I went to a live open house for this space via the Loot space station virtual room. Honestly, I don't know how I got into the open house because after selecting the option (Triangle button) from the virtual viewer menu, it is no longer a choice and my friends don't see it either but I was there in virtual flesh,lol. Anyway, the space is cool to look at and run around in. It's massive and cavernous. Lots of rooms and some hard to find due to the catacomb style hallways. I did happen upon a room with a Loot theater screen which offers the usual movies and radio stations. That's the only plus I see. It would be an interesting and fun challenge to decorate the space but we need more than 100 slots in my opinion and a map with an updated "You are here" blip. Aside from that, I'm not interested in buying it despite the fact that I am a Doctor Who fan. Nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there, lol.