

    Application of the Patch

    As usual, if you are updating from an old version of Home (1.40 or earlier), please wait for the orange “hard drive activity” light to stop flashing on your PS3 before commencing the patching process.

    New Features and Improvements Improvements to Feature and Client Development
    Significant changes have been made to the client to allow the development and release of future features without requiring a client update.

    This means that future client patches will be more focuses on bug fixing and stability while New Features will be delivered on an individual and more regular basis outside of a client update.

    Developing features in this way means we can make changes and implement bug fixes much faster, potentially on a weekly basis rather than having to wait until the next client release.

    As this is a big change to the client, we aren't including a headline feature with this update to ensure it is as smooth, clean and focused as possible.

    New features based on the 1.80 technology will be released throughout the coming months. Here is an idea of some that are currently in development:
    • More Item Types – Including portable items with gameplay features and new types of Locomotion objects.
    • Player Inspect – Allowing players to inspect other players, see what items they are wearing and where they got them.
    • Improved Moderation – Providing enhanced tools to help Home moderators and admins provide a better service.
    • Improved Commerce Points – New systems to make the commerce process smoother and easier.
    • Events – Supporting broader and more engaging social & gaming events within Home.
    • More use of server-side Save Data – Extending the range of save data now that it is kept on Home's servers.
    General Improvements
    • A feature has been added to allow developers to choose what emotes they with to use with specific outfits. This gives developers more freedom when creating outfits as they do not have to ensure that every default emote can work.
    • Players you have interacted with as you journey through Home will be added to your Players Met list on the XMB.
    • It is now possible for the client to display user presence information on your Friends List that can show where or what you and your friends are playing while in Home.
    • Developers can now specify specific spawn points for users that have been invited to a scene so that you will always appear in the right place.
    Bug Fixes
    • An issue with a specific Hair Color being reset has been fixed.
    • Remaining issues with the sorting of the Inventory have been addressed.
    • Some cases of download and relocation to scenes taking longer than necessary have been fixed.
    • A bug that caused problems accessing mini-games and using queues after a network error has been fixed.
    • Various additions have been made to make Home more tolerant of poor network conditions.
    • A number of other bug fixes and general stability improvements have been made.

    • Like Like x 7
    • LunarEmerald

      LunarEmerald Goddess from the Moon

      Aug 30, 2011
      Likes Received:
      +5 /0
      Player Inspect sounds great.
    • Joanna

      Joanna Well-Known Member
      Valued Member

      Dec 24, 2010
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      Yeah that does sound neat and it's been something requested by the community. It's nice when they listen.
    • TC915

      TC915 Member

      Dec 16, 2011
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      +0 /0
      Looks like it has alot of the fixes ppl have been asking to get for a long time.
    • Joanna

      Joanna Well-Known Member
      Valued Member

      Dec 24, 2010
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      Keep in mind not all are coming Wednesday. Some will come in the months ahead and are currently in development.
    • HOPPER_34

      HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

      Oct 24, 2010
      Likes Received:
      +112 /7
      Well, I'm guessing they wouldn't be doing more in the way of major core updates if the platform didn't haven't a future of some kind. Whether or not it will be on the PS4 remains to be seen obviously, but at least this might be an indicator that Sony does have some interest in Home's viability going forward. We shall see.....
    • C.Birch

      C.Birch Site Owner
      Staff Member Administrator

      Mar 21, 2012
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      You might note that more and more is planned to become server side, this is a good sign of things moving to PS4, because if it's all server side, loading it on a PS4 will be fine. Even if it don't come to PS4, Home will likely still be left on the Ps3 for a good number of years to come still as long as it keeps a active install base.
    • Shaundi

      Shaundi Third Street Saints
      Valued Member

      Jan 16, 2011
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      +44 /10
      First of these sounds like a step back to me more than a step forward...

      As for the Players Met list, doesn't it have a very low limit? Sure last I looked there were only about 10 on mine, with the hundreds you could possibly "Interact" with in a short time any added to the list will vanish within seconds.
    • C.Birch

      C.Birch Site Owner
      Staff Member Administrator

      Mar 21, 2012
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      Yep, it does seem like a pointless things are being added and I'm sure the first might end up with people having full body outfits that only let you use the act's the dev have made apart from a few basics, does seem a kind of easy way out of having to make things right system.
      • Like Like x 1
      • HOPPER_34

        HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

        Oct 24, 2010
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        +112 /7
        That's good to know that things moving to the server side is a good sign for the PS4. I didn't realize that would make things more feasible for a next gen console, but then again I don't know :shit: about some of that stuff. How would the current graphics translate on the PS4? Doesn't the improved graphics engine on a next gen console create problems for a direct transfer?

        Will Sony have to do more about their back ends somewhere along the line too? lol :D

        Ok I'm going to stop now or someone might think that I actually have a clue what I'm talking about. :eyeroll:
        • Like Like x 1
        • Funny Funny x 1
        • C.Birch

          C.Birch Site Owner
          Staff Member Administrator

          Mar 21, 2012
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          I don't really think Home needs that much of a graphics update, after all its just a social platform and does not need to look great, the biggest thing moving to PS4 would be all the added RAM the PS4 packs.

          Few ways they can move it to PS4 why keeping it on PS3, one being having areas only PS4 users can access and at same time PS4 users can access any area. Personally that's not something i would want to see as it might split the community even more.

          A other way is to upgrade Home to PS4 and have the PS3 version running off the cloud and streaming from servers to the PS3.

          Anyway, that's just all guess work, but i don't see much in this update that's of any use or of any point.
          That sounds like the system from back in 2010 when you had portable Hover Crafts you could pull out and control within any space.
          • Like Like x 1
          • HOPPER_34

            HOPPER_34 Senior Birdhound

            Oct 24, 2010
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            +112 /7
            ok thx CB. All I really care about anyways is that I never lose my Tarzan undies. :whistling:
            • Funny Funny x 1
            • ReccaWolf

              ReccaWolf Well-Known Member

              Jan 16, 2011
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              +89 /13
              They should disable the Club Chat Disabled menu that pop up at random moments during gameplay. It does nothing but cut you off, and it's disappointing. :p
            • drake21734

              drake21734 Administrator
              Staff Member Administrator

              Feb 5, 2011
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              +45 /11
              Thats all tied into xmb chat. 9 times out of 10 when I get a club channel disconect I also get booted from xmb chat. Half of the time it also errors you off of home or out of psn altogether. Its something thats been happening since the hacking outage and theyve never bothered to fix it, even though there have been tons of reports of it on their tech support forum.
            • Firefly

              Firefly Survivor of Sword Arts Online

              Nov 5, 2010
              Likes Received:
              +67 /2
              Thank you for bringing this information here! It was really cool to read all of this. I hope we get more information about it. I'm curious as to what additional mod tools they are adding. And what saved data they are moving to the server.

              One thing I don't like is allowing some default emotes to be deactivated. I think devs SHOULD have to try every default emote out on the mesh. That's part of good rigging. You want to make sure the mesh deforms properly as the joints bend and move. I dunno. Maybe I'm misunderstanding this. Maybe there is something I'm missing here...

              Anyways, I'm sure this will run on the ps4 when they get the cloud streaming working right. Though I'm expecting it to be more leggy than it is now.
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