This is the place to share your tips and tricks for Spunland. Currently in EU and hopefully in a few weeks to NA. NOTE: We had to start this over as we lost it in the server crash so if you all would be so kind to re-post your experiences we would be very grateful. THANKS!
The game objectives cycle around: Collect Fruit> Make Clouds> Collect Rabbits> Collect Fruit... But before you start to focus on these objectives to earn more point it is best to find all 12 tree's as Karen said, this will help during the fruit collection objective stage of the cycle. Collect Fruit This objective requires you to collect all 36 piece of fruit, each tree produces 3 and for every 6 you do collect you will be given a seed that you can use in the spunpatches. (the colour of the seed is determined by the 6th piece of fruit you collect. Making Clouds This objective requires you to dance in one of the marked zones until the target of 37 is reached. (There is 3 dance zones, one for each colour purple/orange/white. I haven't had enough of a chance to play around to see if the cloud and rain colour effects the seed yet.) *Tip* Before you start this objective make sure one of the spunpatches has 3 seed planted, this will be useful during a later stage. Collecting Rabbits This objective require you to collect the rabbits that are bouncing around the space, the number of rabbits that will appear varies. (Possibly based on the number of spunpatches that have 3 seed in them - I'll try and confirm it.) I find that this stage tends to break the most for me, if you see the rabbits still bouncing but in the same spot you are more than likely about to be kicked from the game. Also they tend to break out of the boundaries making them impossible to catch. *Tip* Once you have collected all the rabbits or the rain stops, head straight to one of the spunpatches that have 3 seeds planted in it and wait. A flower will grow and raise you to a higher zone where you can collect spuns which are worth 800 points each. This happens during the fruit collecting stage so as soon as you collected your spuns, walk off the path to drop down and start collecting fruit to earn some seeds. The reward items also have effects on the game: Spunland Flower Head - When worn in spunland, enables the wearer to plant up to 3 seeds on available spunpatches.* Spunland Cloud Head - When worn in spunland, enables the wearer to create clouds at twice the normal speed. Spunland Harvest Head - When worn in spunland, enables the wearer to earn an extra seed for every seed they manage to collect. *Not sure if the Spunpatches are bugged, but I can plant 3 seeds per spunpatch without wearing this item.
From Spunland : The great Save Game Controversy. Yes. There is no save in Spunland. Spun points cannot be saved and neither can Spun fun. Spun Alchemists are at work this very minute on transforming Spun Points into a less Spun Substance than can be kept safe in a dark place, to be taken out and re-used whenever the player desires. We beg your patience.
Thank Sam! Couple questions. 1. Does the number of rabbits caught during the Bunny Stage determine the number of Spuns available to collect? 2. Uh... What's the advantage of planting more than one seed in a bunch of spunpatches? You can only use one patch at a time as an elevator right? The game was slightly crashy for me. Thanks Karen for that link to madmunki saying they're going to add a save function, I may want to hold off until they implement that part.
1. I think so, I did notice more spuns appeared when the rabbit collection target was higher. 2. You can plant as many as you like really but you only need one plant to lift you up to the higher level. But if I'm correct and more plants attract more rabbits which in turn would produce more spuns.
The rabbits are hard to catch. You'd have to buy or have a LMO reward to use it on them. Did they add in a save data for that game now this week?
Meet The Spunners - Spunland Companions Spunland Companions for Playstation Home, come in 7 spun flavours: Lumino, Sonic, Flusho, Robo, Constructo, Rabbit and Fruit! Out now! Along with more spun clothing...
MEET THE SPUNNERS! NEW COMPANIONS NOW AVAILABLE FOR SPUNLAND! The first update to the experimental, multiplayer Home space – Spunland – is out now, bringing with it the cheeky chappies pictured above. The Spunners are the weird and wonderful inhabitants of Spunland, now available to have as companions in PlayStation®Home. Take the Flusho for a walk in Home Square, or the Sonic Spunner on a trip to the mall. There are 7 Spunner companions in total: Lumino, Flusho, Sonic, Robo, Constructo, Rabbit and the Fruit Spunner (who was late for the photoshoot), each priced at €1.99. Also available in this release is the Spun Suit – a full body suit of abstract strangeness, in addition to a range of Spunland T-shirts (the Evolution of Spun Pack and The Spun Slogan Pack). Oh, and there are mood expressing rabbit ears, too. The Spunland public space is available through PlayStation®Home. It’s the kind of place Tim Burton might wake up to if he fell off the Magic Roundabout, giving his head a bit of a bump on the way down.
Where can I find the reward pictures/score from the Spunland public space? I don't see it there anymore when talking to the Spun guy, and I reached 25K but wasn't rewarded. Maybe I've got it already.
Found out last night what happened with the rewards. Met the Spun guy in the space while playing, and I noticed he was saying something behind the cluster pictures of the scoring items. Suddenly, I had noticed there was a choosing option behind it as well using my D-pad. There was only 2 options, and I chose the bottom option and it displayed the rewards list on the right side. I was also able to select the reward and it took the points off my score. I also found out the mini-game in the Spunland cottage that you can get the rewards yourself while playing the game over and over. I'm guessing reaching a certain limit on a certain item you catch unlocks a reward, and I only got 2 of the 3 so far. The only discouraging room is the maze, since it changes every race. But, on the plus side, the game doesn't end until the points have been accumulated and it cycles repeatedly (rabbits, seeds, eggs in that order) so for example if you're stuck in the maze and can only get out to the balcony, you can grab the seeds to finish it off the game.
The space was updated, you also have the option to save your spun point now too. Also they introduced the Unspun mode. Underspun The Thoughful head reward only unlocks for the gender you are playing so you'll need to switch if you want both. Also you may want tocheck out Spunland Picture 2 recca, it has 4 reward too.